[MVP] MVP Disc Sports (Part VI)

The Disc Expo this weekend in Massachusetts. Those attending think their going to pick up an Eclipse Rhythm, and a Proton Pixel or Prism Proton Pixel. MVP says they'll have special releases for attending.

I really enjoy the smooth glide of my Proton Rhythm, an Eclipse maybe. A Prism Proton Pixel would likely give the boot to the eclipse.
Simon has confirmed their will be Prism Proton Pixels available at the Expo. The one he had was clear plastic.

He also threw the Balance version 1-3. Version 1 dumps, Version 2 much better, Version 3 what their looking for a sweet glide that turns and fades back in.

My Balance looks like Version 3, grips like my Prism Proton Hex. Its over taking the bag from the Prism Proton Pyro. Prism Plasma Pyro hooks, Balance placement no where near it, which is good.
Simon has confirmed their will be Prism Proton Pixels available at the Expo. The one he had was clear plastic.

He also threw the Balance version 1-3. Version 1 dumps, Version 2 much better, Version 3 what their looking for a sweet glide that turns and fades back in.

My Balance looks like Version 3, grips like my Prism Proton Hex. Its over taking the bag from the Prism Proton Pyro. Prism Plasma Pyro hooks, Balance placement no where near it, which is good.

Balance is supposed to be vector replacement.

Flight 2 was most correct. Though there were a lot of vectors that flew like flight 3. Some of the later runs had way more dome and were really touchy.

The axis and vector were great mold, but old school touchy discs. The balance, if done right and #2 in his video, will be a great disc for most people.

The problem is, if you look at his comments. "it flies like a hex, why would anyone want that? just throw a pyro."

Because you're an idiot for starters, the hex flies like its supposed to. And you're a noodle arm, so everything is overstable. hahaha.

Most people have never thrown the vector either, so they have no clue. I have 10 here. Quite aware.

And what you mean your balance fly's understable like #3? you got a lab second?
Balance is supposed to be vector replacement.

Flight 2 was most correct. Though there were a lot of vectors that flew like flight 3. Some of the later runs had way more dome and were really touchy.

The axis and vector were great mold, but old school touchy discs. The balance, if done right and #2 in his video, will be a great disc for most people.

The problem is, if you look at his comments. "it flies like a hex, why would anyone want that? just throw a pyro."

Because you're an idiot for starters, the hex flies like its supposed to. And you're a noodle arm, so everything is overstable. hahaha.

Most people have never thrown the vector either, so they have no clue. I have 10 here. Quite aware.

And what you mean your balance fly's understable like #3? you got a lab second?
I picked up the Balance from DFX after receiving an email they had open their gyropalooza boxes.

It grips like my Prism Proton Hex, both rims look alike to me, the Balance a little thicker. I'm LHBH, the Hex a slight turn and then fade finishing center left. The Balance more turn than the Hex.

For me the Balance resembles flight 3 in the video I can put a good turn on it with fade finishing on the center line like my stable Proton Matrix or crossing to right center like my Prism Proton Pyro. I've had a few hooks, but not like my Prism Plasma Pyro. So yes, I would call it understable. Good headwind disc stable, close to overstable downwind. Standstill stable or overstable depending on what I need. Great disc getting around fairway trees. Four rounds wooded courses, one tree hit.

In the photo, something I agree with you on, pay attention to the rim colors on Axioms , and what Simon said about the Time lapse plates. My purple plate, blue berry cream rim time lapse is understable nice glide. When I had an orange plate, orange cream rim time lapse it dumped on me very overstable.

When I picked that Balance, I was expecting understable. I like how that worked out.

First impressions a unique mid range disc, and perhaps the whole MVP line up. Will always be in the bag. Wish I had a backup. For now on my Do Not Risk List.


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I got one balance, haven't thrown it yet. I've been pretty happy with the tempo, overstable mids aren't a part of my game since the wasp years. I under power fairways or 150g drivers to do the same thing. My first 15yrs of bad habits/lack of knowledge haha is now an asset. Neutral mids (ish) and neutral ish fairways. Don't see a huge need to HARNESS MY POWER anymore with OS mids, but I kinda want to throw the balance now, they're going for $30ish up here....
I got one balance, haven't thrown it yet. I've been pretty happy with the tempo, overstable mids aren't a part of my game since the wasp years. I under power fairways or 150g drivers to do the same thing. My first 15yrs of bad habits/lack of knowledge haha is now an asset. Neutral mids (ish) and neutral ish fairways. Don't see a huge need to HARNESS MY POWER anymore with OS mids, but I kinda want to throw the balance now, they're going for $30ish up here....
You should be able to power down the Balance for overstable. Very nice glide, better than the Pyros. Now that I think about the glide reminds of my Proton Soft Hex slight turn coming back fade finishing center, different placement than the Balance. I just put that Hex back in the bag this past week, after being out a few months.

I should probably mention the Balance was expected to finish between the Reactor and Pyro, but flew like a Pyro. Mine finishes between my Matrix and Pyro, I'm happy.

Its been a good start of the year. Three disc out on the course for the first time this month Neutron Volt PP, Eclipse Range, and Balance all keepers. Looking forward to next month PG Tempo, and CN Range.
For me the Balance resembles flight 3 in the video I can put a good turn on it with fade finishing on the center line like my stable Proton Matrix or crossing to right center like my Prism Proton Pyro. I've had a few hooks, but not like my Prism Plasma Pyro. So yes, I would call it understable. Good headwind disc stable, close to overstable downwind. Standstill stable or overstable depending on what I need. Great disc getting around fairway trees. Four rounds wooded courses, one tree hit.

You might have honestly got one of the other prototypes then. Because the only way the balance flies like that is if you forehand it. These balance proto's in the box are redonkulously overstable. more than a pyro, but not quite deflector.

Which is actually one of the really cool parts that they got right in the balance copying the vector.

The vector should give you a flight like #2 in the video, as I said, and beat in to #3.

But vectors when thrown forehand, like to turn over and hold. My vector in my bag is my forehand turnover disc from flat, but my backhand go flat and give me a slight hook up when I need a midrange.

Now, I know why a lot of people think that's a hex, and... whatever. None of us are throwing the hex to its full potential. So when you throw the one in the video that flies like #2, its not gonna fly like that for anyone else.

Good god it drives me nuts when people talk about flights sometimes. "I'm gonna compare my disc flights to an elite thrower."
your shit aint nothin the same.
Specially someone like simon.
Come back when you throwing glitches 400+ and putters 450+
You take your broke ass 200 foot putter throws elsewhere when it comes to flight talk.

I think that's what triggers me so damn hard about people with flights a lot of times. Like this guy on the foundation discord server talking about how he throws his franklin drivers 400+.
He's being dead serious too.
So many people lie about their distance. And want you to trust how a disc flies.
I am doing your form review homie. I can tell you how far the disc flew based on your form.
It wasn't 400, it was lucky to be 150. Your nose angle was set to low earth orbit and you rounded so bad that there is no way you put in 400 foot of power.

Anyways. effing crazy flight. I wish I had yours vs this turd I have here.
I got one balance, haven't thrown it yet. I've been pretty happy with the tempo, overstable mids aren't a part of my game since the wasp years. I under power fairways or 150g drivers to do the same thing. My first 15yrs of bad habits/lack of knowledge haha is now an asset. Neutral mids (ish) and neutral ish fairways. Don't see a huge need to HARNESS MY POWER anymore with OS mids, but I kinda want to throw the balance now, they're going for $30ish up here....

I should get my wasp out and throw it against my tempo.
Mines old AF tho.
But I remember the flights being similiar.
I should get my wasp out and throw it against my tempo.
Mines old AF tho.
But I remember the flights being similiar.
The wasp is an excellent disc. I'd hoped the vector was going to be a suitable replacement but it wasn't. The tempo does do that at slower speeds.
At the Disc Expo the Prism Proton Pixel, and Neutron Beam made its debut. Looks like the Eclipse Rhythm may of been rumor?. Simon is leaning towards the Balance V3. I don't blame him.

Gyro Jerm just won the New Zealand open playoff win over Ezra Robinson. No bogeys, and an eagle, the rest birdies and pars. Watched round one Trail, Neutron Volt several times off the tee, Eclipse Hex, PG Tempo, and a few others I wasn't sure about. Putted lights out with the Pixel.
At the Disc Expo the Prism Proton Pixel, and Neutron Beam made its debut. Looks like the Eclipse Rhythm may of been rumor?. Simon is leaning towards the Balance V3. I don't blame him.

Gyro Jerm just won the New Zealand open playoff win over Ezra Robinson. No bogeys, and an eagle, the rest birdies and pars. Watched round one Trail, Neutron Volt several times off the tee, Eclipse Hex, PG Tempo, and a few others I wasn't sure about. Putted lights out with the Pixel.

The v2 is smarter cause it will beat to a v3 with the base seasoning of the discs.
If you ask me that's how discs should be specced anyways. *shrugs*

The flights were so similiar that's what youre gonna get.

It's his disc though. I just want a proper out of the box vector.

The later runs of vectors flew more like #3 though, cause they were a bit domey and just not quite right.
Gyro Jerm just won the New Zealand open playoff win over Ezra Robinson. No bogeys, and an eagle, the rest birdies and pars.
Knowing the outcome of this event before viewing it slightly diminished my enjoyment of it. Perhaps you could wait at least until they remove it from behind the paywall before posting the results.

I haven't seen Gladiator 2 yet either. Please don't tell us how it ends.
Knowing the outcome of this event before viewing it slightly diminished my enjoyment of it. Perhaps you could wait at least until they remove it from behind the paywall before posting the results.

I haven't seen Gladiator 2 yet either. Please don't tell us how it ends.
If theirs a pay wall, their keeping it a secret.

Lucius _ _ _ _ _ _ his _ _ _ _ _ ones.
Knowing the outcome of this event before viewing it slightly diminished my enjoyment of it. Perhaps you could wait at least until they remove it from behind the paywall before posting the results.

I haven't seen Gladiator 2 yet either. Please don't tell us how it ends.

Oh good god, you're one of those people?
I said I wouldn't do it, but I did. Proton Mayhem 166g the grip felt good almost two months ago, and I like the colors. It was still there yesterday, and the Neutron Mayhem was my favorite 13/14 speed two years ago until the rim broke into pieces on road skip. Arthritis feels better this year for wider rims. 20 mph winds tomorrow.

A backup Eagle Prism Proton Envy on the right. Not out there to find. A PIAS owner A little ways from home collects hundreds of disc. Saw this one new, snagged it. They fly stable for me. It's a monthly visit for me, a month ago Neutron Volt PP.

R2 Hex saw pictures on Facebook MVP page, like the Stamp. It's only the second R2 I've pick up, the first a Nomad, didn't like it. Picked up the Hex after OTB opened their gyropalooza boxes. Any other Hex I've had has been stable. R2 flippy and understable. Travels far, just need consistency. Pixel has the same color stamp, none to be found.


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Got a R2 Fireball and Motion from a dude that didn't want them from his gyro box. Need to mess with them more but the Motion goes so far, overthrew my target by like 80 on the first throw. Still pretty overstable but the glide is surprisingly good.
Got a R2 Fireball and Motion from a dude that didn't want them from his gyro box. Need to mess with them more but the Motion goes so far, overthrew my target by like 80 on the first throw. Still pretty overstable but the glide is surprisingly good.
Motion is what I *think* folks like about the Sexton Firebird. Stable but mellow about it. Lightweight Plasma Motion is my get out of trouble disc and basically guaranteed goodness whenever it's summoned from the bag.

The motion overall is a better disc than the fireball with more consistency in runs as well as more use on the course.

The fireball is a turd. I have no idea why the pro's throw it at all and like it over the motion other than "pretty colors."

The motion is a better roller, better thrower, better flex shot thrower, better skip disc. It's better at everything.

The fireball is an okay overstable turd that has low glide and tends to be really inconsistent in its runs.

I will say the newer motions are far less overstable than the OG's though.
I haven't been super consistent with disc golf, but just played 7 courses down in Phoenix for a trip. I had a blast, but noticed I'm missing an understable midrange. What's new with MVP/Axiom over the last 4-5 years that people are liking for that slot?
Played like absolute trash off the tee in a tournament yesterday, but had a much better putting performance than usual. Main point here isn't that I can't score (which hardly qualifies as news) but that my usual playing partner running a card behind me claimed one of the CTPs (signed disc and Braxton card from Alden Harris) with his Neutron Soft Envy. Bob throws that disc as reliably as anything, and I was glad to see him rewarded for it.