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Bag is packed for Caliber:

3 Thunderbirds/ 4 OLFs
1 Firebird/ 2 Velas
2 Panthers
4 Rocs
1 Rhyno/ 3 KC Aviars

1 Toro/ 1 Polecat
Heck of a weekend with Levi, Matt, Rob, Tyler, and Rees.

5 rounds on Caliber (including one in the fading afternoon light with Paul Stiller). 4 on Motherlode. (And a quick stop through Farragut on the way home to get Wreckreator, Northstar, and Brown Bear.)

Bag evolved a bit over the weekend, responding to the shots I needed and what I was throwing well.

3 Thunderbirds/ 4 OLFs
3 Velas
2 Panthers (Panthers did WORK)
4 Rocs
1 Rhyno/ 3 KC Aviars

1 Toro/ 1 Polecat

There is no place I have ever been that is as purely fun and beautiful golf as Caliber. And no other trip I can think of where the whole crew just wants to keep re-playing the same two courses over and over and over.
Sunset Blue Lake. So loose and smooth. Chained out to miss the ace on 6.

3 Thunderbirds/ 3 OLFs/ 2 Roadrunners
3 Velas
4 Rocs
1 Rhyno/ 3 KC Aviars

1 Toro/ 1 Panther/ 1 Polecat