Blue Lake Sunday. Pier Monday.

3 Thunderbirds/ 4 SOFs
4 Velas
4 Rocs
1 Rhyno/ 4 Aviars
1 Polecat

1 Pyro/ 1 Anvil (tired of Toros, trying out some other OS approach discs.)
How long (in your experience) is the break in period for Thundies? Mine's still got plenty of bite at the end, but my long term plan is to break it in to be my primary distance driver (and drop my Tern).
How long (in your experience) is the break in period for Thundies? Mine's still got plenty of bite at the end, but my long term plan is to break it in to be my primary distance driver (and drop my Tern).
I purposely pick very overstable Star Thunderbirds, which are (IMO) more overstable than Champs. I have three in my bag right now.

Most OS is a first run Star. Super stiff. Pretty flat. Blunt rim. Flies as overstable as a fresh Sexton FB, and I have been throwing it on and off for over 5 years. Probably around 9/4/-.1/2.5.

Then I have two identical stiff Stars from a more recent run. One is fresher than the other. The straighter one has a hint of flip, and the fade has straightened out quite a bit. I would say they are at 9/5/-.25/1.5 and 9/5/-.5/1. The straighter one has a been a mainstay for 3-4 years. Fresher one has been maybe 2 years. I am buying them with high wings and stiff plastic, because I want them to last as OS control drivers forever.

Orion LFs have some natural turn. I carry 3 usually, 4 right now, from fresh to thrashed. They are my main distance drivers for most any angle and in the woods. Newest went in a couple weeks ago. Oldest has been in my bag for at least 6-8 years. They flip up and ride all the lines. I use Thunderbirds for shots that I don't want to really flip up, and that I want to finish left, even in wind--controlled hyzers, dangers to the right, etc., means Thunderbird. Otherwise, its a first run/zippertop OLF.
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Glorious sunny Pier Round.

3 Thunderbirds/ 4 SOFs
4 Velas
4 Rocs
1 Rhyno/ 4 Aviars
1 Polecat

1 Pyro/ 1 Anvil (tired of Toros, trying out some other OS approach discs.)
Friday Blue Lake.

3 Thunderbirds/ 4 SOFs
4 Velas
4 Rocs
1 Rhyno/ 3 Aviars

1 Bradley Williams Baby Destroyer
1 Pyro/ 1 Anvil (tired of Toros, trying out some other OS approach discs.)
Rip Pour One Out GIF
Sorry for your loss today.

Anvil is a fun disc. Never thrown a Pyro or Toro. Curious why you didn't bust a Champ Harp back out though, since you used to throw them a bit?
Sorry for your loss today.

Anvil is a fun disc. Never thrown a Pyro or Toro. Curious why you didn't bust a Champ Harp back out though, since you used to throw them a bit?
Harp isn't nearly as overstable, IMO. Great backhand overstable putter, IMO. But sortof Rhyno stability, not Anvil stability. Which is more stability. Over, stability. Anvil is similar to the beefiness of a FRESH Toro, but a little more useful with a slight bump in speed, skippier rim, and (for me) a touch more comfort in hand. Rhyno/Anvil is a great combo for me. (Although I could probably do most of that stuff nearly as well with just one seasoned Toro.)

Pyro is faster. Like a 5.5 speed. Like a Panther. Almost a Leopard speed. You can SLAM on it, it will go straight a good ways, and then really hook up all at once. Unique flight, IMO. About as long as my 4x Glow Roc, with more stability all around, HS and LS.
Windy round at Blue.


3 Thunderbirds/ 4 SOFs
3 Velas
1 Anvil/ 4 Rocs
1 Rhyno/ 3 KC Aviars

Side pocket (i.e. stuff I am messing with, but don't rely on):

1 Pyro
1 Panther
1 Baby Destroyer
1 Firebird
Are all your Velas quantum or are you mixing in a Halo for OS stuff?

Pyro kicked the Quake out of my bag and I never thought that would happen.
Are all your Velas quantum or are you mixing in a Halo for OS stuff?

Pyro kicked the Quake out of my bag and I never thought that would happen.
All Quantum. Fresh Quantum (especially the first run/wonky tops) are plenty OS for what I need them for. If I need more OS< I will go to a BEEF Thunderbird.

I am pretty luke warm on the Pyro. It is GREAT at what it does. Just not sure that is a slot I need filled.

I put together a little OS stack to test next outing: Flat Firebird. FR Helio Vela. Circle Stamp JL Eagle. Pyro. Anvil. Toro.
I put together a little OS stack to test next outing: Flat Firebird. FR Helio Vela. Circle Stamp JL Eagle. Pyro. Anvil. Toro.
I'm FH dominant and like an OS bookend for most slots. Usually bag one of the flat pearly embossed Firebirds from several years ago but it's mostly utility - FH rollers, thumbers, choppy flex. Stock Eagles suck these days, they forgot how to make them flat. I have a couple older champ, bagging a beautiful, flat patent number 2010 tourney stamp. Pre-JL and post 11X, slightly flexy, best Eagle ever. Could drop an H Vela there in a pinch.

Grabbed a few of the fission Pyros, a touch less beefy than the other premium plastics. Zone has been a staple for years. It's there to stay but the new MVP Tempo looks pretty sweet.
Any consideration for Prodigy approach discs? I know the A2 is very popular, but all of them are great. Unique hand feels, but surprisingly comfortable.

Hard no.

Eff Prodigy. Those guys are thieves, and they rip their partners off. (Although the A2 is a decent disc, and the PA3 is a FANTASTIC putter, I will never put any Prodigy in my bag.)

Hard no.

Eff Prodigy. Those guys are thieves, and they rip their partners off. (Although the A2 is a decent disc, and the PA3 is a FANTASTIC putter, I will never put any Prodigy in my bag.)
Noted! Not trying to sell you on anything- I agree that they don't have a great history-, I just know they come up a lot in the "approach disc" discussion.
Noted! Not trying to sell you on anything- I agree that they don't have a great history-, I just know they come up a lot in the "approach disc" discussion.
Yeah, they have good approach discs. And that PA3!!! So good.

But eff those guys forever and ever.

Straight thieves. Straight take-stuff-and-never-pay-for-it.
Pier last evening.

3 Thunderbirds/ 4 SOFs
3 Velas
1 Anvil/ 4 Rocs
1 Rhyno/ 3 Aviars

1 Baby Destroyer/ 1 CE Whippet/ 1 Pyro/ 1 Polecat