PizzaGod Disc Golf days

582 Miles
23 Hours
4 courses
53 holes

Up to 1999 courses played
253 of those in Oklahoma

Hominy Lake (18) – Hominy
Tall Chief Cove (9) – Sperry
Postoak Lodge (20) – Tulsa
East Tulsa Bible Chapel (6) - Tulsa

Setting up for 2000

Only needed one day off this weekend to hit 4 courses. I could have hit East Texas but it was raining so I headed up to Tulsa. Left at 11:30 on Saturday night and managed to get to Cleveland and took a nap till the sun came up.

Hominy Lake is a newer course, all the tee pads are in and apparently the tee signs are brand new. DiscGolfPark baskets and tee signs. The course winds around the RV camping area on the top of the hill. The land near the lake is all lake shacks and private property. The course is 7000ft+ course so it does have some long par 4's and one hole I believe is a true par 5. Most of the course is park style golf but a few holes do have some thick rough. Roads are considered OB and do come into play with bad shots. There are a couple of mando's.

Next up was one course I tried to play this last summer and was shot down. What a better time to play than when the park is closed for the winter. Yea, I paid $5 to park at the Boat Ramp and walked a mile to the course. WIDE open 9 holes with about 3 tree's and all pitch and putt. Only hole 1 was over 300ft. The baskets were 7 Disc Nation and 2 Mach III's. But at least all 9 baskets were in. Then the mile walk back to my car.

Another course I have struck out on TWICE was Postoak, the first time I tried they would not let me play the original 9 hole course. I stopped by again this spring and was informed the OG 9 hole course had been pulled that week in preparation of the new 18 hole course going in for Junior Worlds. I finally made it this time. You call them from the gate, they let me in and I went and paid my $10. This course is Fantastic, all the tee signs are brand new, and pin positions were all in long positions. Three of the holes even had 2 baskets in place. There were old tee signs from past tournaments in place, but most of the baskets were in different positions. Shoot, even the Oklahoma Open map on UDisc was not fully up to date for the new pin positions. They have been putting a lot of work into this course, from clearing out reasonable fairways to building up green's and those fantastic turf tee pads. Right now, hole 15 has 2 baskets. I played the short pin, but there is a long pin with another tee pad for a short hole. Apparently, there is a lighted 9 hole layout using this short hole. Hole 17 has the same thing, 2 basekts. One at the bottom of the hill I played, then another one WAY off to the right. There is a sweet Turf tee box for a drop zone/ short pad (for that night nine I guess) Then you have hole 18, a TRUE island green. 250ft to the basket surrounded by a pond. There is a turf tee box for a drop zone if you miss.

I was worn out by this point, I drove over and played a brand new Avery Jenkins DiscGolfPark at East Tulsa Bible Church. I just took my Classic Roc and a putter and was done in about 15 min. Bunch of short ace runs except for hole 3, tree blocks the ace run on that one.

After my round I went over to Shaky Jake's because I saw a video of the Philly Cheese Steak burger. Located inside an old church, this place is worth a visit. Curly fries were good, Burger was good. Plenty of TV's all over the place. Neat place I would consider going again.

Favorite/Best course of the day, - no question here, Postoak Lodge is well worth the trip. It's still being worked on but is becoming one of the best of Tulsa if not Oklahoma. I can see why they had the Oklahoma Open here. It would be cool to stay at the lodge and play a tournament. They even had practice baskets around the grounds.

Worst course of the day – Well, Tall Chief Cove was nothing like I expected. It was NOT worth the mile hike just to play the course. It's supposed to only be for the campers, an honestly I would not camp here just to play that course. A few of the baskets were just practice baskets, hole 9 was laying on the ground and I set it back upright. If you have not played this one, I would not even try to tell the truth.

Well, Thursday the wife and I fly out to Los Angeles and 10am meet up with some World Hall of Fame players for course #2000 It's going to be a short vacation, I don't plan on playing any other courses as we will only be there 3 days and my wife has never been.
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So, I DISCovered disc golf in April of 1988, I was hook line and sinker into the sport playing tournaments when ever I could (we didn't have choices every weekend like these days)
I even traveled to Tulsa to play a tournament when I had only been playing a couple of months.
Even back then I rarely played the same course twice in a row. I lived in Denton and would drive to The Colony, Irving, Plano, Dallas or Carrollton to play.
Over the years, I would use the PDGA printed course directory to find courses to play when I was out of town. But I would usually pick a tournament specially if I had never played the course before.
Fast forward to 2016, that year I was able to play MP50. I did play a couple of tournaments but was not what I use to be.
But look at all these new courses in the DFW area I had not played yet. I started playing one or two a week and hit the 250 course mark.
That summer, we took my bucket list trip and I tried to hit a course in each state we visited. On that trip course #300 was in Maine at Pleasant Hill DGC.
I kept making short trips and they kept getting longer and longer.
I was having to get on the road at 5am to drive to the first course, I was not able to sleep due to thinking about the new courses I was heading too.
lets not forget I was also printing out GPS cords and maps of the courses if they were available, this was pre UDIsc days.
So, I started leaving after work and driving to the first course and just pulling over somewhere to take a nap before the sun came up.
Those trips kept getting longer and longer.
October 22 of 2020 I played course #1000 in Missouri.
I was starting to think I could not get to more courses. The trips were getting really long, they starting getting over 800 miles round trip.
Keep in mind these were almost all 1 day trips, I would play (and still do) sun up till sun down. At first I would sometimes have to quit or take a nap in the afternoon. But my stamina was getting better, I learned how to pace myself and would try to take at least 15 min between courses to rest while driving.
It was also getting expensive. My Truck only got 15 miles per gallon, gas prices were pretty bad. One trip to Midland area I spent $150 just for gas. That is when I started looking for a new car with double the gas milage. Plus the truck was in rough shape.
2018 Ford Focus, I purchased this car in may of 2019 with 53K miles on it. After hitting a racoon, getting side swiped, hitting a deer in Oklahoma and after getting all those fixed, at about 100K in 4 years, I hit a deer just north of Dodge City KS and it totaled the car.
So I got my current 2020 Nissan Kicks. with about 50K miles on it too.
At this point I was taking off by 11pm on a Thursday night, driving about 6-8 hours and getting very little sleep. I would drive what I could home, but if the wife didn't go with me, I would pull over and take naps on the way home. I didn't have to be at the store till 3pm so i had time.
But it was getting hard to get those trips in.
So starting in August, my manager elected to work open to close on the weekends. He was even closing on Friday's. This allowed me to leave at 4 and drive to where ever I wanted to go, actually get a couple of hours sleep, play all day, I would either camp or sleep in the car on Saturday and then on Sunday play course driving back towards home and getting home around midnight to 2am.
This was allowing me to really get in courses in the mountains of New Mexico and quite a few up in Colorado.
I have put over 80K miles on that little Nissan in less than 2 years.
But I was getting in my courses.
So I getting close to 2000 when Eric contacted me about what I was planning for 2000, I told him I wanted to hit Oak Grove in LA, he was thinking the same thing for himself. So we worked out a weekend and he invited a couple of World Disc Golf Hall of Fame members to join up.
What a blast, my wife and I made a little mini vacation out of it, I actually only played 1 course this last weekend, but I got to play with PDGA #003 Daniel Roddick, #5450 Cliff Towne, #3090 Elaine King and of course fellow course number 2000 #3089 Eric Vandenberg. (Yes, My wife played too, #6450 Debbie James)
yea, the round took us over 3 hours but it was a BLAST hearing early stories about Disc Golf in the 70's. We even has some of Cliff's Ultimate Team members play though us and met a few other locals.
What's next?
Well, I am going to take a break from playing every weekend. Christmas is next week, then new years. My managers want to take some time off after Christmas so I will be working a few extra shifts.
But I do plan on making more trips as soon as I can. As long as the transmission in the kicks holds out, it slips pretty bad but keeps going (It started slipping 20K miles ago)
How long will it take me to get to 3000? I don't know, only 2 confirmed guys have broken that mark.
Eric and i are the 13th and 14th person to break the 2000 courses play marked confirmed. I believe we have about 42 players confirmed who have broken the 1000 mark.
According to DGCR my standings in states around me
#1 Texas
#1 Oklahoma
#1 New Mexico
#2 Louisiana
#2 Arkansas
#3 Kansas
#5 Missouri
#7 Mississippi
#22 Tennessee
#54 Nevada
#56 Nebraska
#96 Colorado
2024 Recap

33 Disc Golf Trips
32,500 Miles
295 new courses played
3895 holes
15 states
6 Aces in 5 different states

New courses per state
1 California
1 Wyoming *new state
4 Arkansas
4 Louisiana
7 Florida
8 Iowa
11 Alabama
13 Tennessee
18 Oklahoma
19 Mississippi
31 New Mexico
32 Texas
43 Colorado
49 Kansas
54 Missouri

I was actually surprised that I added 295 courses this year. If I had realized I was only 5 away from 300 I might have made a quick East Texas run to get those in.

Either way, Not quite as many trip and not quite as many miles driven this year mostly because since August, several of my trips have been 2 or even a couple of 3 day trips.

I also didn't count vacation trips. We made two drives to TN and a Florida Trip along with LA for course #2000

I got to be the first to play 2 courses this year.

John Houck invited me out to play his new course at a grand opening, I made it my 700th Texas course. When I got there John put me on the first card and had everyone watch me throw the first "official" throw on the course right into a cedar tree.

Bo Kirk found out I was heading his way for course 1800, he actually waited to install the last basket in place so I was the first person to play the full 18 hole course. He even had the local paper reporter out to interview and take a few pictures.

Then of course last months course 2000 at the first course at Oak Grove. Playing with PDGA #003 was a special treat along with 2 other World Disc Golf Hall of Fame members.

We will see what this next year brings. I plan on doing more 2 day trips when I can including heading to New Mexico this weekend if things go right.
1361 Miles
55 Hours
12 courses
144 Holes
2 strike outs
1 Ace
1 new Buc-ee's

Up to 2012 courses played
53 of those in New Mexico

SY Jackson Elementary (9) – Albuquerque
Eldorado High School (9) – Albuquerque
Brent Baca Memorial (18) – Albuquerque
Rio Bravo Park (9) – Albuquerque
Ladera – Old Dam (18) – Albuquerque
Ladera Golf Course (18) – Albuquerque
Calvary DGC (9) – Albuquerque
Canyon Park (9) – Rio Rancho
Vista Hills Park (9) – Rio Rancho
Roosevelt Park (18) – Albuquerque
Wildlife West Nature Park (9) – Edgewood
Power Dam Park (9) – Santa Rosa

1st trip of 2025

Best weather was going to be in New Mexico, I had enough courses in the Albuquerque area to make a trip out of it. Left the store just before 4pm on Friday and drove all the way to Albuquerque with a stop at the new Buc-ee's in Amarillo. Got 23 travel centers under my belt. Took a nap till the sun came up at Walmart about 2 blocks from my first course.

Jackson Elementary is pretty much what you expect from an elementary course. 9 baskets around the field. No tee's marked so I used the map from UDisc which was actually pretty bad, even for elementary school kids to play. First hole throws across a cemented in area, in face only the small "Green" wasn't cement on this hole. Hole 2 I guess is suppose to be a big turnover. Throwing straight at it is over the playground. Then the rest of the holes just throw around a large sports field, a few holes are a little too close to the fences. Kids are going to throw over those fences.

On to the next course at Eldorado High School. This 4 basket course with multiple tee boxes can be confusing. There is actually tee markers on most of the holes, but the map on UDisc was horrible and some of them were hard to figure out. I just played what I could find to make 9 holes. I did play the "short" hole 3 tee box. Skipped my Wraith right into the basket for my first New Mexico Ace. The 4 baskets are located at 4 corners of the track field/football field area. The tee's are all over the place. There are 9 long tee's and 9 short tee's that are suppose to be marked, however UDisc has multiple tee's marked on the map making it hard to figure out the OG configuration. So I wound up playing a mixture of the two sets of tees. A couple of them were unplayable due to a fence that apparently was installed after the course was. I was able to find a gate I could get in to play the course, but I didn't try to play the tee's that were on the other side of the gates.

Next I attempted to see if I could get a Rec Pass for the Kirkland AFB. Sometimes you can get lucky, unfortunately I was unable to get a pass without a sponsor so I went on to the next course.

Brent Baca Memorial is a very popular course in the area, this 18 hole course is at the end of a road near the dump station. Desert course with very few trees and other than a dry river bed, totally flat. Several of the holes did have man made objects from polls stuck in the ground to weird square metal boxes. There are 2 sets of tee boxes, I played the longer circle tee's. This is a course you have GOT to watch your disc. The bruch can be thick in spots. Another golfer helped me find one of my discs, but I lost an old DX Classic Roc on a different hole. The course is a good mix of long and shorter holes and didn't beat me down. I really only had a problem with one hole that had an OB line with Manditory down the right side of the fairway, then the hole takes a 90 degree turn over the river bed. I threw my first short OB not realizing it was OB, then my 3rd shot landed OB in the river bed. But I played the rest of the course well other than loosing a disc.

Rio Bravo park is a little 9 hole course with several UDisc layouts. I played the OG layout with the tee signs. The park has a row of trees down one side, then a grove of trees in the back. Full use of all these trees were incorporated into the design. Really the course does not have any wide open shots without something to avoid. I do like the short little holes around the old pavilion. These are ace run holes. This course is also located next to an Elementary school and those holes would be perfect for kids.

Ladera – Old Dam course is another desert course with a small grove of tree's. This course does have some elevation in that it is a flood control area (Hence the "Dam" in the name) Some long holes that are hard to play due to all the brush. Several holes too close to each other. The kicker here, the wind started picking up as I got to hole 16. I mean really picking up. Dust/sand started blowing making it hard to see and throwing into the heavy winds.

I had a 3pm tee time for the Ladera Golf course to play that disc golf part. Under $15 including tax to play on the weekend, but that wind was really really blowing when I started playing. The sand storm was bad at times. I could not make a putt and had my putts twice land behind me when I attempted to throw them. In fact, after 9 holes I was about 15 over. Thankfully the wind calmed down a little and I shot 2 under on the back 9 with some great putts and drives. Being on a ball golf course, you do have several long open shots, but the course does use most of the areas between ball golf fairways. This made it the most shot shaping course of the day.

I finished up the day with just enough time to get in Calvary, this course is at a church and was not going to be available Sunday so I was play it ad dusk or not play it at all. Thankfully it is 5 baskets with 9 tee's throwing back and forth in a small area that is lit up. Because I was the only person in this little church park, I didn't have any issues. But there is no way you could play this course if anyone else is in the area including trying to play the course. Only missing the tee sign for hole 3, this course would be good for the church youth group. I must mention they also a skate park next to the church too. There were 2 skaters out there.

For dinner, I had to stop at Bob's Burgers and get the Ranchero Special. I passed several and figured I had to try it. To be honest, the Ranchero Burger is just like the burger that Blake's is also known for with Green Chilli on the burger.

After I finished my burger, I drove up to Rio Rancho and slept at the Walmart 3 miles from my next course.
Day 2

Canyon Park is an old DGA course. Again, even though I clicked on OG on UDisc, I found that they layout was different than the OG signs. This course is in a small wash beind some homes. The course plays basket to basket, literally the tee sign on most holes is inside of the circle. Some of the holes come close enough to the baskyards and sure enough, I turned over one of my shots and landed in a backyard. I could see my disc, so I finished my round, got my poll with sticky ball, used my cart to stand on to be able to reach over the fence and managed to spend all of 10 seconds getting my disc without knocking on someone's door before 8am on a Sunday.

Vista Hills Park is another neighborhood 9 hole course build on the side of a large hill. This was the most elevation I had played to this point. The park does have some tree's, but distance and elevation come into play more than the tree's. I did run into a group out there playing an alternate layout.

Roosevelt Park is one I have had on my "wish" list ever since I spotted the course on a TV show a few years ago. This course is 9 baskets with 18 tee boxes with tee signs. These are not long and short's, but 18 totally different holes. On top of that, the locals have several other layouts marked on UDisc. Did I mention the crossing fairways? Oh yea, you have to constantly watch out for others when playing this course. There were several guys out playing as they had some league play when I finished up my round. But I also talked to several other groups who were playing different layouts but helped point me in the right direction. Out of all the courses I played, there were more people here than anywhere else. But then this park has some of the largest tree's, plenty of elevation and good tee boxes.

I had 3 more on the way back to Texas. First stop was Wildlife West Nature Park, I pulled in at 11:30am and the gates were locked. They didn't open till noon. So do I wait or skip it. Elected to just hang out and thankfully, the guy pulled in about 10 min later and let me in. The course is technical free. The original guy who put the course in and use to maintain it has quit the game. So the course is rough but not horrible. I did stop into the gift shop after my round and made a small donation to the rehab and had a nice chat with the guy.

Next up was suppose to be 12 Shores at UTE Lake. I got off the highway and was following Google Maps. However, it wanted me to drive into a field. I tried looking at the map closer and could not figure out if this place was really there so I did an internet search for it. When the web site popped up, so did a pop up screen saying "Closed for the Season, see you in April" Strike 2, I headed back to the highway and up to Santa Rose.

Power Dam park is a DGA 9 hole course in what looks like was an RV Park. The tee sign distances did not match UDisc at all. Holes 3 and 6 crossed a new barbed wire fence that had recently been put in. There are very few trees, but at least most of the course was grass and not brush. A couple of the holes did use some Marsh area to throw over. (This course is just downstream from The Blue Hole) In general, the course is what you expect from a small town.

Favorite Course of the trip – No question here, Roosevelt was the most fun course with elevated shots and lots of large tree's. Of course this course gets crazy when the weather is nice, shoot, it was in the 30's and there were a lot of players out due to league play.

Best Course of the Trip – Going with the Ladera Golf Course over Brent Baca. Even though some of the holes are desert syle at the golf course, this course really does have a good mix of holes and several natural OB lines of Green's and cart paths. (better than ropes in my opinion) There are also a lot more tree's to navigate. Boca is good, but Ladera is a much better tournament course.

Worst Course of the trip – I don't put school courses on this list, Wildlife West was pretty rough with cheap baskets, Mach II and mach III baskets all mixed in. But the brush wasn't too bad, you just could not see where many of your shots landed with the evergreen tees blocking your view. Power Dam Park in Santa Rosa was just flat, very few tree's and just a boring course to play. I am just glad I finished before the northerner blew in.

After finishing my round in Santa Rose, I drove all the way to Buc-ee's for gas and restroom break. The temperature had gone from 50 to 21 in that time. It was COLD getting gas. Well, the forecast does not look good for this next weekend, I am not going to plan anything and play it by ear. I have a feeling I have some long days Thursday and Friday, looks like we may get snowed in.
1470 Miles
55 hours
11 courses
176 holes
4 states
1 strike out (well actually 3)

Up to 2024 courses played
16 of those in Florida
13 of those in Alabama
51 of those in Mississippi
72 of those in Louisiana

Sunset Park (18) – Gulf Breeze, FL
Zamora Square (6) – Pensacola FL
Pensacola State College (6) – Pensacola FL
Optimist Park (9) – Pensacola FL
Lexington Terrace (18) – Pensacola FL
UWF (22) – Pensacola FL
Gator Links (18) – Milton FL
West Mobile Park (18) – Mobile AL
IG Levy Memorial (18) – Pascagoula MS
Hiller Park (25) – Biloxi MS
Solomon Conference Center (18) – Husser LA

Tail of 2 days

So, I didn't know I was heading out till Friday morning. So I had to swing by the house and gear up for wet and cold weather. I really didn't want to head north as it was just WAY too cold. So coast line it was.

Drove 660 miles to Gulf Breeze and took a nap till daylight. Started with Sunset at sunrise. This little 18 hole course is kind of a mess. You need UDisc to figure it out but most of the "pro" tee pads are cement, as long as you can find them. The course has 9 holes on one side of the road that go around a pond in a tropical forest. The back 9 on the other side of the road is your typical park style course with 9 holes crammed into a small area. That front 9 makes this course worth playing. Shots over water and though what makes you feel like you are on a tropical island.

I had planned on hitting a few smaller courses next, headed to the next stop at a very small park with 3 baskets. UDisc has a map playing the 3 baskets forwards and backwards. I just grabbed a DX Roc and played real fast. The cheapest possible baskets, all 3 are different. All 3 are in bad shape.

Next up was a little 6 basket course at Pensacola State College, these 6 baskets are tucked behind the theater and swim pool building just past the track and tennis courts. Not a lot to this course. There are suppose to be 3 sets of tee's to each basket, but they are not marked. I just played the UDisc 6 hole layout trying to hit an ace as every hole was short.

Not quite 10 yet but I drove by the local Disc Golf store on my way to Optimist Park. This is a sweet little 9 hole neighborhood course. Exactly what a 9 hole course should be. On top of that, there were other golfers out playing this one. It's a park style course with plenty of tall trees and a few low celling shots.

I did swing back by the Flight Factory as it was 10am. It's probably the largest disc golf store I have been inside of. They got a little bit of everything and it's well organized. Well worth a stop if you are in the area. Yea, I found a few discs in the used bin I picked up as backups.

The guy working told me he though the Blue Angel Rec park courses had recently gone Military ID only. So instead of my original plan, I headed that way to verify. I had checked THEIR web site before I left and it said Disc Golf was open to the public, but when I pulled in, there was a very large sign saying Disc Golf Closed to the General Public. I verified I could not get in, that was supposed to be my afternoon playing those 3 courses I had heard good things about. Oh well, still got plenty to play.

On to the next course, figured I would play all the possible course as far south side of town. Lexington Terrace is a brand new 18 hole course. This mostly open park course uses most of the park with a good mix of short and long holes thrown in. Very flat course and the sun actually came out for a second after a short sprinkle.

At this point I figured I would play the course the guy at the disc golf recommended. The University of West Florida course was a pleasant surprise. For some dumb reason I elected to play long tee's to long baskets. Yes, most holes had 2 or 3 tees and most had 2 baskets. This 22 hole course is spread out on two sections of the campus. It's kind of a long walk from one side to the other but it's not horrible.

The Section you start and finish is heavily wooded with some formed fairways and plenty of elevation. The other side has most of the open more park style holes. This course is not far off I-10 and well worth a stop.

I had enough daylight to play one more course. HOWEVER it started raining, more than just a sprinkle too. I headed up to play another college campus course about 15 miles away. This course in Milton is carved out of the woods behind the college. If it's late or on the weekend, you can park in the staff parking area. As long as you stay on the fairway, this is a fun course. After dragging my cart around the front 9 and using my umbrella, I was running out of daylight. I left my cart, grabbed 3 yellow discs I could see and ran/speed played the back 9. It was still raining but I was already soaked. Thankfully it was upper 60s and not windy in the woods. This is one course I would like to play again on a nice day.

I found a "brown bag burgers" food truck for dinner. For the price of a McDonalds meal, I got a ½ pound burger that was VERY good with good fries and a can drink.

I then headed to Walmart in Mobile near my first course in the morning.

West Mobile park is an older course that follows a dry creek bed around a ball field with plenty of large old tree's and some elevation. It's mostly pitch and putt with really only 2 or 3 holes longer than 300ft. My biggest issue, it was 20 degrees colder and very windy compared to the day before. At least it had stopped raining.

I then started working my way home down the coast, hit IG Levy Memorial's 18 hole course. This mess of a course is in a park that has some good holes, but you have to get from one spot to the other and some of those holes are just plain dumb. One hole goes near a fence line and the guy has no trespassing signs every few feet. The last hole was the one I posted a picture of. With the hard north wind this hole was scary. It's not as far as it looks, but I just made it over the water to get my 3.

The goal for Sunday was all bigger courses, so Hiller Park with what UDisc lists as 26 holes was up next. The course has Red White and Blue tee's on most of the holes. I played the "main" course on UDisc which turned out to be the middle Red Tee's. I was fine with that as the wind was really blowing and it was getting cold with the wind coming off the bay. This mostly park style course does have some interesting holes. The OG course has 22 holes, then they added a 23 and 24 hole and an A Hole between 17 and 18. I did manage to throw a Classic Roc short on hole 1, thankfully the tide was out and it was retrievable out of the smelly muck. However on the very next hole, I managed to turn it over and could not find it this time. Most of the holes were grip it and rip it with a finishing birdie ally in a small wooded area. There is some elevation but not much. If this park is busy, there are some holes that you are going to have issues. Like the hole I posted throwing DOWN a sidewalk. The kicker, the sidewalk is OB. I was playing the UDisc layout and figured out pretty quick there was not hole 23 anymore. Apparently that hole was moved to now be hole 25.

After I finished, I called Soloman's Conference Center in Louisiana to see if the course was playable. It was 100 miles away and I had just enough time to get there and play before dark. This course is currently marked #4 for Louisiana. I guess because it's very user friendly. The front 9 is mostly pitch and putt though large pine tree's around the lake. The back 9 has more distance and has a few carved fairways thought he woods. The finishing hole is another 200ft water carry to the basket up on the side of the hill with some disc eating trees. (yea, I got 2 discs stuck in those trees) I finished up in about an hour with plenty of daylight left. This course is surrounded by tree's so the wind wasn't too bad.

I had 500 miles to get home, the temperature dropped over 20 degrees in that time. I managed to get home just before midnight.

Next week is out for sure, we will see what comes in the future. There are enough courses in this area to do another couple of trips to clear them all out.

Favorite Course of the trip – Tough one, I really liked Sunsets front 9, but that back 9 just ruined it. If it had just been a 9hole course on that side it would have been my favorite. I am going to go with Solomon's conference center. I happen to love well-kept pitch and putt courses. I really enjoyed playing most of this course. A couple of the back holes were tough on me, but it keep this course from being too easy overall. Hit all your birdies early, you will need it if you get off the fairway on the back side.

Best course of the day – Probably the UWF course, from the longs to the longs this course has some very challenging holes. Of course there is some fluff between, but it was the most challenging course I played overall.

Worst course of the day – Not counting the practice area 3 basket course, this is also a no brainer, the 6 basket course at Pensacola State was a waste of good baskets and my time.
PG - Any reason you didn't play Olive Baptist Church in Ferry Pass, FL (just on the other side of I-10 from Pensacola)? Its not far from PSCollege course and actually a pretty good Niner, not just a good church Niner, but a good Niner. Currently 3.0 rated.
PG - Any reason you didn't play Olive Baptist Church in Ferry Pass, FL (just on the other side of I-10 from Pensacola)? Its not far from PSCollege course and actually a pretty good Niner, not just a good church Niner, but a good Niner. Currently 3.0 rated.
Yes, very good reason. I left some of the little 9 hole courses along I-10 for future stops.

That area is as far as I can get in an overnight drive (it's 10-11 hours with traffic out of DFW)

Good starting point, then I can play courses going down I-10 till dark, drive back to Mobile and play from there homewards on Sunday.

So yes, I left those for future trips
1524 Miles
56 Hours
10 courses
179 holes
1 new Buc-ee's
2 lost disc
1 Strike

Up to 2034 courses played
5 of those in Georgia
21 in Alabama
52 in Mississippi

Ag Heritage Park (9) – Auburn AL
Tumble Tree (21) – Opelika AL
The Graveyard (18) – Opelika AL
The Rock (18) – Opelika AL
Smith Station Sports Complex (18) – Smiths Station AL
Flat Rock Park (18) – Columbus GA
Auburn University of Montgomery (21) – Montgomery AL
Faulkner University (18) – Montgomery AL
Lagoon Park (18) – Montgomery AL
Highland Park (20) – Meridian MS

Left work at 4pm and drove 700 miles to Buc-ee's in Auburn AL. Add another Buc-ee's to my list. After filling up and using the world's cleanest rest rooms I took a 3 hour nap in the parking lot.

Ag Heritage park was first up on my agenda, a 9 hole course with no tee's marked. Just played the UDisc layout. 2nd drive of the day was a Tree Love hot stamped Stryke that landed in the lake…… Oh well, the course is mostly open and kind of boring.

Drove over to Opelika to play Tumble Tree next. This 21 hole course was actually pretty good other than some dumb designed holes. The rest of the course was pretty good and I enjoyed my round. I did play the OG Red tee's instead of the longer Blue tee's because they were better tee boxes. The Blue tee's looked more like afterthoughts. This course has a few open holes but is mostly wooded. That is what made the course good. Even some elevation thrown in. But the hole along the road and 2 teeing off from the sidewalks is what I had a problem with.

Next up was 2 more courses in the same park. The Graveyard and The Rock. There is some contruction going on and hole 1 of the Graveyard is using a temp hole. The Graveyard has some bite to it. Lots of elevation and some pretty tough holes. Thankfully this time of year the rough wasn't too bad. This is a newer course but the locals have done a good job and you can see they are still working on it.

Next was The Rock. This course wasn't quite as long or hilly as The Graveyard. But it did have some fantastic holes including a couple of good par 4's. This one isn't quite laid out as good and you have some long walks expecially going from hole 12 to 13. But I will say this, both courses have hole 9 looping back around near the parking lot.

Next up was Smiths Station, this course is almost totally wide open and all over the place. Not a lot of trees on this course. There are actually signs that say "Mando" with an arrow just to force shots. Otherwise it a hyzer hyzer course, which I threw on just about every hole. It's a quick play, but not worth going out of the way to play.

Ok, one more course listed in Alabama in this area says the course is in bad shape, so I elected to jump across the river into Georgia. I stopped at a 9 hole ball golf course that has disc golf too, but it was padlocked, no playing there. I then remembered someone I talked to earlier recommended Flat Rock so I headed over there.

Flat rock is an old park with some interesting topography. A few of the holes throw over a flat rocky area. Only issue is how many people were in the park just wondering around and taking pictures. This course only has one tee box, but EVERY hole has 3 baskets. This made it very confusing, I mean very confusing. I threw to wrong baskets more than once. I did play the longest basket on every hole for fun and torcher. Other than being confusing with all the basket, this course is fantastic with plenty of different shots. I can see why it is a popular course.

It was dark by the time I finished (it gets dark earlier in the Eastern time zone :p ) I headed back towards Montgomery and stopped at a little place that sponsored the two courses just down the road. Good burger, good fries and a fantastic grasshopper shake you have to eat with a spoon. All for under $20. After dinner I drove on into Montgomery, stopped by a church to see if baskets were in yet (they were not) and went over to Walmart and slept for the night.

I actually fell asleep before 10pm and woke up at 6am. Headed over to AUM and played their 21 hole course. Most of this course is wide open with a couple of holes in a wooded area. The tee's were a mix of cement, rubber and a few just dirt. Apparently this was a 22 hole course but basket 11 was missing and they just put it as playing from hole 11 to 12 basket for the long. There is some elevation on this one and the sidewalks and across are usually OB.

Drove just a couple of miles over to Faulkner University. This is a small 9 basket course where you play one direction and then play those 9 baskets backwards. The tee signs were located next to the basket on almost every hole. Basket 7/12 was missing and I just played the tee sign. 4 of the holes were only 130ft and I had to throw all my upshot discs trying to get that Alabama ace. (didn't even come close) As can be expected on most college campus courses, there is spots where others come into play. In this case there was an RV Park with a fairway going right though it. There was one RV and yes, I managed to hit it. (thankfully no one was in it at the time and no damage done) it was a quick play but not work going out of the way to play.

Last course in the Montgomery area was Lagoon Park. This newer course apparently just got tee pads recently. Short and long tee pads along with 2 sets of basket gives you anything from a pitch and putt to a more tournament level course. Because tee signs on the long pads I played longs to longs. Still has some short birdie holes, but some of the longs holes do require good shots to get your 3. Unfortunately I left my upshot putter at the course. Got a phone call about 30 min after I left. (The guy is supposed to mail it back to me)

I had enough daylight to get to Meridian MS to play another course. Highland Park was dedicated in 1907 and is an old city park. The type of park I really enjoy visiting. Yes, I have a habit of reading all the monuments and love looking at old buildings. Turns out this park also has a carousel that was built over 125 years ago. To bad the building was closed. The course itself is what you would expect. 2 sets of tees throwing to 10 baskets. Because both sets of tees were numbered 1 to 20, I played all 20 holes. I probably enjoyed the park more than the course itself. But on the last hole, .395ft I managed to throw a used Stryke I picked up this last week from DD Carrollton and was only 20ft short. One of the longest drives I have had in a while. Sweet way to end the day.

500 mile drive home from there. Got home about 12:15.

Favorite course of the trip – tough one, I think I will go with The Graveyard. Flat Rock would be a close 2nd as I did enjoy that park. I think I was playing pretty well as I played the Graveyard. My Star Valk was holding the line and I was staying on the fairways.

Best course of the trip – Flat Rock to the long baskets has to be it. Fantastic Park and the longs were tough for me. I was just trying to stay under par that whole round.

Worst course of the trip – No question here, Faulkner University was just a horrible design. Putting the tee signs so close to the baskets, throwing over the RV Park and the missing basket. It's a quick play, but not one I would recommend anyone to play.
1524 Miles
56 Hours
10 courses
179 holes
1 new Buc-ee's
2 lost disc
1 Strike

Up to 2034 courses played
5 of those in Georgia
21 in Alabama
52 in Mississippi

Ag Heritage Park (9) – Auburn AL
Tumble Tree (21) – Opelika AL
The Graveyard (18) – Opelika AL
The Rock (18) – Opelika AL
Smith Station Sports Complex (18) – Smiths Station AL
Flat Rock Park (18) – Columbus GA
Auburn University of Montgomery (21) – Montgomery AL
Faulkner University (18) – Montgomery AL
Lagoon Park (18) – Montgomery AL
Highland Park (20) – Meridian MS

Left work at 4pm and drove 700 miles to Buc-ee's in Auburn AL. Add another Buc-ee's to my list. After filling up and using the world's cleanest rest rooms I took a 3 hour nap in the parking lot.

Ag Heritage park was first up on my agenda, a 9 hole course with no tee's marked. Just played the UDisc layout. 2nd drive of the day was a Tree Love hot stamped Stryke that landed in the lake…… Oh well, the course is mostly open and kind of boring.

Drove over to Opelika to play Tumble Tree next. This 21 hole course was actually pretty good other than some dumb designed holes. The rest of the course was pretty good and I enjoyed my round. I did play the OG Red tee's instead of the longer Blue tee's because they were better tee boxes. The Blue tee's looked more like afterthoughts. This course has a few open holes but is mostly wooded. That is what made the course good. Even some elevation thrown in. But the hole along the road and 2 teeing off from the sidewalks is what I had a problem with.

Next up was 2 more courses in the same park. The Graveyard and The Rock. There is some contruction going on and hole 1 of the Graveyard is using a temp hole. The Graveyard has some bite to it. Lots of elevation and some pretty tough holes. Thankfully this time of year the rough wasn't too bad. This is a newer course but the locals have done a good job and you can see they are still working on it.

Next was The Rock. This course wasn't quite as long or hilly as The Graveyard. But it did have some fantastic holes including a couple of good par 4's. This one isn't quite laid out as good and you have some long walks expecially going from hole 12 to 13. But I will say this, both courses have hole 9 looping back around near the parking lot.

Next up was Smiths Station, this course is almost totally wide open and all over the place. Not a lot of trees on this course. There are actually signs that say "Mando" with an arrow just to force shots. Otherwise it a hyzer hyzer course, which I threw on just about every hole. It's a quick play, but not worth going out of the way to play.

Ok, one more course listed in Alabama in this area says the course is in bad shape, so I elected to jump across the river into Georgia. I stopped at a 9 hole ball golf course that has disc golf too, but it was padlocked, no playing there. I then remembered someone I talked to earlier recommended Flat Rock so I headed over there.

Flat rock is an old park with some interesting topography. A few of the holes throw over a flat rocky area. Only issue is how many people were in the park just wondering around and taking pictures. This course only has one tee box, but EVERY hole has 3 baskets. This made it very confusing, I mean very confusing. I threw to wrong baskets more than once. I did play the longest basket on every hole for fun and torcher. Other than being confusing with all the basket, this course is fantastic with plenty of different shots. I can see why it is a popular course.

It was dark by the time I finished (it gets dark earlier in the Eastern time zone :p ) I headed back towards Montgomery and stopped at a little place that sponsored the two courses just down the road. Good burger, good fries and a fantastic grasshopper shake you have to eat with a spoon. All for under $20. After dinner I drove on into Montgomery, stopped by a church to see if baskets were in yet (they were not) and went over to Walmart and slept for the night.

I actually fell asleep before 10pm and woke up at 6am. Headed over to AUM and played their 21 hole course. Most of this course is wide open with a couple of holes in a wooded area. The tee's were a mix of cement, rubber and a few just dirt. Apparently this was a 22 hole course but basket 11 was missing and they just put it as playing from hole 11 to 12 basket for the long. There is some elevation on this one and the sidewalks and across are usually OB.

Drove just a couple of miles over to Faulkner University. This is a small 9 basket course where you play one direction and then play those 9 baskets backwards. The tee signs were located next to the basket on almost every hole. Basket 7/12 was missing and I just played the tee sign. 4 of the holes were only 130ft and I had to throw all my upshot discs trying to get that Alabama ace. (didn't even come close) As can be expected on most college campus courses, there is spots where others come into play. In this case there was an RV Park with a fairway going right though it. There was one RV and yes, I managed to hit it. (thankfully no one was in it at the time and no damage done) it was a quick play but not work going out of the way to play.

Last course in the Montgomery area was Lagoon Park. This newer course apparently just got tee pads recently. Short and long tee pads along with 2 sets of basket gives you anything from a pitch and putt to a more tournament level course. Because tee signs on the long pads I played longs to longs. Still has some short birdie holes, but some of the longs holes do require good shots to get your 3. Unfortunately I left my upshot putter at the course. Got a phone call about 30 min after I left. (The guy is supposed to mail it back to me)

I had enough daylight to get to Meridian MS to play another course. Highland Park was dedicated in 1907 and is an old city park. The type of park I really enjoy visiting. Yes, I have a habit of reading all the monuments and love looking at old buildings. Turns out this park also has a carousel that was built over 125 years ago. To bad the building was closed. The course itself is what you would expect. 2 sets of tees throwing to 10 baskets. Because both sets of tees were numbered 1 to 20, I played all 20 holes. I probably enjoyed the park more than the course itself. But on the last hole, .395ft I managed to throw a used Stryke I picked up this last week from DD Carrollton and was only 20ft short. One of the longest drives I have had in a while. Sweet way to end the day.

500 mile drive home from there. Got home about 12:15.

Favorite course of the trip – tough one, I think I will go with The Graveyard. Flat Rock would be a close 2nd as I did enjoy that park. I think I was playing pretty well as I played the Graveyard. My Star Valk was holding the line and I was staying on the fairways.

Best course of the trip – Flat Rock to the long baskets has to be it. Fantastic Park and the longs were tough for me. I was just trying to stay under par that whole round.

Worst course of the trip – No question here, Faulkner University was just a horrible design. Putting the tee signs so close to the baskets, throwing over the RV Park and the missing basket. It's a quick play, but not one I would recommend anyone to play.
I love that you are tracking your Buc-ee's visits. Wonder if their website has a way to track them?

I'm up to 3 :LOL:. Should be able to get the new one in Brunswick, GA soon, but will be late '26 at the soonest on the first one in NC, Mebane.
This does not include the regular Buc-ee's I have visited at one time or another. I prioritize the Travel Centers as you can pick up these magnets.

Buc-ee's does keep a list on their web site but there is no way to mark the ones you have visited. I made a spreadsheet based on that page and have been keeping track that way. Any time I head down to Houston, I usually try to stop at one of the regular stores.

I have been to #1 and #3
1182 Miles
31 hours
7 courses
71 Holes
1 spit
2 strike outs
1 lost disc

Up to 2041 courses played
719 of those in Texas

Palo Verde (5) – Brownsville
Pacific Trails DGC (12) – Elsa
Memorial Park (9) – Edinburg
Cenizo Park (9) – Edinburg
Oso Creek park (18) – Corpus Christi
Wilderness Lakes RV Park (9) – Mathis
Kenedy DiscGolfPark (9) – Kenedy

Left the store a little after 5 as I needed to get some stuff done before I left and wasn't going to drive as far this weekend. Got all the way down to Brownsville before 2am and drove over to my first target.

So Palo Verde was listed on UDisc as 5 baskets but no tees and no map. I first wanted to make sure I could even get to the baskets so at 2am I pulled in and saw the gate to the Pool/tennis court area was closed. I parked and walked over to the gate looking for hours or to see if there was another way to the course. Everything padlocked. I looked and could see the area the baskets were suppose to be didn't have a fence around it so I started walking down the street looking for a house with no fence. Found one and walked between homes to the park. Found a basket, confirming there was something here. I did look across the park and could see some cars on the other side. I walked over there and saw I could easily walk into the park from there without trespassing. So I drove over to Walmart and took a 3 hour nap.

6am I woke up and drove back over to the park. I did walk in with just 3 discs. Found all 5 baskets while it was still dark but the sun was just starting to give me some light. I just played basket to basket for 5 holes and left. I was nearly 30 min away when the sun finally did come up. I did upload this to DGCR as a practice area. It's just 5 basket around a field. Backyards and ponds surround this field but there are almost no trees. Considering it was almost an hour drive to stop #2, this was really just a waste of time.

Elsa Texas was my next stop. A course that apparently just had 3 more holes added. This 12 hole course goes east and west along what looks like an old railroad bed area. First hole throws down a walking path. In fact this "Pacific Trails" path comes into play on several holes. There are some interesting basket placements including a basket on an old loading dock ramp. Another inside some old cement bases for old tanks. Another basket inside a circle that not only was ground level, but looked like it was played like a island hole. Hole 6 was a 600ft hole with trails on both sides of the fairway. Then 2 holes in an area that probably does not get mowed often as it is past where the trail turns around. The course does finish with 2 little shots next to the dog park. I actually smashed chains for a spit out ace on hole 11.

Next course was going to be questionable. A church school that is gated. I drove around to each entrance of the compound and none of the gates were open. So I just marked this one as a strike out and headed 2 miles north to play the 2 little courses in Edinburg.

Memorial Park is a little pitch and putt though a small park where other park amenities are your obstacle. Thankfully the only people in the park were playing basketball. I did throw over those guys though with a big turnover shot on hole 8. If this park has anyone else in it, you are going to have some issues playing it. It does have a couple of good ace runs though.

Cenizo Park has tee pads, but instead of tee signs, every hole has a sign telling you to watch out for other park users. The reason, another small park with 9 hole crammed into it. The walking path, which was rather popular as I was playing, comes into play on many of the holes. Unfortunately so can back yards. In fact I threw a shot that turned over into the wind. Thankfully it was a chain link fence and my disc landed close enough that I got it back with a small stick. This was one of the only courses I saw anyone else playing. A couple of guys with just discs in hands. (not that you need many discs for this pitch and putt)

Now to head back up to Corpus Christie. I did stop by the Naval Station to see if I could play the course there. No luck, not even a place to go ask for help. Armed guards had to take down my information and why they had to turn me away.

Corpus Christie Oso Creek Park was just a 9 hole course with 2 sets of tee's. however they have now added a back side. The front original 9 does have cement tee pads and tee signs. The new holes are not marked very well. I did find some holes marked with paint, but mostly just followed the UDisc map. This course is tough from the longs. Several par 4's and even finishing on a par 5. The rough is not somewhere you want to be. I threw my 2nd drive on hole 1, after I let go I reached down to pick up my first drive, but when I looked back up I could not see my 2nd shot. It was windy so I thought maybe it carried off to the left. I spent a good 10 min looking for that disc. Finally gave up and played the course. It does not look like this course is getting played much. It has been recently mowed, but it needs to be mowed much more often to have better fairways. As long as you keep to the fairways you can score good. But man, the rough is bad. I mean thorn bushes like crazy. Give this one some time and it could be a great course with some tender love and care.

About another hour drive up to Mathis to hit Wilderness Lakes RV park. No map on UDisc so I was hoping it was marked well. Nope, but it does have turf tee pads and with some looking, I was able to find all the holes. This course isn't quite a pitch and putt, but it does have some very fun holes to play. The people I met there were also super cool. I offered to pay a greens fee as this is a private course, but they said for me to just play the course.

When I finished up there, I had just enough time to drive another hour up to Kenedy and play that new DiscGolfPark course. Thankfully this one is a pitch and putt course and I did play it quick. Biggest issue, the walk from the parking lot to the course is over 1000ft. Counting walking to the course and back, it literally doubles the distance of the course as it's a short 2000ft course. The area does have some landscaping and a pond which I managed to throw a disc into. I could see it, but instead of walking back to my car to get my poll, I just walked into the water to get my disc. I was almost done for the day anyways. I did almost empty my bag on a couple of the holes trying to hit an ace. Other than the walk to the course and back, it's a good little small town course and I did actually see someone else playing.

Favorite course of the day, Wilderness Lakes RV park. This was a fun little course with plenty of tree's. The grass was well mowed and other than having to use my range finder to figure out the distances and finding the tee's, it would be a quick play if you know where you are going.

Best course of the day. No question here, Oso Creek is pretty close to being a pro level course. It needs tee pads, tee signs and general clean up to be there. But this will be a good tournament course someday.

Worst course of the day. Do you go by most dangerous, or most boring? Do I count the practice area? I have to go with Memorial park in Edinburg. This park looks like it gets a lot of use and trying to stick a disc golf course though all that is a HUGE mistake. Shoot, a couple of the large tee signs were already missing. You have holes throwing next to playgrounds, many many picnic tables and over or along walking paths. Oh, and the basketball court that the best shot to the basket was over.

Well, doing a quick survey of the weather, if I take off anywhere this next weekend it's cold and dry in Denver, or 20degrees warmer and wet along the coast of Alabama/Florida.