Post a NOT cool disc golf photo


This tree, which I suspect may be one of those bent navigation blaze trees that has been here a long time, seemed an irresistible challenge when designing this hole. Now that the course has been around a few years, it looks like this limb at least is on its way out because of people walking on it as they advance. It will be completely gone in a few years, so I kinda question the decision to set this up this way from the go. It's only gonna last a few years. Maybe I'm being too fussy. IDK
The Rez, formerly a great course. I used to stop here on the drive between Dallas and South Carolina.

I saw this in progress. The entire area has been hit so hard by pine beetle and they are clear cutting huge swaths of land. Flashback to Ash trees in my area. Heartbreaking.
Yea, ran into Doug Williams this last weekend, I heard him talking about redesigning the course. I didn't realize why it needed to be done.
Played there at the very end of February of 2023, and there was a hole toward the end of the course that was under construction for something that had nothing to do with disc golf. But the rest of the course was fine.

Always sad to see a course get decimated, or pulled. ☹️
Never can have nice things. Someone snapped over the base of a Sticker sign at local park. It was made for individuals to put personal stickers & decals on rather than more official signs.