Well, I've sorted through quite a few threads, and found bits and pieces here and there, but figured I'd ask so we can at least start a compendium.
The Innova Banshee hasn't been made in anything but DX for quite some time now, so it's officially time to look elsewhere. I'm looking for something in that 6-7 speed range that has great HSS and that piercing, forward fade at the end...the classic Banshee flight. I do currently bag an Infinte Discs Scepter, but it is way longer than my Banshees. I have tried DX Banshees and they have the flight and feel, but they just don't last and really don't beat in to anything I personally use.
I use Banshees for BDHs under about 320 feet, forehands under 275, and other low-speed utility stuff.
Help and suggestions appreciated!