Went to a par 2 after work and managed to record a couple test throws before sunset, so the image blurs a bit in this very first throw, but the second one lacks enough detail. The shadow swings looked better earlier today in front of a mirror.
But there's less shoulder shrug and elbow drop, so there's something I can work with by practicing this weekend. The shadow swings feel different, which I'm going to chalk up to a good thing. So thank you
@Sheep !
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I've been doing PT for some bursitis issues in my throwing arm* and have had some epiphanies about things like scapular protraction, etc. One thing that I started noticing is that not all scapular protraction is the same. You can hunch your shoulders forward but do it in a way that can get your traps involved or at least enables them to get involved.
Looking at these pics, it appears that your shoulder blade is "riding up," enabling you to shrug your shoulders. As part of my PT, I've been working on some exercises like
"setting" the scapula and lower lat lifts (I can't find a good video for this, but it doesn't video well anyway). I got to thinking on how this works in a DG backhand and came up with a couple of ways to try to work on getting the scapula protracted and
down while emphasizing the feel in the throw:
Option 1:
Face a mirror and get in the right pec/power pocket position. Your shoulders should be protracted and traps relaxed. From this position, push your elbow towards the mirror
while keeping your traps relaxed. If your traps activate, and you shrug, stop and go back to the starting position. If you do this correctly, you should feel like the elbow push is coming from your back (scapula) and sort of underneath your arm. Note, that your elbow may only move forward about 2-3", it's kinda subtle. You may also notice your shoulder moving down slightly and the joint nearly maxed out in the upper RoM (your shoulder joint should almost feel reaching as high as you can, but your arm is in the power pocket)
Option 2:
(This one might need a pic). Face a mirror with your arms down by your side. Now, bend your arm at the elbow 90 deg. so your hand is touching your sternum like your standing for the national anthem or you're Napolean with his hand in his coat:
Basically, you're in the power pocket position with your elbow down. Now, lift your elbow up to the power pocket WITHOUT shrugging. Like Option 1, you should feel the scapula slide down and a bit of a "push" coming from around the lat. Also, like Option 1, your shoulder's vertical RoM will be near it's max
When you get to this position in this way, it's a little harder to shrug, and your upper arm is in a position where it makes a bit harder to round as well. Combine this with
@Sheep's tip pulling a little lower, and you might have something that moves you in the right direction
(* I broke my ankle earlier this year, and during rehab, I got a little... ambitious on forehand, so it was back to PT. What was good about this is that I found out that the backside of my shoulder was very weak. The exercises and things I've learned have been super applicable on the course)