A frequently asked question is what basket is best for me. There are a lot of choices, so the best really depends on what you want it for and how much you have to spend.
Some baskets are great for long term use, some are very easily portable, some are just rediculous. Here is some info on baskets that are priced in the $200 range. eventually I am going to make a chart to make this easier to read, but I do not have excel on this computer I am borrowing.
Baskets: # of chains Weight Price after shipping (average of 2 online sources)
AT TRAPPER 12 plastic chains 20 lbs plus vert. chains $104.95 .
Ching Chainmaster lite 12 chains estimated 32 lbs $191.50 .
DGA MAch 14 18 chains 25lbs. 135.99 (protected by silver zinc plating and is guaranteed for 1 year against failure caused by rust and corrosion.)
DGA Mach lite. 16 chains 25lbs. 151.97 (folds into a bag)
The Innova DISCatcher Sport 18 chains 40 lbs. 174.50 (6 peices)
Gopher Quikshot 18 chains 45 lbs. 179.00 (6 peices)
The InnovaTraveller 6 chains and net 13.5 lbs 115.50 (folds into a bag)
Innova Skill Shot 16 chains 26lbs 117.95 (folds into a bag)
Lightning DB5 18 chains +40 lbs $209.95
Ching Strategy Sport Target Netting only 15lbs 99.95
Instep Disc Golf Goal 12 Chains est. 25lbs 95.95
Halex Disc Golf Basket 12 ropes 15 lbs. $80
*not the cheapest prices, just an average of prices.
Basket Threads
discatcher review
best basket for the money
Fav practice basket
best practice basket
disc golf baskets
looking to buy a basket
under $250
which basket do you prefer
Portable disc comparisson
Why I hate Discather
Best Portable basket
Which basket do you like best
best target for the money
best low price basket
best practice basket?
Best Basket for the Buck
Best Practice basket
Innova Discatcher next to a Gopher Quikshot
AT Trapper
Some baskets are great for long term use, some are very easily portable, some are just rediculous. Here is some info on baskets that are priced in the $200 range. eventually I am going to make a chart to make this easier to read, but I do not have excel on this computer I am borrowing.
Baskets: # of chains Weight Price after shipping (average of 2 online sources)
AT TRAPPER 12 plastic chains 20 lbs plus vert. chains $104.95 .
Ching Chainmaster lite 12 chains estimated 32 lbs $191.50 .
DGA MAch 14 18 chains 25lbs. 135.99 (protected by silver zinc plating and is guaranteed for 1 year against failure caused by rust and corrosion.)
DGA Mach lite. 16 chains 25lbs. 151.97 (folds into a bag)
The Innova DISCatcher Sport 18 chains 40 lbs. 174.50 (6 peices)
Gopher Quikshot 18 chains 45 lbs. 179.00 (6 peices)
The InnovaTraveller 6 chains and net 13.5 lbs 115.50 (folds into a bag)
Innova Skill Shot 16 chains 26lbs 117.95 (folds into a bag)
Lightning DB5 18 chains +40 lbs $209.95
Ching Strategy Sport Target Netting only 15lbs 99.95
Instep Disc Golf Goal 12 Chains est. 25lbs 95.95
Halex Disc Golf Basket 12 ropes 15 lbs. $80
*not the cheapest prices, just an average of prices.
Basket Threads
discatcher review
best basket for the money
Fav practice basket
best practice basket
disc golf baskets
looking to buy a basket
under $250
which basket do you prefer
Portable disc comparisson
Why I hate Discather
Best Portable basket
Which basket do you like best
best target for the money
best low price basket
best practice basket?
Best Basket for the Buck
Best Practice basket
Innova Discatcher next to a Gopher Quikshot
AT Trapper