The Inevitable 2024 Pros Switching Sponsors Thread

DGPT-branded tone poles. Once the metal cylinder touches the metal pole, it could connect an electric circuit that runs to a speaker and makes the chains sound.
Solves two problems actually, as there would be more highlight aces.
DGPT-branded tone poles. Once the metal cylinder touches the metal pole, it could connect an electric circuit that runs to a speaker and makes the chains sound.
Solves two problems actually, as there would be more highlight aces.
Just make it ring at a predetermined frequency by having a pole on top cut to a specific length and wall thickness. Something like whatever tone is used in the intro music.

Playing chain noises is like how some electric cars play engine noises through the speakers it's offensive.
I would imagine most of them have tried. Tough deal to cut from the DGPT perspective though- picking one is going to eliminate most if not all the others as potential sponsors. Supposedly at one point they were working on their own basket but haven't heard that talk recently.
I would guess Park basket used on Disc Golf World Tours 2 years was one DGPT had developed by said company for own tour and trialed basket on a flopped ?
Uhhhhh... if you mean the Disc Golf Park baskets those are sold by...shocker... Disc Golf Park. I want to say they are Discatchers with a different bottom but that might not be correct anymore (if it ever was). Disc Golf World Tour was not related to DGPT in any way that i know of. Jussi has/had a hand in all of that stuff- Disc Golf Park, World Tour, and Discmania.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were other differences, but the only thing I notice between DGP baskets and Discatchers is that the DGP's have both inner and outer chains linked to the same ring. I've always thought having them on separate rings is better, but no idea how much it affects performance.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were other differences, but the only thing I notice between DGP baskets and Discatchers is that the DGP's have both inner and outer chains linked to the same ring. I've always thought having them on separate rings is better, but no idea how much it affects performance.
Discatchers in Pro now have 3 levels of chains as they have 4 on very inner set unlike older 24 chain model now called Discatcher However both are approved for highest use of Majors but the Disc Golf Pro Tour is only allowing 28 chain. However, even more odd is the ban from DGPT of the Gateway Titan because of chains size/weight as most brands with a Major level approved basket/baskets have at least one basket, being allowed for use the Disc Golf Pro Tour. I remember one year in 2010's PDGA had allowed use of Mach VII for Worlds and DGPT only allowed Mach X at the time, only a few years later did DGPT allow Mach VII. For specfiic PDGA Worlds, I was thinking was one at same place Ledgestone was at, place Keith Emmerson almost won worlds as Discraft did not have its baskets ready at the time but Mach VII was new and DGA who uses Discraft for molding nearly all discs, so sponsor of both courses had pushed so VII could be used that year on Watertower course and other used Mach X and has since then using the Mach X from other course on harder course when needing replacements.
^I can just picture Keith Emerson with a gigantic modular synth mounted on his dg cart.

Good point on the newer Discatchers having additional chains.
The McBeth bounce out didn't need to happen IMO. We have a couple baskets locally that do that because the basket isn't properly secured to the pole.
anyone know why the baskets were so damm wobbly on mn majestic at the hollows
i can vividly remember the protos of d1 that flew like d4 and d4 that flew like d1

and then the whole debacle with them "mis inking" their mids and scribbling it out with sharpie and adding the correct name

hard to believe they made it this far tbh

Working at a disc golf shop at the time, there are plenty of mids out there that I corrected.

Plenty of other stories of the early Prodigy days. So many missteps, I didn't think they'd make it this long.