From what I've heard from someone close to the Dillard family, Lone Star changed their pro sponsorship model going forward to performance and incentive based (much like Innova of old). Modest but still low end stipend up front to help you start your tour, but matching your winnings, giving percentages on tour series discs and merch sales, and giving performance based bonuses making the player earn their salary. They scaled back from trying to make a splash with signing a large, well paid pro team, to focusing on juniors and ams after seeing the real financial value/lack thereof pros actually bring in net return. The family wants to focus less on the pro side of the game and more on the casual players because they are wearing too many hats and overwhelmed trying to keep up with the Jones'. (All of this comes from someone who is good friends with Terry, the owner, and could be complete crap, but that's my source.)
They let a lot of their pros know months ago about the coming change, some declined to resign for next year in silence, some made a bit more noise. lol