In another chat and also chatting with an old head, it makes more sense when you look at it like this.
Discrafts largest selling disc is.... Ultrastar.
They are practically bankrolling all their pro players with ultrastar sales.
It's the only used ultimate for competition, and colleges and everyone else is buying them 1000's at a time.
Most of these words become frustrating not because of their weirdness, but because of their constant miss-use by those with a less than desirable grasp on vocabulary.
This idea that "language is ever changing and flowing" is poppycock. You can't just take a word and suddenly make it mean something different. But that's what is going on, so when words like "cringe" come about and start getting thrown carelessly, it starts to get on some peoples nerves when they hear words used poorly or overused.
Shit triggers me pretty hard sometimes. I just put my fingers in my ears. lalalalalalala.
Or get out the soap box and yell at clouds and stuff.