Thoughts on this new SSDG video?

It really is a shame isn't it?
When you think about it deep down?

If the dude is a rockstar at the task, but has the personality of a cardboard box, that's one thing.

But also, you get guys like me or others who are a bit more vocal, you can usually get those guys going a bit and help carry to get the message out.

Just as long as its genuine and not fake, it carries far easier.

I used to really want to do stuff with others though, but with how self centered a lot of youtubers are with their channels and content, .. it's just a total turn off.
I'll have better chance of being in a video for the youtuber I work for than ever actually doing a disc golf collab video.

And after 4 years of working for this guy as his cameraman and basically everything. I've not been in a single video.
There is one time you can see me in the background so out of focus I look like a blob while I'm working with the high speed camera.

I've filmed multiple other people on his video's with him, but I've never asked or been asked to be in his video.
Which. is also only partly true. My hands are in his video's sometimes. hahaha
But still.
I'm a nobody in that world.
And I can do collabs with other youtubers fairly easy.
like monday.
Where I did a podcast for an hour and.. omg, I overdid the whisky. good god that was bad. I'm not that young anymore.
Disc golf podcasts?

I think that was part of the really cool thing with Dirty Jobs. Speaking that were kind of into embarrassing ourselves for the sake of education and learning.
Mike actively embarrassed himself as he learned over and over again all these peoples talents and knowledge.

We have to approach our passions like that. And when we shed the skin of embarrassment, we can grow. Because it really is what holds us back.

A short form from a conversation long ago about intelligence vs non intelligent people.
You dont have to be intelligent to be successful. Intelligent people generally are less successful because we dont want to take as big of risks.

People who are just not embarrassed or dont really have the thought process to be embarrassed can be so good at things because the last thing on their mind is what others think about how thy are doing it.
I'm not a huge risk taker myself. My brain doesn't like to jump in both feet.

Sorry for the pep talk thread hyjack, but its brychanus's fault with what he said. =)

Though, you'd not honestly strike me as a person who would be easily embarrassed based on how openly you talk and what not.

You are right, after some self-growth over the years, I am not easily embarrassed or put high value on others ( especially strangers) think of me or what I am doing.
I do find it strange how jaded people on the inter world wide web can be as evidence by peoples comments on videos where the person is demonstrating high level of skill at something. Has the internet really jaded people that bad? Like comments on videos of my buddy, his or other people's videos of him, but the comments are a joke and crazy, trying to discount his skill or better yet they are all better players than him.
His shot is unorthodox, but it goes in, and i will say this I would bet my life and all future earnings on my buddy vs Steph Curry or Leathal Shooter in an NBA 3 point shoot out.

The key to success is loving the process, the day in day out, and being able to do the mundane boring things over and over again - that is the formula for success.
This is why I scream and yell and complain and shout and pound my fists.

A lot of disc golf stupidity in form comes from someone trying to become a coach and not understanding actions and reactions.

This is how squish the bug came about. Which Coach T was teaching that as well. Which has just turned into 'back leg disc golf' now.
But he's teaching squish the bug.

When we brace, and the hips rotate, the rear leg HAS TO MOVE IN. As we deweight the rear leg, it naturally does a specific motion.

So what a lot of people seen in baseball and disc golf over and over again is what we now call squish the bug, where you teach the reactive move as the active move. Because they dont understand basic body mechanics. "well if that leg moves like that, they must be using that to generate the power and start the throw."
When.. it's the result of 15 other things happening before that.

It's the same with a lot of off arm mechanics.

Coach T see's the off arm drop on guys like paul and says "oh they must be punching down."
This is one I really really fell for myself when I was learning and studying disc golf. And Sidewinder gave me a healthy dose of slapping around, and I learned my lesson.

What pro's are doing is using the off arm to create space and rotation, then relaxing and anchoring. They are not using the off arm to over accelerate the front shoulder to drive power.
Again, we need equal and opposite forces to generate power.

This is why "spin and throw" works, but is wrong when it comes to power. as it has a hard cap. You can only spin and generate so much energy into the disc.
You cannot "add" to the power with muscles, because you have nothing to resist on.

This is also why I'm so angry sometimes.
Ya'll treated me like a proper adult when I had my bad theories. You all came at me and shut me down and made me think about it.
Now, I do it to others and ya'll get pissed at me and say how awful I am while some encourage the poor form theory to continue.
So, if anyone wonders why I'm such a fucking dick sometimes, this is why.
Because I see people who helped me and gave me a proper hard time about bad idea's not giving that same treatment to others.

But almost everyone equally shits on Coach T.
Unless you go into the discord server where Neil disappeared to. They all wanna give Coach T a hand job. Because Backleg disc golf is something they are into. Even blitz.

The problem with a lot of this dumb theory stuff is that we don't need to spend time beating the dead fucking horse over and over and over again.
There are sports out there that have spent well over 100million dollars studying this stuff.
And disc golfers out here like "look at me, I figured out the secret to disc golf." (this is basically what coach T does) and everyone is like "omg you're so great. look at you throw far."

like listening to people tell me how great of a coach blitz is cause he can throw 400 feet on one leg.
That doesn't mean jack shit. Just like all the pro's out there trying to teach disc golf. You're amazing golfers, and amazing throwers. if you have a higher knowledge of form and theory in disc golf and you listen to guys like paul ulibery talk about disc golf form, omfg. stop.
Uli teaches squish the bug.
People lining up. He doesn't even throw like that.

Just remember, I'm the bad guy.
I don't mind calling the shit out. Because I'm not here to lie to you. But I'm not here to crush your dreams either.

And dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with "exploring" things.
But you're not finding out anything new.
Just remember that people who know better might not agree with you. so stop holding your idea so emotionally and listen a bit.
For me when people are coaching or teaching I come from a place where at the essence of what they are trying to do is help others and I really do appreciate that. But when I get this manufactured vibe it really turns me off, I feel like there's a grander motive at play. Coach T is really the worst offender of this. For me I give everyone atleast the chance of trying what they are teaching. My problem with alot of coaches and I get crucified for it online mostly is that people like to regurgitate what they've heard or seen from some of these YouTube coaches and don't understand they are giving you a portion of the problem to fix because the rest is behind a pay wall they are trying to sell you on. I'll usually get "oh so you know more than X person then why don't you make videos"? I genuinely love talking form sharing knowledge and helping others progress and love progressing myself but I feel intention online gets misconstrued.
For me when people are coaching or teaching I come from a place where at the essence of what they are trying to do is help others and I really do appreciate that. But when I get this manufactured vibe it really turns me off, I feel like there's a grander motive at play. Coach T is really the worst offender of this. For me I give everyone atleast the chance of trying what they are teaching. My problem with alot of coaches and I get crucified for it online mostly is that people like to regurgitate what they've heard or seen from some of these YouTube coaches and don't understand they are giving you a portion of the problem to fix because the rest is behind a pay wall they are trying to sell you on. I'll usually get "oh so you know more than X person then why don't you make videos"? I genuinely love talking form sharing knowledge and helping others progress and love progressing myself but I feel intention online gets misconstrued.

100% your on point and I feel similar about that too!

I have noticed this so much more lately overall, if you know the space fundamentally, you probably know where something came from especially, if its an area/subject not often discussed or touched on.
Hate parroting like that when they do not understand what they are saying fundamentally, but the worst part is always the potential to get someone injured. And if your going to run with something, at least give flowers to that person or where your got the info from.
Most recent buzz word examples - Scap protraction / brief case and other similar like it / these 2 stick out in the last few months to me.
100% your on point and I feel similar about that too!

I have noticed this so much more lately overall, if you know the space fundamentally, you probably know where something came from especially, if its an area/subject not often discussed or touched on.
Hate parroting like that when they do not understand what they are saying fundamentally, but the worst part is always the potential to get someone injured. And if your going to run with something, at least give flowers to that person or where your got the info from.
Most recent buzz word examples - Scap protraction / brief case and other similar like it / these 2 stick out in the last few months to me.
when people parrot or give advice I like to think it's coming from a good place but when you try to further the understanding or give more context people turn it into an ego fest. Someone recently that was asking for form advice was told to close the plant foot off more and I thought well let me give the person a deeper explanation rather than "fix this" and I was completely agreeing with the advice, but there was no context as to how. Even though I was agreeing it somehow turned into an argument but the funny thing to me was the person asking for advice really appreciated what I was saying and it made alot of sense to them. If theirs something I'm explaining that I'm not 100% accurate on or I'm missing something I really appreciate when people correct me or explain further because not only does it help whoever trying to learn, it deepens my understanding. The internet is a crazy place.
I think I just got stupider having watched that. That was awful. The comments section is what you'd expect. People correcting him and then his couple of deranged followers losing their marbles.

I'm in that discord, maybe it was that way before I joined, but nobody even mentions "coach" T in there these days. I have maybe heard his name one time in like the past year, and not in a positive way. I don't know that I can bring myself to remove the quotation marks from coach.

"You have to be built different because it's hard and it hurts". I should start coaching high jump this way "You have to be built different and slam your fucking foot in the ground as hard as you can. Work through the ankle impingement, you have to be built different to do this. Screw the curve run straight at the thing slam into the ground like you're the bar in pole vault and just fling yourself, don't worry that it hurts like hell and you can't walk for three days. This is the thing no one else is saying. Pogo sticks for everybody!" Bloody hell that was annoying to watch.
I think I just got stupider having watched that. That was awful. The comments section is what you'd expect. People correcting him and then his couple of deranged followers losing their marbles.

I'm in that discord, maybe it was that way before I joined, but nobody even mentions "coach" T in there these days. I have maybe heard his name one time in like the past year, and not in a positive way. I don't know that I can bring myself to remove the quotation marks from coach.

"You have to be built different because it's hard and it hurts". I should start coaching high jump this way "You have to be built different and slam your fucking foot in the ground as hard as you can. Work through the ankle impingement, you have to be built different to do this. Screw the curve run straight at the thing slam into the ground like you're the bar in pole vault and just fling yourself, don't worry that it hurts like hell and you can't walk for three days. This is the thing no one else is saying. Pogo sticks for everybody!" Bloody hell that was annoying to watch.
Out of curiosity I watched a form breakdown he did for Garrett gurthie to try and understand his perspective a bit more and it really made me laugh because he kinda almost realizes he's over rotating the upperbody when comparing his form and says they are in the same position but they clearly are not. He also says his rear leg is "driving in" but the rear leg is deweighted. I assume he is taking the Brian Weissman approach to what he is coaching with intentionally internally rotating the back leg hyper fixating on what the leg should be doing from looking at static positions of pros. But I don't see how he doesn't see that pros are using the rear leg as a counter weight as he claims they aren't. Alot of weird stuff. I like that he emphasizes loading into the leg I really do but the other portion of driving the knee in seems like a one way ticket to snap city.

I think I just got stupider having watched that. That was awful. The comments section is what you'd expect. People correcting him and then his couple of deranged followers losing their marbles.

I'm in that discord, maybe it was that way before I joined, but nobody even mentions "coach" T in there these days. I have maybe heard his name one time in like the past year, and not in a positive way. I don't know that I can bring myself to remove the quotation marks from coach.

"You have to be built different because it's hard and it hurts". I should start coaching high jump this way "You have to be built different and slam your fucking foot in the ground as hard as you can. Work through the ankle impingement, you have to be built different to do this. Screw the curve run straight at the thing slam into the ground like you're the bar in pole vault and just fling yourself, don't worry that it hurts like hell and you can't walk for three days. This is the thing no one else is saying. Pogo sticks for everybody!" Bloody hell that was annoying to watch.
Also what discord are you talking about? His?
I consider myself rather tech savvy, but I am not familiar with using Discord for discussion forum. Can someone chat me up with a quick summary? lol
I consider myself rather tech savvy, but I am not familiar with using Discord for discussion forum. Can someone chat me up with a quick summary? lol
I've never used it but my impression is it's like a Facebook group of some sort where you can join or have to be invited where people post back and forth like here. or mods can do live video stuff. Might be wrong because I've never used it but that seems to be the gist of it from what I've seen. It has its own app and stuff.
I barely understand it myself lol. But it basically does function exactly like a forum, just faster to use really. Still has different subsections like any forum but it functions like each subsection is just one large thread instead of a bunch of different threads. Easier to link videos and shit too.
I've never used it but my impression is it's like a Facebook group of some sort where you can join or have to be invited where people post back and forth like here. or mods can do live video stuff. Might be wrong because I've never used it but that seems to be the gist of it from what I've seen. It has its own app and stuff.
I barely understand it myself lol. But it basically does function exactly like a forum, just faster to use really. Still has different subsections like any forum but it functions like each subsection is just one large thread instead of a bunch of different threads. Easier to link videos and shit too.

For me when people are coaching or teaching I come from a place where at the essence of what they are trying to do is help others and I really do appreciate that. But when I get this manufactured vibe it really turns me off, I feel like there's a grander motive at play. Coach T is really the worst offender of this. For me I give everyone atleast the chance of trying what they are teaching. My problem with alot of coaches and I get crucified for it online mostly is that people like to regurgitate what they've heard or seen from some of these YouTube coaches and don't understand they are giving you a portion of the problem to fix because the rest is behind a pay wall they are trying to sell you on. I'll usually get "oh so you know more than X person then why don't you make videos"? I genuinely love talking form sharing knowledge and helping others progress and love progressing myself but I feel intention online gets misconstrued.
Has the internet really jaded people that bad?
The internet turns people into narcissist's naturally. Its quite sad. There is no ramifications for being a shitty person. And a lot of people, myself included, are miss judged because you can't hear my inflection in my voice or see my body language to truly understand what or how I'm saying something.

His shot is unorthodox, but it goes in,

That dude that pops the ball up and in on his set. that shot is so unorthadox, effing wish I could do that. I might be miss explaining that one, but the ball is already gone before the guy posts to guard him while he's picking up his hands, love it.

when people parrot or give advice I like to think it's coming from a good place but when you try to further the understanding or give more context people turn it into an ego fest.

A lot of the "internet coaching" is exactly people just parroting advice, Even some of the really really popular coaches are doing it. It's not that they are dumb. I mean, they smarter than me, people are paying them. But... I see it all the time in form checks where they are not diagnosing the root of the problem, just parroting something they heard or saw from something else.

People correcting him and then his couple of deranged followers losing their marbles.

All I see down there in his comments was "dude. Bro." and some chest puffing. always a great time.

I assume he is taking the Brian Weissman approach to what he is coaching with intentionally internally rotating the back leg hyper fixating on what the leg should be doing from looking at static positions of pros.

Funny enough, Brian's approach to video's and teaching are very similar to Coach T's. Though, I can honestly stomach Brian far more, you can tell what he's doing comes from a better place even if you disagree.

No no, the one Neil from this site is in now that Sheep used to be in. Disc Golf Nation. (I had to look up the name lol).

That was hilarious. Blitz saw me talking and just went apeshit and banned me cause he hates me. I spent so much time helping that dude at one point, but the constant arguing back after a while just .. wasn't worth it.

I went back in for the sidewinder popcorn fest as they just go all out shitting on him without trying to understand then strawman his arguments.

I actually messaged Jerkwagon about it and told him how much bullshit it was, he agree'd with me. I asked to be unbanned, because it wasn't right, but also that I would never return if people are going to act so poorly.

When I originally left the server a few years back Jerkwagon actually messaged me asking why I left and I explained to him that the constant arguing wasn't worth my sanity. Nobody wanted to discuss anything, they just either wanted a circle jerk, or to tell you how wrong you were.

I consider myself rather tech savvy, but I am not familiar with using Discord for discussion forum. Can someone chat me up with a quick summary? lol

Discord is basically a chatroom on steroids.
I've never used it but my impression is it's like a Facebook group of some sort where you can join or have to be invited where people post back and forth like here. or mods can do live video stuff. Might be wrong because I've never used it but that seems to be the gist of it from what I've seen. It has its own app and stuff.

Discord is powerful if people behave themselves.
But I personally find more joy in a forum.

In chatrooms, if you miss the conversation, it's done and passed and over. In a forum, its a living thread still regardless of when the last reply was.
A lot of the "internet coaching" is exactly people just parroting advice, Even some of the really really popular coaches are doing it. It's not that they are dumb. I mean, they smarter than me, people are paying them. But... I see it all the time in form checks where they are not diagnosing the root of the problem, just parroting something they heard or saw from something else.

Funny enough, Brian's approach to video's and teaching are very similar to Coach T's. Though, I can honestly stomach Brian far more, you can tell what he's doing comes from a better place even if you disagree.
I agree it is alot of parroting and some are better at atleast having explanations but alot of people are really just saying the same things. I think the value in everyone's approach is atleast there in the details for some of it. I personally don't care for high production value stuff. It looks great and the presentation is cool for some of it but I feel that's usually the stuff where a good amount of detail is missing to bring everything together. I do really appreciate the OT stuff because even though it does have the big production aspects of it they still do get into details and credit where they hear said information from and if they are incorrect about things theyre transparent about it. I believe I've seen some of your stuff sheep and it resembles seabas22 where it is no bs explanation and dives into the details which I love if youre the person I believe you to be (lol). Owen's stuff as well I really appreciate. Everyone learns different. some more visual, but for me I do better reading or if someone is verbally explaining said things with finer details. I get the sense Brian means well also and his content is definitely easier to consume. It's just kinda what I'm explaining here where alot of production is being put into what he's trying to explain and he's not really getting at some of the finer details of what inefficiencies people may be suffering from.
A lot of the "internet coaching" is exactly people just parroting advice, Even some of the really really popular coaches are doing it. It's not that they are dumb. I mean, they smarter than me, people are paying them. But... I see it all the time in form checks where they are not diagnosing the root of the problem, just parroting something they heard or saw from something else.
In the past year and a half or so I became a learning facilitator/coach developer for Athletics in our province, i.e. I teach the certification courses and evaluate coaching portfolios of other coaches. It's been a learning experience and very different from coaching, but so far there has been a pretty consistent pattern emerging that I'm interested to see if it holds: Most of the coaches I've taught so far have fallen into 2 categories. first being everything makes sense in the theory, they can think deeply in that aspect, but their "coaching eye" is still really undeveloped so when it comes to actually applying it they struggle to identify what's going on. The other category is what I'd call the 'hammer and nail' category, where they tend to see the "same problem" in everyone. In both cases, it's an undeveloped coaching eye, but the second category is the one I expect to have a harder time developing. Obviously there are a couple that don't fall in these categories, but so far the majority are seemingly fitting into one of those areas. I think it's easy to see the comparison to a lot of disc golf coaching currently.

Hopefully 3 break lines make it clear this part is no longer about the thing I quoted from Sheep lol. I'm a little bit weird, I actually love coaching information with terrible production value, like if I have any confirmation bias in coaching, that's the first culprit lol. Seabass' videos just chilling in his basement with an Oriole's flag and a beer in his hand are exactly how I like my coaching vids. Speaking of which, I tried Seabass' bucket drill he just posted, and man, that thing really resonated.
Gonna chime in with a negative attitude. It's 8 pm on a Saturday, I've slept like shit and gonna work all day (rage boiling in me).

"Coach" T : we all know what he is by now, a snake in the grass, driven by greed. If not, then I don't know what to say.

Coaching: I could out people here and I'm really tempted too.. that DISCORD you guys are talking about. I spend a few days in there, just keeping to myself..I were banned because sheep is a friend of mine. I didn't even get involved in stuff lmao.

Anyway. We had people from DGCR being absolute dicks in there, belittling/mocking/bullying SW, when SW where just trying to having a civil discussion. I surely hope they'll stay at that discord server and tug eachother others nuts.

There's a tad of elitism in regards to "being" something in the disc golf YouTube world and it turn SOME people into elitists dicks, unfortunately.

Luckily we got a lot of good people in here, that doesn't hesitate to spend their spare time on stupid questions (ow hi brychanus and Sheep).
I agree it is alot of parroting and some are better at atleast having explanations but alot of people are really just saying the same things. I think the value in everyone's approach is atleast there in the details for some of it. I personally don't care for high production value stuff. It looks great and the presentation is cool for some of it but I feel that's usually the stuff where a good amount of detail is missing to bring everything together. I do really appreciate the OT stuff because even though it does have the big production aspects of it they still do get into details and credit where they hear said information from and if they are incorrect about things theyre transparent about it. I believe I've seen some of your stuff sheep and it resembles seabas22 where it is no bs explanation and dives into the details which I love if youre the person I believe you to be (lol). Owen's stuff as well I really appreciate. Everyone learns different. some more visual, but for me I do better reading or if someone is verbally explaining said things with finer details. I get the sense Brian means well also and his content is definitely easier to consume. It's just kinda what I'm explaining here where alot of production is being put into what he's trying to explain and he's not really getting at some of the finer details of what inefficiencies people may be suffering from.

I wanna make sure this is clear.
One of the people you mentioned there was who I was talking about with lack of knowledge and parroting.
Not as bad now, but still has no clue what they are talking about a lot of times.
In the past year and a half or so I became a learning facilitator/coach developer for Athletics in our province, i.e. I teach the certification courses and evaluate coaching portfolios of other coaches. It's been a learning experience and very different from coaching, but so far there has been a pretty consistent pattern emerging that I'm interested to see if it holds: Most of the coaches I've taught so far have fallen into 2 categories. first being everything makes sense in the theory, they can think deeply in that aspect, but their "coaching eye" is still really undeveloped so when it comes to actually applying it they struggle to identify what's going on. The other category is what I'd call the 'hammer and nail' category, where they tend to see the "same problem" in everyone. In both cases, it's an undeveloped coaching eye, but the second category is the one I expect to have a harder time developing. Obviously there are a couple that don't fall in these categories, but so far the majority are seemingly fitting into one of those areas. I think it's easy to see the comparison to a lot of disc golf coaching currently.

Wow, that actually sounds like a really fun job. I want it. hahaha.

Most people are the hammer and nail. They are intelligent and passionate, but the lack the deep vision. If that makes sense. They are full of knowledge and get stuck on trends. Like, I'd put Neil in this category. He gets stuck on a concept and hammers on it. I put OT Josh here too. Watching a lot of his form reviews, I'm not really sure WTF he's looking at half the time, but.. Again, I've made this clear I really don't think teaching and comparing peoples form to simon or drew gibson and saying "your doing it wrong" by comparing them is a proper coaching method for form. And it kind of fits this category. Josh has a good eye, but he doesn't have that in depth knowledge so he kind of hammers it home.

The other categorical side you talk about I've not gotten to deal with much. Because most of the guys that I would consider falling into this category, .. like for instance, Sidewinder. He's got years of experience where the flaw you've pointed out has been experienced away. If you know what to look for, you can practice your way to better.

I've also noticed that people, if I were to use these categories, who are more in that side tend to have almost no issues talking with me, but people who are more "hammer and nail" are constantly offended by my idea's or help and very abrasive in return to my comments.

Things being brought into perspective is "chaos to order" for me and it gives me a tingle.
Stupid virgo traits.
Gotta have that shit need and organized.

Hopefully 3 break lines make it clear this part is no longer about the thing I quoted from Sheep lol. I'm a little bit weird, I actually love coaching information with terrible production value, like if I have any confirmation bias in coaching, that's the first culprit lol. Seabass' videos just chilling in his basement with an Oriole's flag and a beer in his hand are exactly how I like my coaching vids. Speaking of which, I tried Seabass' bucket drill he just posted, and man, that thing really resonated.

I was honestly waiting for him to fall off the bucket.
I think something like milk crate height would be a better choice.

Thats also a thing with production value.
I *could* produce really high production value. I do it for one of my jobs already.
It's not worth the time for starters. I'm not making any money. And here is the main thing. I don't need production value and silly shit to cover up my message.
Which there are some youtube coaches out there doing that. They want you to watch, so they overproduce the video's.
Also, would be easy as fuck to make video's if I had a camera man. One of the reasons I don't make more video's is I don't have a camera man.
Something I could do in 15 mins takes me over an hour making sure I got shit right. I just loose interest or I forget what I wanted to say.
Like that last video I posted, no production. That was straight cell phone to upload. It was to help someone else. Of course even funnier how people are downvoting it. hahahah.
like. oh my bad, are you butthurt cause I'm sharing good info?

Video wise though. I have a lot to share.
But people dont want to listen to me talk for 15 mins on putter theory.

People dont want to listen to me talk for 20 minutes on how to build a proper putt and keep it and practice it so you can be good at putting.
They want a pill to take and that's it. Short and cutesie videos'.

There are some out there who would love that content from me. But I got 1 hour in filming, 2 hours in editing. for.. 100 views. It's kind of self defeating and not fun even though thats what I want to do.

If I had 10k subs. I'd get massive views. Why? because I would seem like someone. But randomly scrolling and seeing a 20 min putting video from someone you dont know, nobody gonna watch.

Disc golf is so annoyingly niche when it comes to how people view stuff. No attention span, people swoon over anyone famous with a level of stupidity that I've never seen before.

Nobody is going to tiger woods to get golf lessons.
Tiger aint got no idea how to really teach you to be a golfer at his level.

But disc golf. nope, we gonna listen to whoeverthefuck about something then turn some random comment into this huge ordeal of how to throw nose down.

I need more coffee.