Thoughts on this new SSDG video?

Gonna chime in with a negative attitude. It's 8 pm on a Saturday, I've slept like shit and gonna work all day (rage boiling in me).

"Coach" T : we all know what he is by now, a snake in the grass, driven by greed. If not, then I don't know what to say.

Coaching: I could out people here and I'm really tempted too.. that DISCORD you guys are talking about. I spend a few days in there, just keeping to myself..I were banned because sheep is a friend of mine. I didn't even get involved in stuff lmao.

Anyway. We had people from DGCR being absolute dicks in there, belittling/mocking/bullying SW, when SW where just trying to having a civil discussion. I surely hope they'll stay at that discord server and tug eachother others nuts.

There's a tad of elitism in regards to "being" something in the disc golf YouTube world and it turn SOME people into elitists dicks, unfortunately.

Luckily we got a lot of good people in here, that doesn't hesitate to spend their spare time on stupid questions (ow hi brychanus and Sheep).
Sadly, at the end of day your right, most people want quick fix in a pill form type syndrome.

I am a big believer in giving out good content for free to build trust/ creditability to earn the right down the line for the bigger ask from a marketing/branding/ sales perspective. A lot of people disagree with me on this due to fear / ego, ( someone stealing their idea, not getting credit, or no ROI ) but most people are lazy and will not put in the work even if your laying out Gold for them with a blue print to success. It always comes down to the execution, got to be the Excellence of Execution . lol

I don't understand so called guru/ coach - that does not wish to engage with a peer in the exchange of thoughts and ideas. Is it fear of being exposed b/c they are still in skill / knowledge acquisition phase, their idea/ concept might rejected, and or, people do not know how to have a debate anymore without taking it personally.
If you actually love the process of it all, talking with a peer and nerding out on things is very fun b/c there is a minority of people that we can have these convos with or share these ideas/concepts with.
Sadly, at the end of day your right, most people want quick fix in a pill form type syndrome.

I am a big believer in giving out good content for free to build trust/ creditability to earn the right down the line for the bigger ask from a marketing/branding/ sales perspective. A lot of people disagree with me on this due to fear / ego, ( someone stealing their idea, not getting credit, or no ROI ) but most people are lazy and will not put in the work even if your laying out Gold for them with a blue print to success. It always comes down to the execution, got to be the Excellence of Execution . lol

It's one thing to make video's. And I do enjoy it. I do it for me. But when we talk about "making content for free."

This video cost me 300+ dollars to make.
MVP this year decided to start sending out boxes a month early to hype the box for free to "influencers."
I was one of the people to start this "unboxing" trend for gyropalooza back in 2020.
My original video, for some reason, got taken down and I had to re-post it. But it had upwards of 8000 views. Which is a LOT.
This one here, as you can see, has like 250 views. While the guys who got theirs early, which I was never given a chance, contacted or anything, have 3k+ on theirs.
I PAID every year to produce this fun content and have made nothing. And now the MFG basically undercut me on a trend I started for them!
It was the same with the secret santa stuff, everyone would just post pictures, I started doing either live recordings or a video about my secret santa stuff. People followed suit. It was great!

So, sometimes yeah. The money part really sucks on video's, because it costs money to do the video. A video I want to make right now is going to cost me 300 on the low end to do if I do it. And its re-doing someone elses work that I have saved that i've posted around here a few times, but its on archive dot org and pictures are missing, etc. And there is new stuff now out there as well. MVP isn't going to send me free discs like they sent him either. I'ma have to buy it all.
That's where making video's for free hurts. Where in the world I normally work making youtube content, MFG's pay us to make the video. We have sponsored products to make those videos with so there is no out of pocket. Because my boss has to pay my time, and his time. And in the long run of all of that also babysit the video the rest of his youtube channel. Which.. you do have to babysit video's in some categories of youtube, because they constantly trying to demonetize you or.. for instance the channel strike he got the other day where they claimed he was doing something illegal, which he didn't. asked for review, and they said it again.
Took down the video.
Disc golf MFG's are not interested in doing paid content yet. They got to many people who are willing to take 4 dollars of frisbee's and make a free advertisement for them. This was an issue in the other industry. When you want high quality video's, free product isn't enough after a while.

Now as for "stealing idea's" in the disc golf world. I have had this happen multiple times now over the years, where I'll talk in here or someplace else and suddenly someone has a video up saying what I said in chat/message word for word and they give me 0 credit.
"Sheep, you need to point out some video's for us to believe you."
Its water under the bridge.
It's happened, its whatever. But it's part of why my attitude has become the way it is on forums/chatrooms.

I don't understand so called guru/ coach - that does not wish to engage with a peer in the exchange of thoughts and ideas. Is it fear of being exposed b/c they are still in skill / knowledge acquisition phase, their idea/ concept might rejected, and or, people do not know how to have a debate anymore without taking it personally.
If you actually love the process of it all, talking with a peer and nerding out on things is very fun b/c there is a minority of people that we can have these convos with or share these ideas/concepts with.

Visible credibility is the reason.
If I sat on 10k subs as a DG Coach, my credibility would be "everyone wants to do stuff with me, or communicate." Because the viewed credibility is read out in subscriber counts.
So, it's like status. When someone talks to you where you can't verify a visible status, if they talk to you about some of what you're doing, you are more likely to look at them as an angry critic with no credibility, vs someone with credibility.

This happened with Josh and I. I tried to help him, he was making mistakes, I had no visible credibility for him to judge me on. Was I out of place trying to help? Maybe, maybe not.

We, online, forget to talk to people and judge them first before assigning some level of whatever. its the narcissisms in the online community. Not just disc golf, tons of them.
People can't differentiate attacks on idea's vs attacks on personal character.
I'm not attacking YOU, I'm attacking your dumb idea. Or I'm attacking the fact that it's not though through.
People think its a personal attack and respond emotionally. Josh responded emotionally to me and never let it go. I had the best of intentions to help someone. I promoted their work, participated in the comments and tried again later to have the same results in response.
Did the same thing with blitz. I think he's making great video's.
And the one thing he's doing that no other youtuber does is he is coming up with idea's and getting people to try it.
Is there confirmation bias? maybe, but he's not just presenting it without a bit of trial.
The problem I ran into with him on that discord server over time was that He could throw further than me in 3 months of playing, so I didn't know enough to help him.
My 5+ years of study mean nothing? okay. my bad.

Other arguments I've had with discrediting me. "You dont throw far, why should I listen to you. I already out throw you."

And I had someone get sooo angry at me.
I said come here so I can give you the injuries that I play with and we'll have this discussion again after I break both your knee's and your back and rip your shoulder out of its socket a few times.
And then they started screaming I was making threats.
No, I'm qualifying why I can't throw far dickwad. I'm fucking broken.

I have multiple squashed discs in my back, 2 blown out knee's and a blown out right shoulder. I have limited wrist movement from swinging a hammer and other things most of my life.

Come at me bro. Why can't I throw far?
"Blitz can throw 400 feet on 1 leg. he knows everything."
Good for blitz.

Sorry, this is Jaded me talking. I'm trying to get rid of this part of my personality, but its really really hard and frustrating to try try try and have people constantly just shit in your direction cause their ego.
And people can say I have an ego. And its true, we all do. But my ego doesn't stop me from listening to others when they talk to me like a human.
It's one thing to make video's. And I do enjoy it. I do it for me. But when we talk about "making content for free."

This video cost me 300+ dollars to make.
MVP this year decided to start sending out boxes a month early to hype the box for free to "influencers."
I was one of the people to start this "unboxing" trend for gyropalooza back in 2020.
My original video, for some reason, got taken down and I had to re-post it. But it had upwards of 8000 views. Which is a LOT.
This one here, as you can see, has like 250 views. While the guys who got theirs early, which I was never given a chance, contacted or anything, have 3k+ on theirs.
I PAID every year to produce this fun content and have made nothing. And now the MFG basically undercut me on a trend I started for them!
It was the same with the secret santa stuff, everyone would just post pictures, I started doing either live recordings or a video about my secret santa stuff. People followed suit. It was great!

So, sometimes yeah. The money part really sucks on video's, because it costs money to do the video. A video I want to make right now is going to cost me 300 on the low end to do if I do it. And its re-doing someone elses work that I have saved that i've posted around here a few times, but its on archive dot org and pictures are missing, etc. And there is new stuff now out there as well. MVP isn't going to send me free discs like they sent him either. I'ma have to buy it all.
That's where making video's for free hurts. Where in the world I normally work making youtube content, MFG's pay us to make the video. We have sponsored products to make those videos with so there is no out of pocket. Because my boss has to pay my time, and his time. And in the long run of all of that also babysit the video the rest of his youtube channel. Which.. you do have to babysit video's in some categories of youtube, because they constantly trying to demonetize you or.. for instance the channel strike he got the other day where they claimed he was doing something illegal, which he didn't. asked for review, and they said it again.
Took down the video.
Disc golf MFG's are not interested in doing paid content yet. They got to many people who are willing to take 4 dollars of frisbee's and make a free advertisement for them. This was an issue in the other industry. When you want high quality video's, free product isn't enough after a while.

Now as for "stealing idea's" in the disc golf world. I have had this happen multiple times now over the years, where I'll talk in here or someplace else and suddenly someone has a video up saying what I said in chat/message word for word and they give me 0 credit.
"Sheep, you need to point out some video's for us to believe you."
Its water under the bridge.
It's happened, its whatever. But it's part of why my attitude has become the way it is on forums/chatrooms.

Visible credibility is the reason.
If I sat on 10k subs as a DG Coach, my credibility would be "everyone wants to do stuff with me, or communicate." Because the viewed credibility is read out in subscriber counts.
So, it's like status. When someone talks to you where you can't verify a visible status, if they talk to you about some of what you're doing, you are more likely to look at them as an angry critic with no credibility, vs someone with credibility.

This happened with Josh and I. I tried to help him, he was making mistakes, I had no visible credibility for him to judge me on. Was I out of place trying to help? Maybe, maybe not.

We, online, forget to talk to people and judge them first before assigning some level of whatever. its the narcissisms in the online community. Not just disc golf, tons of them.
People can't differentiate attacks on idea's vs attacks on personal character.
I'm not attacking YOU, I'm attacking your dumb idea. Or I'm attacking the fact that it's not though through.
People think its a personal attack and respond emotionally. Josh responded emotionally to me and never let it go. I had the best of intentions to help someone. I promoted their work, participated in the comments and tried again later to have the same results in response.
Did the same thing with blitz. I think he's making great video's.
And the one thing he's doing that no other youtuber does is he is coming up with idea's and getting people to try it.
Is there confirmation bias? maybe, but he's not just presenting it without a bit of trial.
The problem I ran into with him on that discord server over time was that He could throw further than me in 3 months of playing, so I didn't know enough to help him.
My 5+ years of study mean nothing? okay. my bad.

Other arguments I've had with discrediting me. "You dont throw far, why should I listen to you. I already out throw you."

And I had someone get sooo angry at me.
I said come here so I can give you the injuries that I play with and we'll have this discussion again after I break both your knee's and your back and rip your shoulder out of its socket a few times.
And then they started screaming I was making threats.
No, I'm qualifying why I can't throw far dickwad. I'm fucking broken.

I have multiple squashed discs in my back, 2 blown out knee's and a blown out right shoulder. I have limited wrist movement from swinging a hammer and other things most of my life.

Come at me bro. Why can't I throw far?
"Blitz can throw 400 feet on 1 leg. he knows everything."
Good for blitz.

Sorry, this is Jaded me talking. I'm trying to get rid of this part of my personality, but its really really hard and frustrating to try try try and have people constantly just shit in your direction cause their ego.
And people can say I have an ego. And its true, we all do. But my ego doesn't stop me from listening to others when they talk to me like a human.

Just so I understand, when you say video cost you $300, could you break the cost down? I was not sure if it was based on time , (and say you make $60/hr at work and it took you 5 hrs ), or renting equipment cost for video, or something else. Just curious.

Yeah that visible creditability thing with social like IG/YT is so funny, b/c there are many ways to know and understand to know if someone with a low sub count is a Real One out here in the skill/ knowledge dept. I already mentioned what my friend endures, and he is top of the food chain in his niche skill wise in basketball.

I don't have fancy equipment or anything to start Jericho and I's disc content, I have a DJI Pocket 2 w/ all attachments / accessories, not sure if I need to upgrade to the new 3 or not, and I also have my iPhone/gimbal as well. I need to refresh my skills in Davinci video editing program soon enough. lol
I wanna make sure this is clear.
One of the people you mentioned there was who I was talking about with lack of knowledge and parroting.
Not as bad now, but still has no clue what they are talking about a lot of times.
I think the biggest culprit of parroting that I mentioned was OT so I think it would be safe to assume it's about them. Like I mentioned I agree it's alot of parroting with the vast majority of people coaching on YouTube where they're saying basically the same stuff but have a different method or approach with teaching. Which honestly even if some of it doesn't resonate with me I can appreciate it because like I said everyone learns different. Some people I've helped get lost in translation when explaining finer detailed things and really learn easier with short form approach. I try to see value in something that coaches teach even Coach T has some value even if his understanding isn't fully there with some of his stuff and doesn't resonate with me. I think the thing that does kinda bug me from OT is the form reviews they post of students. I see alot bigger fixes that should be addressed but he will focus on other things.
Coaching: I could out people here and I'm really tempted too.. that DISCORD you guys are talking about. I spend a few days in there, just keeping to myself..I were banned because sheep is a friend of mine. I didn't even get involved in stuff lmao
I had no idea you got banned, I remembered you showing up for a few days then you were gone. I tend to mostly just talk lifting in there these days lol.

Wow, that actually sounds like a really fun job. I want it. hahaha.
It's a ton of fun lol. Just a little side gig, but between doing that and actually still coaching track, it's like an extra 10k tax free each year, so it's a nice lil bonus to do something I already love doing. Sadly track isn't a money sport in Canada, if I was born in another country it'd probably be my full time gig.

I think something like milk crate height would be a better choice.
I stacked a couple of bumper plates and used those, it was a much better height at like 10".

I'm going to try to stay out of actually naming coaches/people specifically in a negative since I'd rather not get into that. T is a special exception. I'm still relatively active on the discord even though I haven't really talked in the form sections very much for a while now, but there are some really cool people I've met in there, and Seabass just drops knowledge bombs at such a frequency you can't help but learn.

It's been a heck of a journey in track coaching so far (15 years ish), and I'm nowhere near done. To this point in my journey, I think the one thing I value most in coaching/and in other coaches, is the willingness to embrace being wrong, coupled with the lack of complacency in being wrong. One of my closest friends in coaching has talked about something when it comes to injuries, since he's been having a few more this year than typical, and we were talking about it being a bunch of different injuries instead of the same one. He said "It would be so much better if it was all the same injury, because then I would know it was me for sure, and I could figure out what I have to do to fix it". Enough humbleness to know that even 15-20 years in, you are still going to make big fuck ups, but the drive to continue to learn and figure out how to fix it. Maybe on the veteran side we need to be doing a better job in helping younger coaches understand it's ok to make mistakes and it's ok to not have all the answers and have to learn from others, I'm not sure. Locally our younger coaches *for the most part* are actually doing a really good job of this and I think we have a very skilled young crop coming up. But the second it becomes a primary source of income, those qualities become much tougher to hang on to.
coaches in DG with under developed assessment skills, eye test, DG form IQ / Player EQ, and just overall under developed holistic understanding of proper form - is the result you get when you self-anoint yourself dg coach or form guru without doing the head down grind process that we all have endured.

There are other factors too I am sure, but what can be done to improve the coaching landscape as a whole ?

I would love to see more collaboration among those in the coaching/skill ecosystem of social media, or just more open dialog / discussion in an open forum either online or in person could potentially be a start ?

A potential content staple piece idea that I like that ties in here, is doing something like a bi-weekly show with other follow DG form thought leaders / online coaches / or players /others that are passionate about this part of the landscape . Could be one to one format , or another shoe group format, and or just always have evolving format depending on guest and other factors .
I'm thinking of it in context of bi-weekly or monthly segment /show as a part of my /yours YT /IG page.
These formats are great for creating re-purposed content to create the illusion of Omni presence online .

I know personally, I love listening/watching passionate people in a given sector talk shop to each other if it's something I am passionate or interested in. Like imagine something like Saquan Barkley & Derick Henry talk anything running back related for 45mins on deep topics, and your senior HS running back wanting to play next level or college RB.- that stuff would be gold !!
Hopefully , you smell what I am sizzling over here . Lol
Just so I understand, when you say video cost you $300, could you break the cost down? I was not sure if it was based on time , (and say you make $60/hr at work and it took you 5 hrs ), or renting equipment cost for video, or something else. Just curious.

Yeah that visible creditability thing with social like IG/YT is so funny, b/c there are many ways to know and understand to know if someone with a low sub count is a Real One out here in the skill/ knowledge dept. I already mentioned what my friend endures, and he is top of the food chain in his niche skill wise in basketball.

I don't have fancy equipment or anything to start Jericho and I's disc content, I have a DJI Pocket 2 w/ all attachments / accessories, not sure if I need to upgrade to the new 3 or not, and I also have my iPhone/gimbal as well. I need to refresh my skills in Davinci video editing program soon enough. lol

It cost me 300 dollars for the 2 gyro boxes and the other disc I opened in that video. That's not including the gas/time to go pick the one box up either.
So, my complaint that really grinds me with that one was .. I was one of the guys who made it popular to do that. MVP sending free shit to everyone else early while I'm still paying. And then on top of that, I make no money on the video/mywork. So, Do I want to get paid for my stuff? yes. Do I want to get rich? no. But 250 views of whatever I got would probably be 1.50 in ad revenue from youtube.

I think the biggest culprit of parroting that I mentioned was OT so I think it would be safe to assume it's about them. Like I mentioned I agree it's alot of parroting with the vast majority of people coaching on YouTube where they're saying basically the same stuff but have a different method or approach with teaching. Which honestly even if some of it doesn't resonate with me I can appreciate it because like I said everyone learns different. Some people I've helped get lost in translation when explaining finer detailed things and really learn easier with short form approach. I try to see value in something that coaches teach even Coach T has some value even if his understanding isn't fully there with some of his stuff and doesn't resonate with me. I think the thing that does kinda bug me from OT is the form reviews they post of students. I see alot bigger fixes that should be addressed but he will focus on other things.

I say a lot of harsh and critical things. (I really dont mean to be a dick, I'm a virgo and an engineer, all I see is shit that is broken) So, a lot of times the really good things I say about people are missed. Every coach out there, even the ones we can't personally stand, or says a lot of dumb shit we all disagree with. Everyone has at least 1 thing they bring to the table.
When I toot my own horn about being a coach, it's because I've spent time slogging through some of these terrible video's trying to figure out what they DO bring to the table.
Also, reasons we need to be aware of bad coaching in general, or maybe teachers who do fairly well, but are really missing making home runs. Knowing what other coaches are coaching helps you as a coach try and figure out what they are doing wrong, because like in the case of Coach T here, you can see if people have watched his video's based on some of the techniques he tries to teach.

I'm going to try to stay out of actually naming coaches/people specifically in a negative since I'd rather not get into that. T is a special exception. I'm still relatively active on the discord even though I haven't really talked in the form sections very much for a while now, but there are some really cool people I've met in there, and Seabass just drops knowledge bombs at such a frequency you can't help but learn.

There are some cool people in that server for sure, just the coaching thing turned into a circle jerk. Sidewinder told me he was on there, so I contacted one of my students in there and he gave me an invite link again. and I just watched as they just were nasty to him. Straw man arguments. Name calling.

The funny thing about that server is that it basically started as a bunch of people who either disliked overthrow or got banned, or were not happy with his teaching. many things like that.
I meet more and more people who are upset with the way he teaches. The online pay coaching model really isn't a very easy and sustainable model.
It also depends on how you do it. At one point I was getting so many I was doing video's to review people. I usually just type written replies with pictures like I do here on DGCR.

The key with online coaching is this though. Those little details, if you're not being a parrot and applying a lot of 1 size fixes all solutions, is that when you can see the details that can make MASSIVE changes.
Your job becomes easy.
Because there are a lot of times 1 or 2 little things are causing 6 or 7 major things. So, you gotta learn to pick your battles online. I used to overwhelm people on form checks. And that isn't good. It's better to give people little things to work on that they can instantly see results.

Now the form checks I get can be really big head scratchers where I just dont' have the energy to really do it unless we were in person.

I think the one thing I value most in coaching/and in other coaches, is the willingness to embrace being wrong, coupled with the lack of complacency in being wrong.

There is no better trait than owning mistakes.

When I learned to own my own fuckups, my life changed. When you can just look someone in the eye before they tell you something and go "I made a mistake"... they just dont get mad.

Same with having bad information. "But Sheep, you never admit you were wrong in here."
Yeah, because you didn't defend your argument and prove me wrong, or give me a reason to change my opinion.

Maybe on the veteran side we need to be doing a better job in helping younger coaches understand it's ok to make mistakes and it's ok to not have all the answers and have to learn from others, I'm not sure.

If were talking about the DG Youtubespace.
They are looking for the "attaboys" and the dopamine rushes from the attention.
You kind of have to let them burn out and finally realize "oh crap, I really dont know shit." then they will listen.

This is why I'd get so hot at Neil. I worked and worked and worked to be kind with him, and .. Then it turned into him not listening. And that might be my fault for not making the best approach when he started to get that way. But as I pointed out to him over and over, Come back to these threads and read them when you finally learn what you dont know.

Basically, peoples Pride is what really hurts them. They want to do good, and nobody wants to feel like a failure. And regular culture hands out participation trophies for everything now including failing.
So people are not used to making mistakes and having to learn from them. Everything they do is a dopamine rush. So when someone is critical with them, they shut down and get emotional.
coaches in DG with under developed assessment skills, eye test, DG form IQ / Player EQ, and just overall under developed holistic understanding of proper form - is the result you get when you self-anoint yourself dg coach or form guru without doing the head down grind process that we all have endured.

People hate when I say it, but its the dunning kruger effect.
You think you know it all, but you don't really know shit till you know what you don't know.

Disc golf is the worse space for this I've ever seen from coaching to players. I've never played and participated in something where I've heard more people lie about things than disc golf. From their score to their distance, how well they can throw.

I've watched so many players give bad advice, because people wanna listen to them because they score well despite having really bad form. They just have thrown that way for so long, and played 100's of rounds on that course, they can do well there. You take them to any other course and they can't do shit.
People get so tied up in how well someone scores and how far they throw to determine how good a player is.

The constant lying while playing with people about how many shots they threw on the course. Or the guys online "i throw blah blah blah."
I just always subtract 200 from their number so I can tell how far they actually threw.

I say all this to basically say that people get a little bit of understanding and start scoring well, and they wanna break into the youtube space as an influencer or a coach. That way they can hope to do content with Simon or overthrow, or brodie, or drew. whoever.
Not gonna happen.

There are other factors too I am sure, but what can be done to improve the coaching landscape as a whole ?

We all just need to stop being soft and hold people accountable and not be so hypocritical. I probably even get hypocritical myself. But a lot of attitude in disc golf land is "I dont like that guy, so i'm going to be an ass to him regardless, but this guy is cool, so I'm going to encourage him and support him even though he's doing the same thing as that other guy I don't like."

It's this constant battle I see of people doing what I do, getting praise for it. While everyone shits on my shoes. We just look like a bunch of idiots fighting like children because people wont stand up and be adults. I'm trying to be an adult... It gets hard not getting dragged down.
Basically what I'm saying is the fakeness has to go away. This constant fake persona's from people trying to present this visibly fake attitude. You know that person did wrong, but you wont say anything when they said wrong. Because you dont wanna rock the boat.
Meanwhile everyone willing to tell me I'm wrong.
Because I can at least take it. Someone said that in another thread.

I would love to see more collaboration among those in the coaching/skill ecosystem of social media, or just more open dialog / discussion in an open forum either online or in person could potentially be a start ?

Collaboration is the hardest thing I've tried to do in disc golf. From arranging meetups for guys like RobbyC and Josh when they were here, getting blown off by them. They asked for help, I tried to help and it turned into a shit show.
I've tried getting with other smaller youtubers to do video's together. they wont do it.
Another local guy here reached out to the community looking for people to play with. Him and I talked. He comes here often, I said I'd play. We talked and talked, then he did a livestream and i threw him some feedback that his audio was bad on his stream, really really bad. So he argued with me that it was fine. And his other video's have really good audio, but.. nope. So I sent him a video proving it was not good.
And he's not talked to me since. I just tried to help him.
His streams since then the audio was louder, but still half of where it needs to be.

People are not looking to collaborate and build communities together. They wanna get that 1 big star and see the subs roll in.
Sorry bro, your content isn't "that" good that subs are gonna roll into your channel if you get a big sub guest.

But again. If I was rolling 10k subs, or 100k subs. People would want to collab with me all the time, or do live streams with me all the time.
It's the internet points that drive people in this field. I made friends in my other field back in 2010 and 2011 and we all still talk as we all uplifted and supported our channels. I just did a livestream with one on monday. We got hammered drunk too. ooops.
The guy I work for, all those creators got together and built a community to lift each other up and force the manufacturers in their space to pay up on video's as well.
And with every tom dick and harry being a disc golf disc reviewer, we can never achieve that in our industry. Because for the 20 of us that can do good reviews and would like to get proper compensation for the work and effort, there is 300 people that will do a shitty review for 2 free discs.

Also, there is this huge thing in disc golf YT where it feels like guys are trying to protect sharing their subscribers. Can't have smaller channels on, our viewers might go watch their content.
Thats how they treat it.
Foundation really treats it like that.

A potential content staple piece idea that I like that ties in here, is doing something like a bi-weekly show with other follow DG form thought leaders / online coaches / or players /others that are passionate about this part of the landscape . Could be one to one format , or another shoe group format, and or just always have evolving format depending on guest and other factors .
I'm thinking of it in context of bi-weekly or monthly segment /show as a part of my /yours YT /IG page.
These formats are great for creating re-purposed content to create the illusion of Omni presence online .

I wanted to do this.
Just me and some random disc golf someone, no matter the channel size.
And. Getting creators to respond to you is very difficult if you're not a large channel. There is that "number" again.
And getting them to want to do content with you is almost impossible.
So, I talked to Jaani about being my first guest and he loved the idea.
And for me, me doing it was a way for me to make sure there was no gatekeepers.
Because even if I get frustrated and upset about people in the coaching space who really have no business being there, if I was to not give them the chance to join, I'd be no better than these other people I criticize for their poor behavior.

If we let someone with a big subscriber count and a chip on their shoulder handle this, it would just be more shit ilke brodie/uli.
Or hunter/foundation.
Where only their friends are let on who are willing to participate in circle jerks.

I know personally, I love listening/watching passionate people in a given sector talk shop to each other if it's something I am passionate or interested in. Like imagine something like Saquan Barkley & Derick Henry talk anything running back related for 45mins on deep topics, and your senior HS running back wanting to play next level or college RB.- that stuff would be gold !!
Hopefully , you smell what I am sizzling over here . Lol

I can talk for excessive amounts of time if you cant tell.
I've done tons of podcasts.

Can't get on a single disc golf podcast.
Even for hot takes. And I got hot takes for days.
Brodie aint got shit on me.
I follow the Garage Gym landscape since converting my garage to Training HQ starting this past spring. This is what helped spark that idea in my brain, then I played with molding the idea in different potential directions in relation to content.

They have like a Main person or 2, then it's always revolving with other creators in the space, no matter their sub count.
I follow the Garage Gym landscape since converting my garage to Training HQ starting this past spring. This is what helped spark that idea in my brain, then I played with molding the idea in different potential directions in relation to content.

They have like a Main person or 2, then it's always revolving with other creators in the space, no matter their sub count.

I know I sound whiney or whatever when I talk about it, but it's just my experience and observations from being in the youtube space for a long while coupled with my job working in the youtube space for the last 4 years as well.
I have something to base it on anyways, not just me being butthurt for no reason.

It does make me a bit jaded though that it works like that, and it's not really a good emotional fit. But it's incredibly frustrating how it works. I've been on tons of podcasts as a nobody with big subscriber count guys where no youtuber, not even simon, come close. Then all of a sudden when I'm in a space like disc golf where I know stuff, people and things, it's frustrating not even being able to get a response from creators.

A lot of the creators I've tried to work with sitting on 300-400 subs. And I'm like "lets do some content together." They just not interested. So, I unsubbed everyone, I stopped watching their video's.

It's really just not discgolf to me maybe is why I get so frustrated.
I can roll in the course, locals be there.
"yo, who wants to throw?"
And 1 or 2 people will even play with me. (I know right?)
Everyone is a community at the course.
Then this online landscape is super fractured. That just doesn't feel like disc golf.

I played a tournament yesterday. All my homies coming over, saying hi. Few people I've not even played with in 2 years. Top rated golfers in our area saying hello.

I'm not the end all of disc golf.
But fuck, some of this stems from places like foundation. Where I've been active on their discord since brodie joined in. I've done all their form checks for like 4 or 5 years now.
Everyone knows me on the server.
Cept hunter/trevor/brodie. So I can't even get on their podcast. But they have some really weird obscure mfers on there sometimes who I have no idea who they are.
Dust is the only person I know if that was/is anyone that they have on. But he has an online presence in the esports community so he's actually a good guest, he did some work for gatekeeper too and someone else.
I've given foundation 100's and 100's of free formchecks and hours upon hours of my time to help their community. Yeah.

You'd be frustrated too.
When I met brodie, I told him I was the guy who does all the form checks on the server. He almost seemed baffled by what I told him.
Like. "oh I'm sorry bro, my bad. Been doing WORK for you for a few years, you don't even know it"

Really makes me wanna quit bothering.
Then yesterday in round 2, I get carded up with one of my students. Him and a friend came and got lessons like 2 years ago. He wanted to learn to throw backhand.
I've never understood why people just get 1 lesson.
Maybe a few exchanges via text after, but that's like it.
And so I asked him, and I was like "did I just give ya'll enough info that you were good after 1 lesson?" There was more to it than that in the convo, but .. He basically said yes. He said I had no backhand before the lesson and you got me a backhand. And throughout the round, his backhand was pretty good. Some impressive distance for his skill level as well.
So with my lessons, depending on the person, a lot of times I'll do a follow up video going over what we talked about and what to work on, drills and stuff. I just make it and send it. I did one for these guys.
And.. his backhand was pretty good.

Now that's a reward to keep doing it. He kept at it practicing. And he wasn't doing any weird shit like he'd got stuck into Coach T's whatever. Or this guy or that guys stuff.
He probably did watch other video's, but it was all concepts I taught him, other than his.. really strange movement into his walk up which I've only seen a few people do. Which is basically this weird forward stutter step before moving into the walk up. The other guy form that lesson that day came up and said hello as well after they had actually figured out who I was.

Just funny. he's like "you're the sheep shearer guy arn't you?"
I didn't recognize him as it was either, but after I saw his last name I did.
I apparently didn't have a beard when I gave them lessons, so he was struggling.

Yeah, the moral of all this random 2am typing before I take my wife to the airport so she can see her grandmother who's not doing well. is.. really just..
Do stuff to be awesome and impact others positively.
And if our disc golf community would function in a manor of just always trying to do that to each other regardless of your subscriber count, or instagram this or that. We'd look like a really awesome cohesive unit. Even if we didn't teach the same things.
I'd host a podcast and talk to Coach T for an hour or 30 mins or whatever.
I bet you despite his car salesman this and weird idea of how he teaches. He's probably not to bad of a guy to be around. Because what it looks like to me is his "on camera persona."

I think if anything to host a podcast like that though, I'd set one fair rule.
Put the bar super low, but say .. 100 subscribers.
"thats still gatekeeping."
Yeah, but if you're actually "creating content" you should have 100 subs pretty easy.
If shea stevens can have like 800 subs or whatever he has with his dry ass video's and one of the most terrible intro's to every video, that I've had so many people tell me they can't stand his content, then. you can dump a few bad disc golf video's and get 100 subs. Or dont forget there are insta guy's out there. I got a guy here, .. also can't get this dude to play a round for some reason. DGwithJD. .. something like that. He puts up some great IG content. Does "lets play a hole" or whatever, and its a quick video of him playing some hole on a local course. He has some like 3k followers or whatever. I'd invite someone like that.
People you can see creating the content, doing the work.
Which also doesn't mean you can't break the rules when you can see someone putting in the work.

Doing this good and proper overall, especially if people actually pull into the channel starts subsharing people, which is what the community needs.

And this is what one of my big complaints about brodie/foundation.

They could use their actual sub count to build a good disc golf community. But they do what the other big youtubers are doing, they just look to build themselves.
They dont want low end people on their channels, because it doesn't gain them subscribers. And they are hard up in their communities about self advertising.
Which. i mean sometimes I get. cause people will join servers just to drop video's, and not participate. but... it doesn't help build communities whatsoever.
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This is fascinating. I wasn't aware they changed stuff again. but it explains why the content I help make, which is already constantly dealing with shadow bans, has suddenly went down again.
Subscriber trends tanked.
Shorts trends tanked.
longform tanked.

Watched a video last night, guy has.. 3.06 mill subs, he said in the video 44% of his video watchers are not subscribers.
And he's rolling average 180k views.

So. only 90k of his 3 mill subs are watching his videos?

Now, I use youtube far far far different than other people cause I've been here a long time.
Most people use youtube through the home page or suggestions page. And this is what causes a lot of problems and stupidity in the YT space to start with.

If you use your... "subscriber" page when viewing stuff, you wont miss video's.
But as well, people subscribe to 800 people, then .. of course you'll never see anything. You have to rely on youtube to suggest to you your most likely to watch.
But, i've noticed as said in here, my "suggested videos" lately have been really obscure.

Like youtube spent 2 weeks trying to get me to watch some weird nazi propaganda content.
He's not wrong about Oregon track. They are one of the absolute gold standards. One of my old sort of training partners (in that we were in the same training group) went there and I think* she still holds their hep record, as well as an Olympic medal.
I remember this video this girl made.

I doubt it went 500 feet. But she did rip it pretty good.
I remember this video this girl made.

I doubt it went 500 feet. But she did rip it pretty good.
She threw over 500 in the distance comp to win it. 512 I think. (And it's a distance comp so that's where it hit not where it skipped to) She can 100% throw over 500 regularly. She's been hearing the insta comments of "no way that was x" for like 3 years but she's backed it up repeatedly with evidence now.