wolfhaley goes to Oregon 2024

Day 3 is in the books.

Started out hopping over the river to bag 3 courses in WA, our 26th state now. Started out at Hockinson Meadows, an 18 hole lightly wooded prairie type of course. Not usually my favorite, but this one was actually pretty well done. Enough trees to keep things interesting. From there we decided to hit Glenwood Community Church DGC which was only about ten minutes away. Surprisingly solid little niner. Glad we decided to play this one since it only took 30 minutes or so. After that was Leverich Park, an interesting 13 hole course that plays in a very hilly park with some really fun holes and a few fillerish ones. Interesting course for sure, fun though.

After that we headed to Pier park. It doesn't start out very great the first two holes but after that Woo boy, what an amazing public park course. Driving in you'd never EVER think that there'd be a course like this in that area. Loved it there. Beautiful course.

Finished the day at Blue Lake. Not a fan of that one. The rough is probably the worst I've ever seen. Anywhere. Couple that with some overgrown and poorly designed holes and we were ready for the day to be done with by about hole 8.

On the brightside, it was Mrs. wolf's 1000th course. So at least there will be something memorable about that place.

Off to Horning's Hideout in the morning. Can. Not. Wait.
[COLOR=var(--text-lighter)]Finished the day at Blue Lake. Not a fan of that one. The rough is probably the worst I've ever seen. Anywhere. Couple that with some overgrown and poorly designed holes and we were ready for the day to be done with by about hole 8.[/COLOR]
I've said it before: "Blue Lake is the best course I'll never play again." I thought the design of the course was good, if you're a certain skill level. If you can throw 400-450' consistently, it's probably fun. I can't though, so it wasn't.

I imagine I could par most of those holes regularly, but the only way I'd birdie is with a big throw in. I love a big challenging course, but most of them at least will give mediocre players opportunities to score if they execute their shots well.

And yeah, that rough is gnarly. I played pretty conservatively just to make sure I didn't go into it, and bagged a few sacrificial discs just in case.

The one positive takeaway was that it was cool to see the holes from the 2014 Ricky vs Paul battle up close. But yeah, otherwise, been there, done that, moving on.
If you can, I would recommend going to Bend, Oregon and playing some Disc Golf there, as well as sharing a cold one @ Bevel Craft Brewing. Welcome to Bevel Craft Brewing | Taproom/Brewery - Bend, OR If your lucky to share your Disc Golf travels/stories with the owners Valarie and Nate Doss (7 World Championships between them). This week is their 5th anniversary so I would think there's going to be a lot of famous/ non famous Disc Golfers having a pint. Whistler's Bend and Pier Park are my favorites in Oregon. Will your wife be playing her 1K course on this trip? I wonder if there are any other females that have played 1000 different DG courses?
Day 4's a wrap. Awesome day too.

Started out at Horning's Hideout. Played Meadow Ridge, Canyon course and then Highland. Holy shit that place is unbelievable. Some of the most fun I've ever had disc golfing in my twenty years of playing. Great courses and just phenomenal scenery. By far the highlight of the trip so far. And that's saying something.

After that we dragged ourselves over to Buxton woods. Very tired at that point and we both shot like crap but what an awesome backyard course. I can see why it gets talked up the way it does. Loved it. Just wish we weren't so wiped out from Horning's. Oh well.

Tomorrow we leave Portland and head up to Longview. Mccormick and Trojan then whatever other 9's we end up hitting. Probably take it a little easier tomorrow. I mean, we probably won't but we should lol.
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She hit 1000 yesterday at Blue Lake actually. I'm not sure if there's any others. Not that I'm aware of.
Congratulations to both of you ( Alyssa & Ryan) of becoming the 1st couple to play 1,000 different Disc Golf courses and to Alyssa for being the 1st female to play 1,000 different courses!! Be sure to check out the 1,000 Disc Golf Courses Played Facebook page (private group) if you need someone to invite you reach out to me.
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Congratulations to both of you ( Alyssa & Ryan) of becoming the 1st couple to play 1,000 different Disc Golf courses and to Alyssa for being the 1st female to play 1,000 different courses!! Be sure to check out the 1,000 Disc Golf Courses Played Facebook page (private group) if you need someone to invite you reach out to me.
Mashnut looked to be on track, but got derailed, I guess. Big kudos to the wolfpack!!
New goal for the Wolfhaleys: Play 1,000 courses each with no overlap :LOL:

On second thought, nevermind. They would have to travel separately.
Day 5 down. Much more chill day.

Left Portland to set up camp tonight in Longview WA.

Started out with McCormick. Really solid course, we enjoyed this one a lot. Good thing we played this one because it turned out to be the highlight of the day.

Next we played Trojan Park. Not a terrible course but park style and lots of shots around water. Alyssa managed to sent a DX Eagle to a watery grave but that was the lone casualty. Actually the first lost disc on the trip so far. OK course, nothing special.

After that we drove ten minutes to Ranier Riverfront Park. This one was a mess. Jeff Monty warned my about it and he was right. Not good. We just kind of played safari golf to make up nine holes. Surprisingly this won't be the worst one of the day 🤯

After that we headed to Roy Morse DGC. Pretty standard nine hole park style affair. Not bad though. Easy pelt.

Finally we stopped at Tam O'Shanter which is only 3 minutes from our hotel. Wooo boy what a mess. There were 8 baskets and one of the most disjointed layouts and just overall terrible designs I've played in awhile. Not quite Dancing Yarrow bad but damn close. That was all we had energy for today.

Off to Lucky Mud for a 10 AM tee time tomorrow.
Finally we stopped at Tam O'Shanter which is only 3 minutes from our hotel. Wooo boy what a mess. There were 8 baskets and one of the most disjointed layouts and just overall terrible designs I've played in awhile. Not quite Dancing Yarrow bad but damn close. That was all we had energy for today.

Off to Lucky Mud for a 10 AM tee time tomorrow.
I've not played Tammy 'O or I could have warned you about that one, too. AWESOME you're getting to Lucky Mud, I wanted to recommend checking with them again when you said they were booked. That place is just a gem, beautiful and pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Very cool vibe there. They have a P&P there too so 2 for 1.
I've not played Tammy 'O or I could have warned you about that one, too. AWESOME you're getting to Lucky Mud, I wanted to recommend checking with them again when you said they were booked. That place is just a gem, beautiful and pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Very cool vibe there. They have a P&P there too so 2 for 1.
Lucky Mud will always hold a special place in my heart. I just wish dogs were allowed, otherwise I'd make the trek down more often.

I don't know it's current state, but I had a lot of fun at Skyline just down the road too. It had closed and now reopened. From the pictures it looks like it's been upgraded. It's on a ball golf course, but doesn't take itself too seriously (they used to advertise with a giant inflatable gorilla if that gives any indication of the vibe). Lots of elevation in play and some nice views.
Day 6 complete.

Started out by driving to Lucky Mud for a 10 AM tee time. What a beautiful area drive in for starters. It gets even better once you arrive.

Started out on the 21 hole Raven course. This course is as good or better than advertised. Such a serene, amazing piece of property. And the disc golf is amazing too. We both absolutely loved this course. One of the best private courses out there. We took our time and soaked it all in. Stunning.

After that we hit the 10 hole Woodpecker course. This one is more basic and overlaps on some of the first holes of Raven. Nice cool down, beginner level course.

After that we headed over to a 10 deal I added to here but there were no baskets on the first two holes so we walked over to check out the ocean. Alyssa's first time seeing the Pacific so that was pretty cool albeit cold and drizzly.

Then we headed back to Warrenton OR and hit up Columbia Shore DGC. Very cool course that plays around the old Ft. Steven's military base. Never played a course like that before. Definitely an awesome experience. Then since we were there we had to hit the Lil Oozlefinch putter course. Literally a 9 hole course with all 20 to 30 foot holes. Pretty funny but fun. Turns out we suck at putting lol.

Tomorrow we got a 4 and a half hour drive down the coast and it'll be kind of a rest day. We're still going to play at least 2 courses though. A wolf "rest" day ;)
Day 6 complete.

Started out by driving to Lucky Mud for a 10 AM tee time. What a beautiful area drive in for starters. It gets even better once you arrive.

I am glad you were able to play Lucky Mud. :)

But also jealous because it is not dog friendly so I will have to give it a miss. 😞
I am glad you were able to play Lucky Mud. :)

But also jealous because it is not dog friendly so I will have to give it a miss. 😞

That's too bad. Such a beautiful course. Luckily for you there's a ton of fantastic courses up this way.
Day 7 complete.

Today was an easier day. We had an almost 5 hour drive from Warrenton to Reedsport. We stopped at a few beaches and overlooks since Alyssa's never seen the Pacific and I haven't since like 1993. Started out dreary and some rain but turned out being awesome out by the mid afternoon. Man that drive down the coast is stunning.

We did play some golf though too. First was Twisted Pines. Really different feel from everything else we've seen up here, but still a fun and kinda unique course. Glad we stopped.

Next was Red River DGC. This one was cool. It was the most Endor looking course we've played yet I think. Short, hilly and heavily wooded with moss everywhere. Really cool looking course.

Tomorrow we make the turn and start slowly working back up to Portland. We're going to start at Bicentennial park just a few blocks away from our hotel before hitting up Whistlers Bend. We'll see what we do after that when we get that far.
Day 8 in the books.

Started out with a quick 9 at Bicentennial park which was 3 minutes from our hotel. Fun, short wooded course. Easy bag.

Then we had an almost 2 hour drive to Whistlers Bend. Worth every minute of that drive. Gorgeous course with some pretty grueling hiking on parts on it. Very glad it was only in the 50's out today. Just an amazing piece on land. Looked more like Colorado than any of the other Oregon courses we've played. Definitely recommended this one if you haven't played it before.

We got some lunch after and headed to Riverfront park. Nothing special but a fun wooded course nonetheless. It started raining on hole 18 so we got out of there and drove 30 minutes to our hotel.

Relieved we were lucky with the weather so far to get all of my major need to plays. Dexter park in the morning and I'm thinking at least 3 more. Dexter and Stewart pond for sure though.
Day 9 and 10 in the books. I forgot to update yesterday. Starting to lose it ;)

So day 9. Started out at Dexter Park. Really solid course. Mix of wooded and open but leaning more toward wooded. Very fun course and well worth it's lofty rating.

After that we headed to Stewart Pond. This one was ok. Not nearly as good as I was hoping it'd be. Still fun but pretty average. Decided to hit Westmoreland park too since it was like ten minutes away. Standard park nine. Easy bag.

Struck out on Camp Taloali. Apparently they just pulled the baskets the day before for some logging. Never got a return call from Camp Serene the day before either. So since there was no Taloali we hit Williamette park. pretty fun moderately wooded and flat 18 about five minutes from our hotel in Corvallis. Decent course.

Day 10. Drove about a half hour west and started at Blodgett Woods. Very fun hilly and heavily wooded backyard course. Very glad we got to play this one. Took a bunch of pics of it too since it had no pics or reviews.

Headed to Adair park next. Solid park 18. Good split of wooded and open. Fun course but nothing special. Took @sillybizz suggestion and stopped at Bryant Park which was the next closest course. Started out so-so but damn did it pick up after about hole 6 or 7 until hole 16, which was back out in the park again. Awesome wooded stuff in that whole middle section. Really glad we decided to play this one.

The weather was nice and we're running out of time over here so we hit Dallas Park for the final 18 of the day. This was the perfect choice for the last course of the day. On the shorter side and plenty shady. Very pretty park and some plain old fun golf. Loved this one. Hit dead center pole on hole 3 with an electron Atom and spit straight back out. Stupid Mach's lol.

Last full day tomorrow. Just got the go ahead from Dave Heider so we'll be hitting his course, Dave Heider DGC tomorrow for sure and whatever else we can manage.