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Reedsville, OH

Forked Run State Park

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3.885(based on 28 reviews)
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Forked Run State Park reviews

4 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 16, 2020 Played the course:once


Has a variety of shot types. Woods/open and flat/hills. Each hole had two pads with multiple pin placements. Having more than 18 holes is nice if you want to continue a round


Signage was my biggest issue. No signs pointing to the beginning of the course from the park entrance but luckily I had looked it up before hand. No course map at the start. Rarely signs pointing towards the next tee. Pins were were in different positions on each holes (i.e. not all in A position).

Other Thoughts:

From a playing stand point, the course was overall good. Unfortunately trying to find the next hole made for a frustrating time. Some fairways could use some mowing. Be sure to download a course map because there is no cell service here
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 42 played 37 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Difficult course to rate 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 31, 2018 Played the course:once


Very good mix of appearances and throws, one of the best I've ever seen
Concrete tees
High-vis baskets
Nice scenery


NOT first-time or occasional-visitor friendly
Desperately in need of signage
Needs a lot of TLC
In the middle of nowhere
Soggy after rain
Has a mando. (I know this isn't a negative for everyone, but unless it's to prevent throwing near private property, it's a negative to me.)

Other Thoughts:

This was a very hard course to rate. I almost gave it a 4.5. I almost gave it a 3.5. I even flirted with the idea of giving it a 3.

The problem is: the course, by itself, is phenomenal. I've only encountered one course (out of 50+) that I thought had better holes and a more consistent mix of throws needed, and only a small few that are at the same rank. But it's got some bad downsides.

Starting with the neutral stuff: the tees are acceptable. Most, maybe all of the holes have two tees, but they're usually only ~20 feet apart, so it's not like it adds much to the game.

There are benches throughout the park, but most of them are showing their age, either wobbling or missing chunks of them here and there.

I didn't find any place nearby to get food or drinks within 10 miles or so, so keep that in mind when coming to the area: bring what you need.

The course's end (holes 19 and on) is somewhat disappointing: mostly flat, not many obstacles. They did a decent job with what was there, but maybe should have cut a few holes from the end of the course. I may well skip some of the end whenever I'm there, just because.

Those, however, are mostly minor annoyances. There are two real problems with the course. The first is navigation. Many of the holes are missing signs, and there are a few long walks that aren't labeled anywhere. I didn't find a course map, not even one pinned to the board that looked like it was placed there specifically for it. There are a couple of 'next tee' signs on the course, but most of those are placed where you can pretty well guess where the next tee is. Going from 5 to 6, and from 12 to 13, involved serious hunting for me.

But the real problem for me was something that other reviewers raved about: most holes have five possible basket placements! That's great, right? It's easy to mix up the appearance of the hole, not just in two directions or maybe three, but in five!

Except... when you're standing by the tee sign, which shows B in a blind throw to the left, C in a blind throw to the right, D in a long blind throw to the right (over the hill), E in a long blind throw to the left (over the hill), and A directly in front of you in what should be an obvious location (unless it's actually just past the top of the hill), and the tag on the pole says "A", but you don't see a basket, what do you do? You climb up the 60+' hill, spot the basket (not in the "A" position), climb back down the hill, just to throw up the hill, which seems to have grown by at least 20' since you climbed up it the first time...

If you're going to do multiple basket placements, make sure the signs are kept up properly! And tag both tee signs. And replace any downed/lost/removed signs. I did mention the missing signs earlier, right? Yeah, there are a few blind holes without any signage I could find at all. At least these had an obvious general direction you where supposed to point towards, and the baskets were usually spotted quickly once you got past a few specific trees.

This particular multiple basket placement has another problem, as well. Each hole seemed to have 1 novice placement, 2-3 regular placements, and 1-2 championship placement. Which is cool. Except for any hole that's set either below or beyond your comfort zone. Baskets mostly in the championship range? That's going to be annoying for my non-championship arm. Set it all to novice? Experts are going to really hate the course.

Multiple basket placements are great when they're all mostly near the same challenge range. If you're going to have different difficulty levels, then please, have multiple physical baskets per hole, with different colored rings, so players can choose their target. Or if you can't afford multiple baskets, get your multiple-difficulty levels through multiple tee placements, far enough apart that there's actually a difference in challenge levels.

Despite the negatives and the fact that it's nearly three hours from my house, I do plan on returning there in the reasonably near future, though I'll probably do it when work takes me within an hour or so of the course. Yes, the course design is that good. I just wish the upkeep was better.
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2 1
Experience: 13.1 years 68 played 18 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good course...... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 28, 2018 Played the course:once


Great variety of wooded and open shots.
Good concrete tees for both long and short.
Decent signs to point you to the next tee


A couple of holes have fairways that you have to double back on to get to the next hole.

Other Thoughts:

Overall I really loved this course. I was disappointed though on the finish. Hole 23 has no line off the tee and is a definite toss and pray hole. Hole 24 was good but both 23 and 24 seemed like they were an after thought just to make an even 24. Would love to see a 25-27 that finished a loop back to the parking lot.
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1 4
Experience: 6 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Amazing 24 hole course at a beautiful state park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 7, 2017 Played the course:once


Camping available at the state park is a huge bonus. Baskets are great. Course is absolutely amazing. Starts out open, goes to wooded and hilly, and back to open and long.


Some very unforgiving holes where the gap is not much more than 2 feet wide. The uphill holes are pretty tough to get up when it's wet. Hole 12-13 is confusing because you have to walk back down hole 12's fairway to get to 13.

Other Thoughts:

Just go play it. What a beautiful course.
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1 1
Experience: 6 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great fun with the family! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 21, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Closest course to my parents in Point Pleasant, WV
Two tees per hole
Picturesque hole 17 across the dam
Well manicured


Hole 7: the shot out of the trees was looking at what later may have been a practice basket, but we played it. As we walked to hole 8, we noticed a basket marked 7 up in the woods to the left of the road. This basket was almost grown over with weeds, and looked like it hadn't been played in awhile. Maintenance needs to be done on that hole.
Hole 10 was a bear, even from the red tee. We were not a fan of throwing around the maintenance building.
Next Tee signs need updating.

Other Thoughts:

We had a great time playing this course. My wife and our two kids, both teenagers, went up here to play. We did not play the entire course due to time, but really enjoyed whole 17 going across the dam. I managed to throw a Dynamic Discs Truth and it skipped off the dam to the left and then skipped off of the bench and plopped into the water! It then began to rain on us pretty hard, so we ended at whole 21. Had a great time at this course!
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6 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.1 years 179 played 144 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Solid Fun at Forked Run 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 30, 2015 Played the course:once


Forked Run is located along the OH-WV border and the course plays widely throughout this state park. It starts near a small pavilion on the left shortly after you enter the park, with signs pointing you to hole 1. It presents a desirable level of difficulty: a great blend of tight, technical shots in the woods and longer, open shots that make you have to fight for par. Distance with accuracy is tested here. However, it isn't challenging to the point where it's not fun. The two sets of tees truly give you a nice option for the level of difficulty you want to play.

There is good signage here, with tee signs and a lot of 'next tee' signs throughout the course. This helps out a lot since the course is so spread out and plays in different parts of the park. Since it is a long hike, benches are plentiful. The tees are awesome, concrete and very large.

There's a great mix of holes with a variety of wooded and open shots as well as moderately wooded holes that force placement shots. Hole 3 comes to mind as a perfect placement shot. It starts out open but a solid approach depends upon a well-executed drive in front of an opening into the woods. The design also makes nice use of the elevation provided with some steep uphill (7-10) and fun downhill (13, 14, 18) throws. 14 is a highlight, a downhill left to right shot in the woods with a challenging pin position on a steep hill. Being 24 holes long, I didn't feel that there was much redundancy. This is uncommon for a 24-hole course that isn't championship level. I think this is mostly due to there being a sequence of open then tight holes back to more open shots, etc.

Well thought out pin positions add to the challenge, with many being on a slope or among a patch of trees. Hole 17 is an open shot on top of the end of a reservoir. The pin is on a very steep hill that calls for a touchy approach.

The land is very well taken care of, with limited rough and chances to lose discs.


While the navigation is aided for the most part, there are some tricky areas and the direction of the next tee isn't always obvious. I had trouble finding holes 7, 14, and 23. For each one, head to the woods on the left.

I'm not sure how regular this is, but a few holes were pretty swampy when I played. Hole 7 had a pond in its fairway that I just played around.

There is a great variation of holes, but some of them were pretty straight forward. There weren't really any true signature holes that were a blast to play. That more than anything keeps this course from being among the excellent (4.0 and higher) rated courses for me.

With the state park being in a secluded area, the course itself doesn't always feel secluded. There are times where you play around a parking lot and a fishing area. A few holes play near the park road.

A little nitpicky, but the tee signs had 3-6 pin positions marked out, often being very different. This caused me to have to search for the basket on the blind shots. The marked positions didn't always correspond with where the pin was located.

There is no real parking area by the start of the course, I just parked next to the pavilion which is out of the way from other park activities.

Other Thoughts:

Forked Run is a very solid course that offers a lot of variety and makes great use of the state park's land. It offers a nice balance of challenge, difficult to achieve par without being too demanding. There aren't any real big detractors to the course, so I think any player would enjoy playing here. Unfortunately, it is a little out of the way in terms of other courses and pretty much anything else. I definitely encourage a stop here if you are near the area.
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1 0
Billy K2
Experience: 14.3 years 34 played 28 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Forked Run: A fun course, with a few flaws 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 20, 2014 Played the course:once


Forked Run provides a fun challenge, that will test even the best of disc golfers. The tees and baskets are in phenomenal shape. I really liked the design of this course. It had the perfect mix of open and wooded holes. The park is very welcoming, and I met a few awesome people along the way!


Navigation was a little confusing throughout the course. I got bit up pretty bad by Mosquitos, so being some bug spray. The main problem was navigation. This is a great course, but with improved navigation, it could easily be a 4-4.5 disc course. I got lost several times.

Other Thoughts:

I enjoyed playing Forked Run, and with improved navigation, it could be a phenomenal course. I would reccomend it to my friends, but PLEASE add a few more signs.
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2 1
Experience: 34 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 21, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Great course, has many different basket options, though i don't know how often they change them. Nice mix of open and woods.There are a few holes that have water, but none that you have to throw over. This is a must play if you are in the area.


There was one hole where you had to head right back towards the tee to get to the next hole, but as there was nobdy else on the course both times I played, it was not really a problem.Other than that I thought the course was very well laid out.
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2 0
Experience: 29.3 years 110 played 19 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 3, 2012 Played the course:once


- Beautiful scenery
- Some long holes for big arms
- Clean and well maintained
- Good use of terrain
- Concrete tee pads
- Multiple tee pads
- Vending machine tucked in the back by one of the buildings when you come out of the woods


- Minimal parking by the start, more signs for parking further in would be nice

Other Thoughts:

Another good destination course. Nice mix of length throughout the course. Nice use of elevation where appropriate. Good general flow from hole to hole.
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1 2
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Forked Run 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 25, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Great layout of the course. For a first time player here it was very easy to figure out the layout. The entire course is challenging, wither it is a long hole or a very short hole. Great Course


Only con I had was that it was very wet. The drainage isn't that great but as a traveler water isn't a big deal.

Other Thoughts:

I encourage everyone to tell this course and have a killer time. Just be prepared to go up a mountain but the holes are toattaly worth it.
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14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16 years 117 played 110 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 12, 2011 Played the course:once


I really enjoyed Forked Run. There are 24 holes, which is a nice bonus. There are up to 6 pin positions per hole (wow!) The course has plenty of variety even without the multiple pin positions. There are up/down hill shots, left/right/straight shots, open/wooded, and different distances.

Nice tee signs with current pin positions listed.

Other Pros:

- dual concrete tees
- well maintained State Park with camping available
- challenging & fun
- water near play
- elevation used
- arrows help navigation


The course is located out of the way from civilization which bums me out because I really want to come back to play the other pin positions.

Nit Picks:

Beginners could get frustrated, a nice array of shots needed

Some play near a non-busy road

Other Thoughts:

There is onsite camping. There are tent sites or cabins. I took advantage of the cabin. They are small but include: 3 beds, refrigerator, heat/AC and a microwave. There is a shower house nearby. The price was fair and I do recommend it.

The first tee is near the parking at the entrance of the park. The course is long and physically demanding, bring snacks/drinks with you, it won't be finished quickly. I hope to be back to play here again.
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 200 played 61 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Pretty Sweet 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2011 Played the course:once


This is a very special course located in a nice secluded state park.

With 24 holes, two tees and up to 6 pin positions, that dramatically change the layout of the hole, you are provided with practically unlimited variety. The different pin positions really do make completely different holes.

The design of the course is very solid. There is a good balance of right turning, left turning, and straight holes. The course provides a great mix of wooded, open and a combination of the two. The design also provides some decent elevation changes. Holes 8 through 18 all have some slight to significant elevation. The designer has also brought water into play on a few holes without making losing a disc a huge fear.

There are two concrete tees for each hole providing very different looks at the basket and all of the baskets are in good shape.

The tee signs are very helpful providing distances for all the pin positions except for the most recently installed. On the tee signs there is a little tag letting you know which position the pin is in currently. As far as I could see they were all accurate.

I got to meet a lot of the locals for this course (although local is a relative term since it really is kind of in the middle of no where) and they were all super cool, helpful and easy to play with.

The entire course is well maintained by the park staff and I have heard that the rough on some of the wooded holes has been thinned significantly over the last year or so.


There are no serious cons with this course. I would just suggest clearing out a few fairways a little more. Specifically holes 22 and 11.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed playing on this course since it was difficult without being overwhelming. T There is a very high fun factor at this course but I can imagine that when the pins are all in their hardest positions that this course would be an absolute bear.

I have played one sanctioned event at this course and I have been told that all of their events have a festive atmosphere. Everyone I met was relaxed and fun to be around. I am looking forward to playing here again in the fall for the Ohio River Open.
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2 11
Experience: 17.3 years 26 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 1, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


concrete pads
multiple pins
well mowed grass
24 holes
good mix of elevation
good hyzer/anhyzer routes


lots of walking, slightly confusing for a first-time through

Other Thoughts:

love the a-g pins, love playing tourneys out here, very humbling
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2 9
Experience: 18.3 years 14 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Huh? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 1, 2010 Played the course:once


Concrete tees
Multiple Pin placements
24 holes
not crowded


poor layout
confusing signage
bad hole design

Other Thoughts:

I whole heartedly disagree with the other reviews. And in my opinion this course definetley does not deserve a 4.25. While the course is not the worst course in the world, it is really not anything to "write home" about. There are a few cool holes and one awesome hole. 2 being a moderatley long hole with the basket situated behind a large and full tree(sycamore if my memory serves me). 18 was shot from an earthen dam to a mowed green about 200 ft out and 50 or so feet down. 24 was (again in my opinion) the best hole on the course and even it wasnt spectacular. It played dogleg right and the left side of the fairway had a straight line of trees for almost the entire length of the hole very cool to look at and hard to bend a shot through. But then there are the other 21 holes. The holes in the woods seemed like they hadnt been thought out well. The trees were just annoying. There was maybe...MAYBE one flight path to take on each of these holes and even then it was a unreasonably small path. The holes in the field had only one or two trees and no elevation change, not a great challenge. Also this course is not long... there were maybe 5 holes that were over 350'. Maybe the pin placements were to blame but this course is probably a one timer for me unless Im passing by( which isnt likley because its painfully out of the way for anybody).
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10 0
Experience: 15.5 years 193 played 17 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Forked Run 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 8, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


1) Great overall diversity of holes; hyzer/anhyzer doglegs, uphill/downhill, open/wooded, super long/to long holes
2) Most holes have a Pro level design
3) State Park atmosphere
4) Each hole has two concrete tee pads with at least 4 pin placements that are very well marked
5) Lots of elevation changes and wooded/open holes
6) Safe clean park
7) Has a fun factor


1) 24 holes with 6 awesome holes, 6 cool holes, and 6 so/so holes.
2) Most holes could be very frustrating for beginners due to length and the need to have two high quality shots to reach the pin.
2) There are state parks away from the city and there are state parks away from everything else, this is the latter.
3) Course is demanding physically with length of holes and elevation change

Other Thoughts:

After reading various reviews about this course and realizing the distance it would take to travel here, me and three friends picked Forked Run as a place to try our first disc golf camping trip to take full advantage of the course. Like other reviews have said driving into the park for the first time and seeing 3-4 baskets placed in an open field with no real character to them we were already second guessing our decision. However, after playing the course 3 times from the red/shorter tees twice and the blues/longer once we left feeling more than satisfied. I can comfortably say this is best disc golf course in a State Park and the best 24 hole disc golf course I have ever played. There are indeed 4-6 holes one could say that are too boring that seemed to be placed in the open areas to better "connect" the course. However the course has at least 6-10 holes that are really fun/tough/exciting with another half dozen that are worthy to be at a top level course. Even from the shorter red tee pads this course still plays long for beginners and provides challenge for every type of shot disc of your game. Our fastest round was two hours and forty-five minutes. Great signature hole on 18. I think it is a shame that for the majority of the Ohio/Midwest disc golf community that this course is so far away because it is a real gem. I would recommend this course as an ideal disc golf camping trip.
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5 1
Experience: 14.3 years 12 played 11 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Well maintained state park course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2010 Played the course:once


- Long and short tees with up to six pin placements on each hole. Signage at each tee gives current pin location, corresponding pars and distances.

- Wide variety of hole designs, with open holes, tight wooded shots, elevation changes, and water coming into play.

- Course is in great shape and park staff seem to tend to it on a regular basis.

- First tee is located near parking at the entrance to the park, and hole to hole signage from that point is fairly easy to navigate.


- Even from the short tees, course is long and challenging for the novice and casual player.

- Several holes require trackbacks that aren't always obvious. I inadvertantly missed Hole 12 as a result.

- Water is definitely in play on multiple holes, with the pin on Hole 14 all but begging for a lost disc.

- Briar patches and poison ivy abound if your drive goes off track.

Other Thoughts:

Since my extended family lives close to the park, I knew about the disc golf course as Forked Run long before I actually took up the game, and honestly I was surprised that a facility in extremely rural Southeast Ohio would end up being one of the better courses I've played. Given, I gave up keeping score by about the seventh hole, but I try not to let my novice struggles interfere with my objective review of the course itself.

The course is very easy to find and well cared for by the park staff and local frisbee community, it seems. This was the first course that I'd run into more than two pin placements, and with accurate signage to boot. I can image this is a huge boon for the locals in keeping each round fresh with variety. I ended up playing on a day where every pin was in it's longest location, so it was fairly frustrating, but I definitely appreciate the options and wish my home course was as virbrant in that regard.

The course is long, even before you consider the extra holes, and the hike can be a bear, especially during the sweltering summer heat we're currently experiencing, but it's still an enjoyable stroll if you take your time. On-course snack bar helps in that regard.

I would agree with other commenters that the first couple and last few holes were a bit unimaginative, but still a challening distance when the road OB is taken into consideration. My only real hard and fast complaint is the pint on Hole 14, which I think it almost completely unfair to someone not more than willing to lose their disc in the reservoir.

Long and short, this is probably the best course I've played in the local area, and I'll definitely be back when I'm in town.
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6 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.3 years 119 played 31 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Hard But Not Impossible 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 6, 2010 Played the course:once


Man this course is just absolutely amazing. Really this course just has everything imaginable. It may be a bit challenging but it is just so fun that you dont even think about that. The one thing i really liked is how they have the very first tee right by the parking lot. The very last hole also ends up near the parking lot. So when you finish and you are dead from all of the walking it isn't much further to your car. This course just offers everything that there possibly is to offer. The one thing that they have that i think every course should move to is the long and the short tees. So the very expierenced players can play long, and the less expierenced players can play the short. I played both of them. Sometimes i just couldn't play the long. While others it was just too easy to play from the short. The good thing was that both of them had concrete launch pads. So from where ever you throw you will be level with the ground. On the sign at the tee they show where the pin is placed, par, and the distance. Even on the red tees sign they showed that. The really nice thing was how they had on the red tees number circle, it was shaded in red. Showing that it is the red tee. The course can get a bit confusing so it is nice to know which tee is which. The nice innova yellow top pins are nice. They have the double chains, so the disc is more likely to go in if it hits the chains. Then they have the number of the hole the pin goes to. This is nice so you know exactly what pin to throw at. The note showing you what location the pin is currently in is very helpful. On some holes without this you would have no clue where to throw it.

At the very beginning you start with many open fields. Then eventually you enter the woods. When you enter the woods it gets really fun. I enjoyed being in the woods here more than i did enjoy being out in the open. Dont get me wrong it is still an amazing course out in the open, i just enjoyed the woods more. The course is so well taken care of. When i was there they had freshly cut lawns from the day before. Even when you get into the woods it is taken care of well in there. The lawn is so big here it must take hours to cut it. But they still put in the time and the effort to do this. This is such a nice park with a huge lake and campgrounds here. Maybe you can do what i did and play the night you get there, and then spend the night and play again in the morning. It is very easy to find. I had no trouble getting there or getting out of there. Right when you enter the state park it it right there. These are only the main pros of the course, i dont have ten pages worth to name all of them. But there are still many that i didn't list.


There is a minimal amount of cons. Well first i could start with the poison ivy. I think that i got some here. So as you play through the woods make sure to look out for the poison ivy. Too bad i didn't know about this beforehand. I actually got it pretty bad. When you get to the first tee look at the sign it is very confusing. When i looked at it i didn't know what to do. There are many pin placements (as many as six on some holes) so look carefully. But the little note showing which placement it is currently in is very helpful. When you get that down it isn't too confusing from there on out. Some of the holes the pin is located along the lake. So dont overshoot the pin. You will regret it. I really cant think of anything else to say. So thats about it for the cons.

Other Thoughts:

Man this course is amazing. I live about three hours from this course, and i guarantee i will be here again. I know one thing after playing this course. It was definately worth the drive. I dont even know how they think of a course as amazing as this one. I dont know which hole it was, but it played at the top of a hill. If you go to the right you roll down the hill. But if you go to the left you are for sure in the water. It is an amazing hole. I played it safe and didn't even try and throw it hard because i was afraid to go into the water. This course is designed out so well and it is so nice that very few courses even compare to it. I think it is the best open course that i have ever played. It may even be one of the best open courses out there. So if anyone is even remotely close to this area i would recommend you stop by and play a round of 24. I did it and was very impressed by all of the hard work put into this course. I know you will also be as impressed as i was. So go out there and have the time of your life.
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7 1
Experience: 17.2 years 40 played 11 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Highly Recommended 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


*6 Pin placements for each hole
*Current pin placements are marked on every sign
*Signs lay out distances for all pin placements and locations for all pin placements
*Very easy to navigate. Directions to next holes are written on orange wooden signs that are easily seen.
*Very balanced course (long shots, short shots, open shots, tight technical shots, bomb shots, touch shots, hyzers, anhyzers). My buddy used every single disc in his bag as did I.
*Ranger shop after 14 (I think) that has gatorade and water. Nice guy, be sure to pop in a say hello.
*Am and Pro tees that are marked by painted tops of posts
*Concrete tees


*I can't think of any. If I had to think of something, I would say that the thick bush can eat you up (thorns, branches, ivy), but that was pretty much my fault in flipping my disc to the right. You win course.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great place to come for a camping trip. There's fishing and cornhole there as well, All facilities and park land look very well maintained. It was well worth the 2 hour drive from Columbus as it is one of the premier courses in Ohio to play.

There is a lot of hiking (terrain changes), a little walking, but more hiking on this course. I could see that after a wet day this course would be tough to walk through. Bring hiking boots or shoes with a change of socks if you go early in the morning or a day or two after a rain.

After reading the reviews before my buddies and I played I know I was a bit discouraged and I was only more discouraged when I saw about 8 or 9 baskets right off the road when we first pulled in. Don't be discouraged! This course deserves a 4.5 rating. I'm more than willing to come back to the course and play it again. Play all 24 holes. You might want to skip 23 because there's not much fairway. Good luck!

Don't be afraid to bring the kids out for a camping trip. This place has a top notch disc golf course to top off some great outdoor activities.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 36.1 years 315 played 67 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Awesomeness 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 23, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Wonderfully Balanced.

Great Signage

Multiple Pins

Dual Concrete Pads

Very Well Maintained

Ranger Station around half way point with beverage and snack sales


Really, the only true con I can think of is a few holes are too close to the road - almost funny when you consider the vast land available

Other Thoughts:

I believe the true testament of how great a course is derives from its diversity. I played this course with a couple other guys and we found ourselves talking on hole 21 about whether there were any shots missing. We unanimously agreed that this course had pretty much all the shots you could hope for. You have nice elevation shots - up and down. Wide open bomb shots, including a big 800 footer. Tight wooded shots. You shoot from the woods out and from the open in. There are water holes, sloping greens and dense rough. You will need to anny, shoot her strait, hyzer and carve some flex shots.

You could play this course 100 times and never play the same layout. Mind you, I only played this course today, but each hole had between 5-6 pin placements. Each placement was identified by a letter between A and F. These placements were incredibly diverse. They varied strongly in distance, direction and lines. Each of the dual red and blue pads had a tag identifying the current placement. Each tee sign covered all the lines and distances for all the placements, regardless of were the pin was. Beautifully detailed. The pins seemed to be randomly scattered...some on A, some on C, some on E...etc.

Also, the 'next tee' signs were very helpful. They were bright orange and accurate. I looked briefly for a map before I left for the course and couldn't find one. No sweat. Wouldn't have used it if I had one.

The park seems like a great spot to bring the family. Next time I make the trip, I will bring the troops. It was a great time. The park and course is beautifully kept. I will be back before this summer is out.
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14 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 156 played 149 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Forking Overrated! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 3, 2010 Played the course:once


There is diversity here. With open field flat holes weaving amongst sycamores, dense woods, extreme uphill climbs, floaters downhill, a unique along the dam shot, and long and short holes. Multipole tees and baskets provide variety for locals and different skill levels. Bathrooms and water available in the camping area to the rear of this pretty and remote park. The course starts out tame and then cranks it up a notch.
(best holes are 7-16)
hole 7, a steep climb through woods to a protected pin.
Hole 8, floats downhill out of the woods to a grassy green.
Hole 9, another climb upward
Hole 10, extreme uphill and then a precise lane to the basket..sloped danger abounds here
Hole 11, floater through woods to basket below
Hole 12, very long arduous journey through woods to creekside green
Hole 13 & 14 play with the gorgeous lake sloping to your left to pretty pin locations.
Hole 15 shoots across the top of the dam with a drop to the right and the lake to your left WOW!
Hole 16 either a fun ace run putter downhill off the dam or a longer right turning shot from further away.
From there its more open and flat with a few longer holes to test your big arm before ending up technical in the woods. I really enjoyed the long championship holes and the chance at a few aces sprinkled in.


A few walkbacks confused me, especially after holes 10 and 12. Seems 2 of the best holes were abandoned and replaced with duds. See fairway to your right on tee 4 that cuts an alley of trees and also notice the amazing fairway between the final 2 holes that would have been a perfect finisher with a fast green falling down a bank after a long controlled drive through the woods. (maybe these were old holes or not current pin positions?)I hated the tightness of hole 10s approach..not fun and equated to playing disc golf down a miniscule trail with a massive dropoff to the left....goodbye hyzer....too punitive w/o any real shot other than putt putt putt. Speaking of that dropoff..I saw all kinds of disc golf potential down in that wooded hillside that far surpassed many of the holes here. Hole 12 was a bit overgrown and tree/bush laden for it's length. The true letdown for me were the first 6 holes of blah and then the final batch of holes that were just flat and open or technical yet unremarkable. It's hard to leave a good impression when a course ends this way. I also felt there were too many ordinary holes for a supposed 4+ rated course.

Other Thoughts:

I am sure the greater Ohio community is gonna hate me for this but I drove a far way to get here and dealt with major flooding to find a course that simply was not that special. I think it has potential though and there are a few standout holes that I will remember. Maybe these holes got lost in all the blander holes. I would start at hole 17 and play the course finishing at hole 16 so that the best holes come last. Or I might skip holes 1-5 and just play 6-24 as the first batch of holes do little for me other than warm up and wear out your arm. I almost think this is such a piece of land that the flatter portion to the front of the park could provide a beginner friendly 18 that would cater to campers and recreational players as well as be a great glow course and then some more dramatic holes could be added in those woods along that cliffside of 10 with plunges downward and climbs upward to make a separate killer championship pro level 18. As it stands now its a mixed mess of 1/3 great holes and 2/3 boring holes. There are far better courses that deserve the 4+ rating out there. If it were 2 distinct courses..one that kicked your ass and one that healed your ego I think it would be more of a true DG destination.
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