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Burnettown, SC

Langley Pond DiscGolfPark

4.515(based on 34 reviews)
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Langley Pond DiscGolfPark reviews

4 3
Experience: 13.1 years 74 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

My favorite beast 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 1, 2017 Played the course:once


Challenging holes from the longs and the shorts. A bench on every hole. The turf pads are the best surface I've ever played on. When the water is back up to full pool it will be the most challenging course in the area. Considering that Jackson and the new Worlds course at Fort Gordon are nearby, that is saying something.
This course makes you carve lines, and has a few places to just let the big dog eat. Mostly a big arm course, but if there is a short hole you better hit your line. Birdies are sparse here so get them when you can.


It is not a place to take a beginner to learn how to play. It could also use more trash cans. I'm personally a pack it in pack it out kind of player, but I pick up other peoples mess along the way. It would be nice to have a place to dump the extra along the way. Some of the walks between holes are a bit far, and I'm just not a fan of 16 long. it plays into a hill from the tee shot. I would have rather the box was back about 30 to 40 feet to give you room to throw a controlled shot into the gap than have to worry about the hill, gap, and bench on the short off the rip.

Other Thoughts:

The services offered there and the facilities are always improving. Nothing but love for the course. It's my favorite form of torture.
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2 5
Experience: 21.3 years 2 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Langley Pond 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 24, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Great design, great opening hole, tough as can be, but not unnecessarily complicated. Back 9 is a beast. Great use of land. Driving range. Great upkeep. Nice bridges and stairs


Still a little rough around the edges, as expected from a new course,
Horse riders let horse poop 💩 on tee pad.

Other Thoughts:

Great addition to the area disc golf group. Thanks to all involved with this jewel in the valley.
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6 0
Experience: 16.3 years 91 played 17 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great add to the area 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


-Great use of the land and elevation.
-Great use of the water when ever the damn get put back in.
-One of the most challenging course I have played to date
-Reminds me of something that would be at the IDGC
-Tee pads in great shape
-Short and long options when playing. Each giving a different look/feel to the course.
-Disc golf only for all but a couple of holes.


Most of my cons will surly get corrected as the course ages and comes into its own.

First the water carries are not in play. Lake level is down until the damn is fixed.

Anytime you have to start on the back half of the course be prepared to have to hike over a mile to the hole.

Couple of transitions could use a couple more signs to keep you on track. Had to backtrack a couple of holes the first time to get going in the right direction. Make sure you have a map the first time or you could miss a turn.

Other Thoughts:

Loved playing here. Its one of the hardest course I have played to date. It will test you physically and mentally. Any bad throw or not hitting the landing zone is going to cost you a stroke at least.

Hole one and two start you out slow and take you on a trek across the grounds with a punishing mid sections to finally give you a short break around hole 16. For sure don't count out any of the par threes as being easy. Nothing is going to come easy and those who stick to the game plan will come out on top. If your traveling the area and have time to take the 20 min drive from Augusta I would recommend checking this course out. Bring plenty of fluids for the Summer heat!!!!
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.1 years 350 played 321 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 30, 2016 Played the course:once


Another good 18 hole course addition to this area (Augusta and its many fine surrounding courses). Contains a good mix of holes and challenges- holes of all lengths with legit par 4's and 5's, fairway shapes, large degrees of elevation, some open, mostly tight wooded, lots of lake shots either on the side or carries, and tough basket positions. Set in a nice piece of land through woods and by the lake, with some picturesque holes by the lake. Several memorable holes, no repetition, and a couple of definite signature holes (#7 over the water and #18 top of the world).

Two distinct sets of tees which will make this course playable and more enjoyable to a much wider range of levels (the shorter tees and still hard, the longs are about as tough as you will find.) Both tees had their own very nice tee sign. And many times the tees played at different angles to the basket.

The flow from hole to hole would be a maze of confusion without the numerous signs that point the way to the next hole- thank you to those who planned, designed, and did the work!

The [Discgolfpark] modern turf tee pads are just fine, first time I have seen these. Feels a bit like football field turf. Plenty of traction and easy on the feet/shoes, and I can see how much easier it will be to move/remove compared to concrete. So even though I still prefer the "official permanence" of concrete, I have no problem with these tees and totally see the benefits of them.

Though not the course itself, the magnificent PRACTICE AREA is like what you would expect at a ball golf course- the nicest I have seen in 250+ courses. Two practice baskets in a putting area, along with a driving range with 4 tees and distance signs all on flat well-manicured grass.


Really not that many, the course was well-planned and everything put in place before officially opening. However, right now it still looks very new and somewhat raw with evidence of recent cutting and construction. It will take some time for it to wear in a bit before it looks prettier and more natural (as nature heals itself from areas that had to be cut and trimmed). Time should only improve the aesthetic potential here.

Navigation is not much of a problem, but there are lots of longer walks between some of the holes, and a couple places where you walk the same path again but to get to different holes. There is also a walking/nature trail that runs throughout the area- it does not affect the play of any of the holes, but it could lead you astray from hole to hole if not paying close attention to the course signs.

#18, though a really fun top-of-world shot, seemed a bit out of place removed from the wooded-lake area of the other 17 holes, and was more like a bonus hole. It also runs the risk of drives landing on the park road or even onto the practice area.

Other Thoughts:

This course is really, really hard and potentially may appeal to a smaller set of disc golfers- those seeking the ultimate challenge. I played from the short tees (thanks again for these) at a time when the lake was way down, and it still kicked me around pretty good. From the longs and when the water is up to full this will be a punishing course with the length, tight fairways, and the amount of lake water that comes into play. Understand, the likelihood of losing discs in the lake will be pretty high.

For me, LP offers a big time challenge in shot making, physical hiking, and staying mentally tough. A great course to test your level, but not necessarily one I would personally want to play casually on a regular basis as form of fun and relaxation. I would say Langley from the longs is tougher than any course at nearby IDGC, and is one of the hardest courses I have played in 250+.

After my round, I felt like I played a really solid course, but I was not awe-struck like I just left the earth for a couple hours and entered disc golf paradise. Though a very nice course with a lot of extras, I did not view it as "perfect" yet or "best of the best", like so many of the previous reviews have given it. Also, for me, more difficult does not necessarily mean higher ratings. I gave it a 4.0 "Excellent" for now and maybe next time in the area I will get a chance to see how it has worn in and masked the rawness of a new course. (Note: a 4.0 is what I have given to courses like Highbridge WI- Blueberry Hill, both TX Trey Ranch courses, Phantom Falls in CO, and Blue Ribbon Pines in MN just to name a few, so pretty good company).

Does not come back to car until after the 18th hole, so bring a drink and a snack. It is definitely a hike and will require lots of energy to play.

I appreciate that they didn't officially "open" this course until the tees, signs, and baskets were all in- so though new, it is totally playable the way it is supposed to play with only minor tweaks and improvements to be made.

You could spend a week in the Augusta area playing all their fun and demanding courses (including the IDGC).

***Special call to locals- get some good pics of every hole up here on DGCR.***
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6 0
Experience: 7.3 years 41 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

A MUST PLAY 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


This is an amazing course with beautiful landscape that really showcases the canvas it was placed on. Aiken County needs to be very pleased with the investment. All but one hole (hole 18) have long and short tees to cater to all levels of play. The Astroturf teepads are something that will spoil you. Benches, with brooms tucked under with hooks might I add, are on every every teepad. Trash cans are placed in key areas to not crowd the course but allow you to dispose of water bottles and snacks.
There is a nature trail/walking path that snakes through the entire woods but no fairway throws over them to place any park goers in harms way. I've seen this be a problem with some courses but not here. Signage is amazing! I can't stress this enough. I played the course prior to any signage and had a hard time navigating. Even with the arrows in the bottom of the baskets. Now, the green signs placed in visible locations allow for ease of navigation. They even have "Am tee/Pro tee" arrows so you know which is what. The built bridges and stairs are a real nice touch. The course is 7800+ feet of mixed terrain and it's nice to have something to allow you some easier walking in some areas. Great touch!
The driving range has 4 HUGE driving pads with distance markers in the field. The practice area is placed in the large field close enough to hole 18 that you can warm up on the driving range or two practice baskets and watch players finishing up drive off the coolest tee I've ever played.
I can go on and on about how awesome this course is. I'll leave you with this, GO PLAY IT!


The cons aren't cons really. I know the water is down in the pond due to dam repairs but that is out of the designers hands. Also the course still has some debris left from cutting in fairways. Anyone with common sense can tell they had to cut out solid woods to make the fairways and stuff like this will fallow. I'm very anxious to see how it breaks in within the next year or so. Also, when the water goes back up, it will change the course in dramatic fashion. You can tell the designers had the experience to see the grand master plan.

Other Thoughts:

I don't really have any other ideas with this course. I've played some that leave you wanting more. It has everything a course should have. Challenging holes, mixed fairways, elevation and water. It's a course the designers, and Aiken County, should brag of. I can see some big names drawn to this course. I can also see them being tested with the championship level design. Great work Aiken County and course designers.
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2 5
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

A must play for any serious disc golfer! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 26, 2016 Played the course:once


-Great signage
-Nice warmup area
-Awesome design
-Sweet turf teepads
-Demanding basket placements and fairways


-Fresh (fairways need to be beat in
-Nothing else comes to mind.

Other Thoughts:

Wow, what an awesome course. Alan and Jason did an awesome job designing this beast of a course.
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3 6
Experience: 22.5 years 19 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Might be the best course I've ever played on. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 3, 2016 Played the course:once


Amazing course that is really well laid out and challenging. Great AM/PRO tee pads on just about every hole on the course. Nice use of elevation culminating in a really fun hole 18 to finish up your round. Great signage makes it easy to navigate through the dense woods and always stay on course. No R/H bias resulting in L/H discrimination. Landscaping is beautiful on a number of holes. Hats off to the course designers and the City of Aiken Parks Department for creating this first-rate gem! Moved here from the Pacific Northwest recently and have been kind of down on local courses in comparison but Langley Pond has gladly made me eat my words!


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6 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Fun, challenging, and beautiful course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 28, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


So the readers are aware, I have been playing disc golf for about 4 months. I have played 8 courses in the upstate of SC and I'm Columbia. I stayed with a friend recently and we played a few rounds at Langley Pond.

Ok, wow. It easily topped the other 8 courses and was the sole reason I wanted to write a review. It deserves recognition with the well designed course.

The park was relatively easy to find. Large pond that runs the length of the course but appears to be low and closed for repairs. Nice bathrooms, outdoor showers, playground, and large picnic shelter make up most of the space in the open park.

Now, The course. Huge field at the parking lot with a 4 tee driving range and 2 practice baskets. I personally had never seen this before. It's awesome. Park, putt, empty the bag at the range, pick up discs, and head to the first hole. Appears simple, but is the best possible scenario to get warmed up. Hole 1 is a shot towards the pond with water behind the basket. My first ever throw at the course went for a drink in the pond. Tees it back up and landed just short of the basket and down a small hill. Hole 2 was a shot off this same hill over a power line easement to a basket guarded by trees. Short walk to 3 in the woods. 4 is a par 4 with a few routes to choose. This is where I started to really like the course. Options all over the place. Riskier shots lead to better rewards, but could kill your score. As hole 4 did. Snowman. Hole 5 is a cool dogleg to a basket between enormous hardwoods. 6 is a tricky downhill shot. I started to notice a trail that seems to go near the course and is part of some transitions. Cool feature and makes good use of the course. I'm not sure if the trail or course came first, but I'm guessing the trail. We saw several runners and a group of about 20 seniors using it. They were interested in our shots and wanted to come play too. Hole 7 is a water carry to another guarded green. Hole 8 is this huge par 5 that was also very unique. We started to notice how well the course fairway looked after a recent grand opening. This hole was particularly cleaned up from what I remember. 9 is a downhill par 3. My first and only birdie of the day. Hole 10 is my favorite (I think). Long downhill shot with the lake behind it. Seems to be the highest point of the course. The green is on a nice clearing overlooking the water. Hole 11 is another shot towards the water with trees left to perfectly piss you off. I ended up in a patch to the left and kept missing. Hole 12 is another water shot. It looks like steps will be built here soon and lumber was near the tee. It needs them here and at 11 off the tee. I lost another disc to the pond here. Very challenging throw from the long tee and it just never turned over. 13 is another favorite. I happened to have a good drive just over the hill and it turned left and must have caught a nice roll. Too bad I blew it from there. Bogie at the basket that's sitting near the water, but protected by brush. Hole 14 is where I swallowed my pride and didn't attempt to lose another disc over the water. Short tee for both of us here. 15 saw both of us again skipping the long tee shot over the water. We just aren't skilled enough. I really liked this long par 5 to a very cool green surrounded by huge pines. 16 has a nice set of stairs that lead you over a hill to the basket. 17 is a long uphill par 3 that is nice and clear. We both actually had a par on this one. 18 opens up to a cool elevated shot over a road and near the driving range. There is a large hill to the right that we both ended up in. Then we both ended up in the driving range with our second shot. Then back into the woods again. We were in a lot of the woods for a relatively wide open shot. Short walk to the car and back to the house.


My legs were beat after playing the course. But it wasn't enough to stop me from coming back 2 days later. I wish I knew how many miles we walked because my legs felt it.

Other Thoughts:

You can see where the water line is going to be when the water is back up. This will completely change how the course plays. It will be an entirely new challenge, which I think is great luck. Play it now with the water down and then come back whenever it is back up for a new experience. I have never heard of this park before, but it has made its way up to the Clemson area and certainly in Columbia. Kudos to all involved.
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12 0
Experience: 18.4 years 48 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

This Course is Magical! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 26, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


There are few words that can describe how I feel about this course, but I will do my best to try.

For starters, I played this course blind at the first ever Langley Pond Open. What I noticed instantly was the playability of this course. There are few courses that you go to where you can feel 100% certain of what each hole is like. LP is one of those courses. Tee signs are incredible and the transitions are well marked. This is not a course that a first timer to this course will get lost in.

As far as the actual course goes, I have a hard time describing it because it is so wonderful. This course will test all of your abilities, and force you to throw many different shots. There is a great mix of long and short holes, par 3s, 4s, and 5s, lefty and righty holes. Perhaps one of the greatest features is the two different layouts - the Pro and Am tees (although the Ams will still kick your butt). The two layouts provide a great experience from both, that will undoubtedly challenge anyone around.

The Pro layout is without a doubt a Gold level layout. Obtaining an even par on this course will definitely take some work (which was made apparent this past weekend when an incredible 1000+ rated player, Josh Childs, shot just -5 on the longs). The course is quite simple... You hit the line, you have a shot at a bird or a par. You miss the line, you better pitch out and suck up a bogey, because if you don't, you'll see your score rise in no time.

The Am layout, is more normal disc golfer friendly, but it will still challenge even the best discs golfers. With only one whole being a different par (hole 14 is a 3 from the shorts), any golfer will be challenged. The majority of the tee pads have much different looks, which I thought was pretty neat. It's rare to find two different layouts on the same course that play to the same basket.

All in all, this course is incredible. A lot of the threes will make you work, and the 5s will definitely test your abilities (especially 15! It is every bit of a par 5).

This "pros" lists hardly does the course justice (which btw, you better bag a Justice because you'll need it for hole 6 - RHFH or LHBH).


There aren't many things I'd change about this course. Of course being so new, the course is still very raw. The ground is spongy and there are a lot of roots and stumps. But of course with time this will all be worn in (and I presume, because of how amazing this course is, that will happen sooner rather than later).

My only quibble is that some of the transitions in the back nine are quite lengthly. I understand why it was done, but it does make for a long walk to the next hole. This course also requires that you have some level of physical fitness.

Other Thoughts:

Favorite Hole(s)

#1 - I aced this hole from the shorts in the LP Open; therefore, it has to be one of my favorites.
#15 - This hole, in my opinion is the feature hole of this course. Two routes and throwing over the water help make this one of my favorite holes on any course (even though I took a 6 both times I played it).

Least Favorite Hole(s)

#4 - This hole is a mean par 4. That is all...
#17 - There's nothing super spectacular about this hole. It's a dead straight shot from the longs and a slight dogleg right from shorts. After Being one of the final holes, I expected just a little more out of it.

Overall, this course is now in my top 5 favorite courses of all time! I cannot wait to see the many A-Tiers to come to this place. I also can't wait to see what some of the world's best pros do on this course as word starts to spread. As one who grew up in Augusta, GA, this course adds such depth to the already great array of courses in the CSRA. It makes me sad that I live 2.5 hrs away from the course. If I could, I would play this every day.

I would say, this course is probably not the most beginner friendly, even from the shorts. But nonetheless, all disc golfers of all skill sets, MUST play this course.

If you haven't played it yet, you're missing out!

Excellent work to Alan, Mark, and all of the countless others who made this course a Pro Style course that will be the talk of disc golfers for years to come!
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9 0
Experience: 19.2 years 295 played 21 reviews
5.00 star(s)

The future is here and it is Disc Golf Park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 26, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


CAW designed by Alan in Winnsboro has always been one of my favorites so I was really looking forward to this course and it surpassed expectations! Must play in Augusta area and not far from Hippodrome but be prepared to do some walking so being hydrated is a must! Practice baskets and driving range were fun for many of the young folks for sure prior to the Langley Pond Open and made good use of the area. The distance is at least four miles I would think around the course and plenty of elevation. There is also some substantial walks between targets and teepads (e.g., #14 -#16 is possibly ½ mile of just walking). My condensed review of Langley Pond is a follows and I played both pads on each hole rhbh with 15mph winds by the water on 3/24/16 and no wind on 3/26/16.
A combination of Warner, Jackson and Steady Ed at the IDGC but tighter linesvlike Nevin and more elevation on many holes including a major fishhook on a 450' - 500' hole (#5 which is noted in the logo by the two trees). Lots of signature holes but my favorite was #10 as it seems the most picturesque from the target looking backward. Length, water holes (the carries are not bad, maybe 200' - 240' but if the pond is up this will definitely be more significant) and major elevation in spots for sure.

Favorite holes include the following from long tees,
#1 - straight forward downhill hyzer towards pond with target on mound
#2 - straight forward long hyzer to guarded green
#3 - Straight up and down hill
#4 - Two option fairway which allows a good hole to be great. Just when you are getting lulled into a great round, #4 hits you. Straight shot down the middle between trees to open fairway then another long straight shot or huge anhyzer to guarded green. A four is great.
#5 - Noted as the signature hole but huge fishhook dogleg left almost 600'. The tee shot is crucial if you want a 3.
#6 - Short tight downhill with basket to right, reminded me of a Russell Schwarz type hole but really liked it.
#7 - Awesome island hole with ob all around including a huge ditch beside the green not visible from tee.
#8 - Monster hole all the way up hill possibly 50' - 70' and measures 750' but plays like 900' - 950' where placement is a must for a 5 or great 4.
#9 - Fun downhill hole with target to left similar to a Schwarz hole.
#10 - Major tight downhill shot with 2 routes with pond next to fairway and behind green. Great hole! My favorite.
#11 - Tight short hole with 2 routes again but major penalty if you do not get around the magnolia on your drive on the right.
#12 - One of the best holes on the property. Anyhyzer from elevated teepad to guarded green across pond.
#13 - Awesome hole over hill with major drop to target.
#14 - Similar to #12 but longer and across pond again.
#15 - Signature hole in my opinion. Brutally long but fair par 5 across water with 2 routes then over hill to a fairway that slopes down to the pond. Lots of elevation on this hole and placement is key to get to target in the valley type green.
#16 - Fun hole up and over to an open fairway. You need to be left on the drive or will end up in small trees with a difficult chance to save par.
#17 - Wide straight tunnel uphill shot
#18 - Only hole with the same tee for Pro and Am. Downhill straighshot to target on edge of right woods.


I was a little disappointed by #17 and #18 as they are somewhat vanilla compared to the rest of this masterpiece and #18 does not really fit with the course but I still give it 5 stars.

Other Thoughts:

I played this course for the first event, the Langley Pond Open 2016 and learned early on that the walk is brutal to hole #9 from the pavilion and from hole #8 back to the pavilion (first round I walked to #7 to start and back from #6 to finish so I walked close to 1.5 hours just to teepads and back to the pavilion). It took me 30 minutes each way for the walk to #9 and back and someone noted they walked 13-14 miles between the two rounds played that day and walking to and from starting holes. This is the first Disc Golf Park I have played and it was fantastic especially the astroturf type tee pads with sand, benches and signage. Jason and Alan definitely need to be doing more course not only in SC and GA but around the world has always I can see the World Championships coming back to Augusta in the next several years for sure with this course taking its toll on the worlds best.

After seeing some great designs in SC seem stagnant over the past few years, we have been fortunate enough to have some great new courses installed around the state and this is a gem in addition to Chester Advanced, Grand Central Station, Socastee Rec Park, Pipeline and Canaan Riverbend. The top three courses out of the 108 I have played in SC are now Pipeline, Canaan and Langley Pond with giving Pipeline a slight edge as the best course in the state for me personally. Once this course is broken in (and it will break in fast but currently reminds me of the IDGC courses in 2007 in terms of footing in some areas), I would think it could be tops in SC.
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5 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Worth the Drives!!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 19, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Aiken County Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Department has "literally" shown other counties in our state how a championship gold level course can be placed strategically for recreation and tourism benefit to a county!!!
- Heavily wooded course for the technical player but definitely playable holes, I had a nice Ace run that ended up a bird on 16 (hit basket), we had several birdies made through the round and yes sadly a few bogeys and double bogeys......Of, course there are some great spacious holes for grip and rip fans too!!!
-Elevation is prominent to say the least and the course is a more like a gentle hike versus a stroll in the woods. Some hills are steeper than others.
-Modern design to pin placement makes you be creative with your approach shots.
-Great amenities (clean restrooms) playground, picnic tables and parking. The park is located behind a shopping center off the main highway, great for supplies.
-FORMAL DRIVING RANGE- 4 tees, and a practice area with 2 BASKETS is nice concept to see.
-2 sets of tee pads (Pro/Am) on every hole except 18, which you throw off an amazing hilltop toward driving range......MAJESTIC!!!!
-Great mix of excellently designed par 3's, par 4's, and 5's
-Benches at every tee pad are nice for busier days and for tourneys.
- Tees and signs are awesome weatherproof signage that will last through the change of seasons!
-I think the directional arrows in bottom of tray of basket are very contemporary feel.


The course does have stairs in most crucial areas of the course and I know the curators are still working but some of the transitions from basket to tee pad areas may need "step attention" if a sufficient path isn't worn in the hills over time.
If the fairways were possible "dragged" with a tractor clears all the collateral damage debris and bush hog shrapnel remains, walking the course would improve 100%.

Other Thoughts:

I initially played the course on New Year's Day 2016 and it was an absolute war zone with all the fallen logs, branches and overturned shrubs still in place! I returned to play it this past Saturday (March 19, 2016) and the difference was unbelievable!!! I hated to have to put "cons" down but that's how we make improvements to the courses! Great job to the visionaries that wanted to bring a course to the "Pond" and to the ones who "dug" this course out of the woods!!
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6 0
Experience: 31.3 years 139 played 4 reviews
5.00 star(s)

The best place to play in the CSRA 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 19, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


It's a DiscGolfPark (R).
Awesome DGP Turf TeePads
Driving Range with extra large TeePads and distance markers
Putting Green with two baskets
The county has definitely shown their support of Disc Golf in their park. They have installed a lot of fencing, stairways, retaining walls, and more amenities specific to the course.
Two TeePads on every hole except 18.
Directional signs in the tray of the baskets.
More directional signs on each transition.
Cool Terrain.
The Pond.
The pond dam is broken and water level is down making the course easier.


The pond dam is broken and water level is down making the course easier.
Some long transitions.
Some piles of downed branches in the roughs.

Other Thoughts:

Langley Pond DiscGolfPark is definitely a must play when you're in the Augusta Area. The course features long and short tees on holes except for 18. 18 is a beautiful elevated tee with a great view of the main area of the Park, Including the driving range, putting green, Hole 1's TeePads, and of course the pond. The shot is a bag emptier. It's so hard not to throw "just one more" from the top.

The flow of the course may be the best part of the course. Holes 1 and 2 aren't very easy, but are definitely a good way to ease into the course. Hole 3 starts to introduce more challenging shots and hole 4 is the first par 4. Hole 5 is a much different par 4 than the previous hole and is one of the most unique holes in disc golf. It is also the green that is featured in the course logo. The enormous twin trees on either side of the basket definitely make for a picture worthy putt. After those par 4's, Hole 6 and 7 are a nice break, but again are no gimme's. When the water comes back up, hole 7 will be amazingly beautiful and terrifying. At 285', it's very reachable for even intermediate players, but what will be a 210' water carry, it will be quite intimidating and push any player's mental game. Hole 8 is the first of the two par 5's, and let me tell you, you'll feel real good about getting that 5. It's uphill finish makes the hole one of my favorites to stand in the middle of the fairway and take in the spectacular view. Hole 9 is gentle downhill par 3 that rounds out the front nicely. The back 9 has a little more sinister personality. Like the Sirens of Greek mythology, the beauty will astound you, but will lure you into wrecking your round. The pond comes into play on 10 - 16. Hole 10's split view of a big, over water shot, or skinny look all the way to the green is the epitome of shot choice o this course. Do you try to take advantage of this par 4 or just keep it in the fairway and survive to the next shot? Holes 11, 12, and 13 make up the second set of triplet par 3's and when you get to 14, you'll hope you birdied a couple of them. Hole 14 is a par 4 where you tee off over a cove of the pond. The carry is very fair, but the farther you try to make it up the fairway, the more dangerous the landing area gets. It features a cool, perfect circle green carved out of the woods. Then, there's hole 15; the monster. At 859' it feels like it plays over 1000. There's two great options off the tee and several decision challenges along the way. It takes excellent shot choice and execution to not bogey this beast. There's a long transition to the 16 tee which welcomes you with a landscaped retaining wall and well manicured area. The long par 3 is the beginning of the last triplet of par 3's. It is an extreme uphill tee shot over a "bunker" made of hawthorne trees. While easy to avoid, it's also easy to not quite get your shot and end up trying to recover for the par. Hole 17 is the straightest and most straight forward hole on the course. Somehow the basket feels closer than it is and deceives you into throwing short. As described earlier, hole 18 is an awesome way to end any round. The view, the air, only having a downhill walk left, and the relief of not having another wooded shot entices you to get that perfect flight to end the day.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 21.3 years 553 played 429 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Langley Pond will Take All Your Shots 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 6, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Langley Pond DGP has it all. There is a great area to practice those putts and a driving range with multiple pads right next to the parking lot. The tee pads are nice and level with green turf surface. All holes have alternate short tees (except maybe 18), but some are still pretty lengthy even from the short. All tees, signs and baskets are in new condition, very nice. The course is carved out of great wooded and hilly terrain along the side of a pond that comes into play occasionally. Opening hole plays toward the water, down a hill that is open most of the way to the basket. A good birdie opportunity at 300', with risk of going into woods if you miss left and water to the right. The second hole leads into the woods, and the fairway gives you a feel for much of the course. Well cut lanes, with plenty of trees that strategically remain to increase difficulty and make me crazy. Flat and still a little over 300', but with a tricky tree on the right of the fairway making it tougher. Hole 3 increases the distance to over 350', still par 3 in the woods. Holes 4 and 5 are both over 550' par 4's, still with fair but not easy lines through trees, and a little elevation change coming into play. Holes 6 and 7 are better birdie chances under 300'. 6 is thickly wooded but very reachable if you make the throw, I managed a birdie my first round here. 7 is mostly open over the edge of the pond, with one tree splitting your options into two gaps right in front of the tee, and a few small trees and shrubs around the basket. Hole 8 is where it begins to get really tough, a par 5 over 730'. The change in elevations begin to become more pronounced with the target atop a hill at the end. Two rounds for me so far, with a double bogey and a snowman, ouch. 9 is a shorter hole, under 270' and turning left and downhill through trees. I did birdie this one first time out. Since the grand opening of the course 9 also has a longer tee as well, at 348'. Hole 10 is probably my favorite one on the course, teeing off at the top of a long down hill run through mature trees, before reaching bottom and a small climb to a basket 567' away. It's a par 4, but I have only got a bogey and a double bogey so far. Holes 11-14 are all par 3 holes, giving you a slight break, and varying in interesting shapes and sizes. 12 is probably the easiest one on the course from the short, but the newer long tee is much tougher. 14 has also become more interesting since the newer long tee has been added, giving a par 4 option. Hole 15 is another monster I have yet to slay, 777'/par 5, scored a bogey and double bogey. It starts on the open edge of the pond but breaks into two lanes over the top of a large hill through mature woods, and back down to a well protected basket. Some might say it is epic. Holes 16 and 17 are both longish par 3 with woods and some elevation change factoring in. Hole 18 is a really nice finisher, that you can see from the parking lot. It tees on top of a hill overlooking the driving range, leading to a basket at the bottom over 400' away. Airspace is more open to the left, with trees coming into play as you approach the target. A tough par 3, but birdie or bogey is a possibility.


Not a great learning course for novice players, but an excellent challenge to more experienced players. Might be messy in areas after significant precipitation. Wouldn't hurt to have a few more trashcans available.

Other Thoughts:

Langley DGP was masterfully conceived and executed in terms of design, layout, and equipment. Since the grand opening benches are at nearly every tee, and plenty of brooms. It is not an easy par 61, I scored 72 in each of my first two rounds there. Recently returned for a third round, to see the last few tee positions, and more clearing has been done as well. I did not fare any better on the scorecard though. There are some kind of long walks between holes, so keep your eyes open for the next hole arrows in the bottom of the basket and directional signs on the path pointing the way. I love the mix of elements that are utilized through the course, and the challenge provided. There are so many good courses in the area, but don't miss this one if you come around. I gave a 4.5 initially, but after a couple of more rounds still have not found a weak spot on the grounds. Have to go full on 5, I can't penalize for my inability to stay close to par. Every hole has a workable strategy, but every shot counts and placement is everything.
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9 4
Experience: 28 played 3 reviews
5.00 star(s)

The CSRA's best new course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 18, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


-Wonderful championship gold level course in Aiken County, SC
-heavily wooded
-great use of elevation
-modern design
-great amenities and parking
-DRIVING RANGE- 4 tees, and a practice area with 2 BASKETS
-2 sets of tee pads on every hole except for 18(but who doesn't want to throw off that hill?)
-very balanced
-great mix of exellently designed par 3's, par 4's, and 5's
-Benches at every tee pad
-Plays through a park with a hiking trail, but the trail is never in play
-Discgolfpark tees and signs are awesome
-directional signage in all key spots
-directional arrows in bottom of tray of basket
-Fencing and stairs all throughout the course gives a finished look
-brooms hung on the back of benches is a nice touch
-garbage cans throughout the course and practice area


-Pond is low due to construction on the dam, once this is complete the water level will return. For this review i imagined what it would be like playing the course at that level.

Other Thoughts:

If you are in the Augusta area playing disc golf this is a must play course. It was designed by the minds that manage the Hippodrome and International Disc Golf Center, it was a great collaboration/project.
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