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Marinette, WI

Marinette City Park

3.145(based on 18 reviews)
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Marinette City Park reviews

7 0
Mushin No Shin
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.6 years 1192 played 67 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Good, the MAD, the Frolfy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 5, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Beautiful City Park property, with Elevation, Old Growth Pines, Hardwoods, and a Water Retention area

VARIETY- Shots, Trees, and Terrain

Shots: Every time I come back, this Course plays harder and longer than I remember. You are presented with a multitude of hole types here... a few open drives, few densely wooded, some deuce or die, and a few almost par 4s. If your game lacks imagination, it'll want not for frustration. I used every trick in my bag!

Trees: Most of the Course plays Park Style with Old Growth Trees... Holes 3 4 5 11 12 & 13 play in a denser Wooded area on the main Ridge of the Course. Holes 7 8 9 & 10 play in around an open drainage area at the bottom of the Ridge.

Terrain: No super Huge elevation out there, but Great use of the Ridge. Also great use of available Park space, course throws thru several diverse areas of this city Park.

Yellow Banded Innova Baskets

Concrete Blue Pads, and funds are being raised for Concrete Red pads. Great to see JJones and the MAD crew Improving this Gem


The lowland area of the Park doesn't Dry up well, unfortunately. Water retention area also creates a buggier environment in the woods on the Ridge.

17 18 1 and 6 play close to the Main Park, not the Safest design. Some other Holes play by Roads/Sidewalks, could cause conflicts

Other Thoughts:

MAD Dg Club are doing a Monthly Match (first Saturday) to Fundraise and improve the Course. Great Fun, Formats, and Folks ... check it out :)

One of the better City Park Courses around

The combination of Shuie's and Jones's courses in Oconto, Peshtigo, and Marinette make for a Great getaway. Always fun and worth a Trip :)
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2 1
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good Course for Both Beginners and Pros 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 21, 2017 Played the course:once


-This course challenges all skill levels, from experts to beginners like me
-It is a fairly safe course, with really no risk of injuries or harm to yourself
-The course is right in town and easy to access
-there is no fee to play


-I found the par ratings to be odd on some holes. One hole that went through a curved path in the woods was a par 3 while a straight shot had a par 4

Other Thoughts:

-I myself did not play #8 but I heard from many of my classmates that it is a very frustrating hole. I am unaware of the reasoning so I can not give my insight.

-all in all, it is an excellent course and it is very fun to play.
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 30 played 13 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Solid Course, Confusing Posted Par 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 5, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Marinette City Park offers a variety of shots from thinly wooded such as #1, #14, #15, and #17, Tunnel shots on #3, #4, #11, #12, and #16, fairly open holes on #7, #8, and #9, and significant elevation change on uphill #2 and downhill #8 and #12. Some of the holes such as #7 and #8 finish left, while some such as #10 and #15 finish right, requiring golfers to be able to throw a variety of shots in order to score well on this course.

Some specific hole notes:
#8 is always fun because it's a 400 ft wide open downhill shot. Watching your disc travel towards the basket on this hole is quite a thrill!

#11 has a very steep drop off on the left side, eventually into a creek. This tends to be the hole where people lose their discs.

Hole #16 in my opinion is by far the most difficult on the course, being 380ft with a thin fairway between VERY thick forest. The tunnel through the woods holes reward accuracy over power, but this hole takes it to the extreme. If you get outside the fairway, your disc is almost guaranteed to stop traveling forward because of all the pine trees, and you'll most likely have to use a stroke just to throw back into the fairway. Hole 16 is posted as a par 3, but the best I've ever shot on this hole is a 4. In fact, I've never seen anyone par this hole (though I'm sure it's been done.)

The course is safe, easy to find, easy to get to, and is in town. The designers did a great job utilizing a limited amount of space to make a solid 18 hole course. The tee pads are nice, and the signs are consistent and helpful. There is a helpful "next tee" sign after #10 and I believe one between #7 and #8 as well.

UPDATE: The Tee sign on #14 has been moved to the other side of the tee pad, which is much better, less frustrating, and safer. It was very easy to hit one's hand on the post when it was placed on the right front edge of the teepad. Furthermore, it indicates that someone is listening to player feedback and making adjustments.

Also, a mailbox with scorecards has been added near hole one. This is a very welcome addition. The combination of these to updates has convinced me to bump up my rating of this course from 3.5 to 4.0. It is a great course!

Practice Basket has been added. It is behind the work shed between hole #1's Tee and the road.

Alternate #12 has also been added. It's a nice little uphill hole with a tree on the right and the road on the left. To find the tee walk towards the road from 12's basket and turn left down to the rubber mat. Rubber mat is a meh teepad, but it's still an fun addition to the course.


The tee pads are a little short. I end up starting behind the tee pad on most of drives here, and still occasionally will run out of room and not follow through completely. The tee pad on #5 has some permanent bike treads from someone riding through it as it was drying. This is irritating in that the tee pad is uneven and puddles of water always form in the shallow spots.

Some of the posted pars here make no sense. #1 is 286 feet with a clear line and is listed as a par 4. Hole #4 is a generous par 5 at 350+ through the woods (though I could see maybe calling this a par 4.) Hole #6 is just over 300ft fairly open and is a par 4. Then #16, an insanely difficult hole, is a par 3. My guess is that the confusing par choices is a remnant from when this was 9-hole course Some of the generous pars on the front make up for the difficulty on the back. I usually end up ignoring the posted pars for my own edification and end up playing everything as a par 3 except #16.

Bugs are thick in the summer, and the area leading up to the pin on #8 (long downhill shot) often has standing water everywhere.

Other Thoughts:

This is a city park that people use. Be sure to watch out for pedestrians and cars, as a street and sidewalk run through the course. People occasionally will park here to eat lunch and take a smoke break or things of that nature. I once threw an errant shot #1 when I should have waited for someone to walk past. If you hooked an errant shot on #6, you could potentially throw into a playground area with young children. If you are afforded the opportunity to play this pleasant course, please be mindful of nonplayers.

During the summer and fall there is league play every week night at 5 or 5:30 depending on when it gets dark. outside. Marinette Area Discgolfers also hosts a weekly Saturday Bag Tag event the first Saturday of the month.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1147 played 721 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The best around by far 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 22, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


The course is now 18 holes set in a pretty much disc golf exclusive park right in town. The baskets are Discatcher's that were all in very good shape and caught well. The Tees are all nice, level concrete that gripped nicely. There's a good amount of elevation changes throughout the course. Hole 2 is a fun uphill shot. Hole 8 is an awesome downhill bomber that let's you just rip it.Hole 12 is a narrow, downhill tunnel shot that requires a solid shot. The flow of the course is very intuitive except a couple spots. The walk from 7 to 8 can be confusing at first. Just look south up the sled hill and that's where the tee is. Most notably though is after hole 13 you have to walk down the hill past hole 1's tee and across the road to find 14. The tee signs are pretty basic but serve their purpose. They are present at EVERY hole and all have hole #, par, distance and a basic hole diagram. The designers did a fantastic job utilizing the park space here to make a well rounded, fun yet not just pitch and putt course. There are many types of shots here that will test all skill levels to some extent. The park was well maintained and very clean. The course is permanent and is free to play which are both bonuses. It wouldn't seem to be too crowded ever so you can toss a few rounds relatively quickly here.


The tee pads are on the smallish side but are by far better than nothing and do work just fine though, just worth mentioning. The few longer walks from hole to hole can be a bit confusing for first timers. Nothing too major, and I pretty much covered those above anyway. Only one set of tees and pins for each hole. A few of the holes seem kind of like filler (Holes 3, 7 & 9) but they set up some really great holes (4 & 8) so it really balances out. Again, like almost every WI course the bugs can get nasty but just bring bug spray and it's a non issue. My biggest con by far though is the location of the tee signs. they are located right by the front right corner of the tee pad which for RHBH throwers like me is a real pain. I have too line up on the far left edge of the pad and ended up having a few bad releases worrying about cracking my hand on the signs. Either have them a few feet away from the tee or better yet a few feet from the back corner of the tee. This is a serious irritant for me, and it doesn't feel good actually hitting the sign (I've done it before) on your follow through.

Other Thoughts:

This is by far the best course within about an hour (I haven't played Pioneer trails in Escanaba yet), that I have played at least. This is a very well designed course. I was surprised how much fun it was after playing Coleman and Peshtigo right before this one. I feel this more a 3.75 than a 3.5 but that's not an option so I opted on the lower end due to single tee and pin set ups and the couple "connector" type holes. Very fun course though.
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3 0
Experience: 11.1 years 7 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

18 Holes Now 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 10, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


- This is now an 18 hole course. Cement tee pads and tee signs for every hole.

-The first 5 holes are moderately wooded. The next 5 are fairly open and the 8 remaining holes are again fairly wooded.

- Holes #4 and #8 are the 2 standout holes for me. # 4 is a challenging 353' straight tunnel shot the whole way with thick rough on the right. The ceiling is fairly low so you have to keep it low. #8 is a 403' downhill par 3. You're throwing from the top of a sledding hill so it's a good 20'-30' at least above the basket. It is very open but on windy days can be tough.

-Overall a fun course with some challenging shots at least for a relatively inexperienced played like me.


-First off the course can be kind of tricky to navigate if you haven't played it before. The first time I played it I missed a couple holes because there are no "Next Tee" signs. However it appears like this soon will be fixed because there are some 4x4 posts in the ground that look to be for this purpose just no signs on them yet.

-Some of the sign posts for the holes are a little to close to the tee pad which presents a potential for injury on your follow through.

-#6 plays along a fairly busy city street which means an errant RHBH can easily end up in the street.

-Holes #12 and #16 and to less of extent #14, the tee pad is placed ~2-3ft too far left. This leaves the only the right 1/3 usable because the rest of it means you're throwing right into trees 10ft out.

- The rough on some holes can be brutal. If you go in good luck getting back out

Other Thoughts:

- Some garbage cans and benches on some holes would be nice since there are none.

- Every time I've went here I've pretty much had the course to myself. That could be do to going on weekday mornings on my days off of work though.

-Only one Tee pad and basket per hole
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4 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21 years 269 played 148 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 29, 2013 Played the course:once


Marinette City Park is a good 9 hole course that has something for everyone. First off it's got concrete tees, good tee signs and a course map by hole 1. There are elevation changes on about half the holes, there are some open holes, some wooded holes, and it (debateably) has two par 4's (one long open and one tight wooded). The first half of the course is more wooded and forces you to hit you line to be rewarded with a birdie.

Hole 2 is a big uphill shot. Hole 3 is a short dinker but with a big drop off behind the basket. Hole 4, possibly a par 4, is a 350 foot wooded tunnel shot than makes you decide if you're going to go for it or play it safe with a midrange shot off the tee. The last three holes are open and hole 7 is a 600 foot long bomb.


The course starts off great with first 6 holes, hole 7 is a long wide open hole and the last two holes are also open so the course kind of lets you down at the end. Once you finish the course there's a very long walk from hole 9 back to the car. On the way I saw the practice basket which doesn't seem very close to the parking area or hole 1.

The shot selection isn't very good here. The last hole forces a turnover shot for a RHBH player, but the rest of the holes are straight or hyzer shots.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this is a good 9 hole course and is worth checking out if you're in the area. With the exception of hole 4, it's a good course for less experienced players. More experienced players will enjoy the various challenges the course present.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Mixed feelings 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2012 Played the course:once


The course plays through a nice wooded park with a mix of grassy fairways through scattered trees and denser woods. The more open shots include some distance, including a 600' hole with an elevated tee. A couple other shots have some moderate elevation changes to add some fun and challenge.

The wooded shots have some nice tight tunnels with enough rough to keep things tough if you miss your line. One hole offers a short ace run, but there's a drop off behind the basket making it risky to run at it. There are decent concrete pads and the signage has hole number, distance and layout. The park seemed well kept, and there isn't too much interference with other park uses.


The course ends in a bit of a disappointing way. The last few holes are pretty open and flat, and don't offer as much fun or challenge as the first 2/3 of the course. It's odd that the 9th hole ends so far from the beginning of the course, and the most direct route crosses a few other holes. The tees are a little short, especially for the couple longer holes, I wish they were at least flush with the ground to allow for a runup from the grass.

Other Thoughts:

Beginners will have a good time here, most of the holes are reachable, and there's a nice mix of park style holes and a few tighter ones to make things a little tougher. More experienced players won't find this course terribly challenging, but there are enough fun shots and tricky elevation to make this worth a stop. You can play some fun safari holes on the way back to the car after 9 if the course isn't too crowded.
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4 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Northeasternmost course in WI 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2012 Played the course:once


1) Excellent property for disc golf. The course is out on its own and has no other park users in the way. This is always a positive in avoiding injuries and infringement on the course or other activity areas.
2) Nice wide concrete tees. Not sure how long they are because I forgot to measure, but they have to be 5' wide at least.
3) Decent signs that have Hole #, distance, par, and a map . . . along with sponsors of the hole.
4) Rules sign and a course map available at the first tee.
5) Practice basket is available although it is removed from the course to where most people won't even see it. I am guessing 200' to the right of #1 tee and up the hill behind some trees. Not sure how much use it gets, but at least it is there.
6) Garbage cans in a few spots around the course help to keep the course clean.
7) #'d discatchers . . . nice baskets for visibility, especially in the woods.
8) They even involved some water on the course here . . . although it is only beyond the #9 basket by about 30-40'. It is there in case someone throws long!
9) Good distance variation ranging from the 100's, 200's, 300's and even a 600' thrown in there. I like variety like this because it makes you thrown all your shots and use all your discs. Strategy is key rather than just trying to park every single hole.


1) Holy mosquitoes . . . they were so bad on the long tunnel I had to run to my throws and I rushed my putt from 35' and it accidentally went in to save my bogey.
2) There is a long walk from #9 all the way back to #1 or where you parked. Not a big deal, but worth mentioning.
3) There is quite a bit of compaction and erosion here in the woods where it is shady and around some of the baskets like 1, 2, 3, and 4. I always hate to see this because it could be minimized with well thought out installations of courses. It might need two sleeves to be able to move it to avoid it, but it is something that does detract from the beauty of a course (and environmental impacts).
4) Some of the chains are rusty on these old Discatchers. They must have been bought used from somewhere for this course.
5) The course description may be accurate, but if #7 is a sledding hill, there must be a different standard for sledding in Marinette, because vertically it is not that high, and I was expecting some epic throw from here. While I did get myself a par (thrilled with that on a 600' hole), it wasn't as fun as it would have been off a really high or steep slope.
6) Some kids on bikes went through the concrete on #5 tee before it was set . . . stupid vandalism. Was it really fun to ride through concrete only to mess up every single person playing disc golf for as long as that concrete is in! I have no tolerance for that.

Other Thoughts:

I did enjoy this course and was happy I made the trip up to the north-easternmost course in WI on this road trip. It has a nice variety, elevation change, distance variation, good balance of shot shaping is required, and has some really fun shots. I am surprised a small town like this would take up so much space with disc golf, but of course I can appreciate it. I suppose it did look like a fairly large park so to give up some acres for disc golf wasn't too much to ask. They did a great job of keeping the disc golf away from other activities (except the throw over the corner of the baseball field on #8. You don't have to throw over the fence you can launch a big hyzer to the right of it, but there still would be a risk of errant throws going onto the baseball field.

I would have to agree with some others, there is even more potential here than was used. They did a decent job on the course, but the woods across the street from #1 also look enticing as well as the woods between the practice basket, and #3 and #4. You could easily create a better loop back to the parking lot.
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4 0
Experience: 25.2 years 191 played 16 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Yup, OK. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 27, 2011 Played the course:once


Discatcher baskets. Concrete tees about 5x8. Fair variety - Some elevation change on 5 holes, mostly manicured grass under large trees, but 3 holes through moderately heavy schule. Few if any apparent conflicts with other park useage.


Not many really! Mosty I found the course to be OK but unexciting.
The prospect of landing in the #4 fairway from #3 is a very real but minor con. The tee pads are minimal size, and #8 is especially crowded.
There are no gold level holes, but there is enough length to challenge advanced players. The assigned course pars are appropriate to a green level course although it is marked as a red level course.

Other Thoughts:

Mostly typical of city park courses, this park is large with many other apparent uses including ball fields and playgrounds.
The long walk back bothered me, and I wonder why there are not three more holes through the unused woods between #9 and the beginning. Re-doing hole #4, and adding three more through those woods will boost my rating!
If you are spending the night in Marinette as I did, you should definitey play this course. This was my second of three courses played in this
area. I was please at how much better this course is than the one in Peshtigo. Next I headed for Oconto.

#1 Almost straight RHBH slight hyzer, fairly tight lane through big trees. Overthrow right threatens #2 tee.
#2 RBH hyzer with 25' of uphill elevation. Fairly open w/ big trees at sides. Needs "next tee" sign from here
#3 Short tight downhill through thick schule. Overthrow could land on #4 fairway.
#4 Tunnel shot about 15' wide through medium heavy schule.
#5 RHBH Hyzer. Heavy schule left and medium with some slope away right. +10' of elevation.
#6 Open straight tee shot to goal lightly guarded by big trees. -10' elevation change.
#7 Wide open crush hole. -10' elevation.
#8 Strange transition from #7, walks up fairway for half of hole. Tee is crowded back against the fence, restricting run-up to about 10'.
#9 RHBH anhyzer. Open left, heavy schule right. Distance solidly in grey zone.
Long walk back to Hole #1!
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1 1
Experience: 21.5 years 74 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Love this course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 28, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This course offers some great variety in obstacles, distance and shot types. I live about 25 miles south of here and it is by far the best course in the area.


Some wet-ish spots, especially on #7. bugs can be bad in some of the wooded holes.

Other Thoughts:

Really enjoy playing this course. If it was closer to home I would be playing it all the time.
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1 2
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

homecourse 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 2, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


only course in area for atleast 40 miles,try to play everyday,easy to navigate aruond easy to 2 9's for 18 every hole but #7 easily duecable several hole in one senerios


bring your bug spray #3,4,5,6 serious mosquitoes #7 stays soggy in the middle

Other Thoughts:

average score for me is 54 with several 50's 51's &52"s tons of windy days that can lead to high scoring round in a heart beat shoot wisely
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3 1
Experience: 28.3 years 23 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pretty good 9 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2010 Played the course:once


Course makes good use of what the park has to offer as far as elevation and woods. There were no bad holes on the course (#3 and #8 are the weakest but still not boring)


The tee pads are a little small, i had to start my run-up on the mud for most holes. There are no holes on the course that are really great. The bugs were bad and there is a bunch of burning meadow throughout the course.

Other Thoughts:

#1 - fun hole with limited lines due to many trees
#2 - Interesting up-hill hyzer line that you don't see too often in other courses.
#3 - Very short anhyzer. Almost uncomfortably short
#4 - Straight alley shot with low ceiling. Tough hole but based on the reviews i expected more out of this hole.
#5 - Blind hyzer. Nothing special, but not overly easy either.
#6 - Straight and slightly down hill. Fun hole that is blinded by a hill.
#7 - Long and open, slight down hill. The Meadow was pretty wet. Fun hole to give it all you have.
#8 - Short hyzer over/around the corner or right field. Not a hard or overly interesting hole but at least the baseball field forces you to throw on a line.
#9 - Relativley long slight anhyzer. Stay left and you'll be ok, play too much anny and you're hating life.
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8 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.4 years 950 played 43 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Average Course, Janky Lay-out 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 8, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Every hole is fairly challanging...... i love this course. u can camp right in marinette city park......
#1 284' heavily wooded straight shot......
#2 243' uphill left fade with tall pines bordering the fairway.
# 3 148' tight fairway, pin placed on top of 30' hillside.(got my first ace and 6th here)
#4 353' tunnel shot.. this is an amazing hole....
#5 205' hard left dogleg. heavy woods on the left
#6 316' blind-straight shot.. few trees by pin.....
#7 609' wide open field with elevated tee
#8 261' hard left fade around the baseball diamond...
#9 370' straight shot with wood on the right an wide open feild to left.....


Course lay out is still a bit mess up but, much better then it was when it was 9 holes. The course needs more trash cans on the course.... Alternate pin placement on a few holes would be nice....

Other Thoughts:

Living 19 miles away. it great coming here... not many discers, course is very challenging check out my scores.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.4 years 355 played 98 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Missing a true disc golfer design touch, has potential 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 25, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


The park is very nice with decent elevation and awesome woods. I really like the holes here and think they are very solid and fairly well balanced. I'll rundown each because I have comments (pro and con) of each.
#1 is a very sound and tight straight shot among a ton of tall pines. Play the road OB for more challenge.
#2 is a nice uphill hyzer forced by more of the parks huge pines. A pin further to the left would force more of a hyzer and also allow people to challenge themselves with a straight on throw or an anhyzer.
#3 is very short but has the only risky green on the course with a dropoff behind it. I'd suggest moving the tee back some for a 200-225' shot, right from the edge of the woods (moving #2 pin to the left would help with #3 tee further back).
#4 is an awesome wooded tunnel shot. A second tee could add huge distance challenge. The limbs should be cleared up 5-10' from where they are to open the tunnel a bit before it gets overgrown. This would offer a true run at the pin.
#5 probably is the best designed hole on the course with the most potential. It is a tight and hard hyzer with a wide open right fairway, cheater path down the middle, and dense rough on left. Clearing a few low branches would open the hole up well. The basket is nicely tucked near some pines.
#6 is also a great hole, in plays downhill through an open area flanked by a ridge and a playground. But there are large trees that require accuracy to hit the 316' shot to the pin. The pin is tucked over the edge of a small ridge in a great spot. An alternate basket on the edge would add great risk.
#7 is fairly bland 600' hole that is wide open off a slightly elevated tee.
#8 is a hyzer around a baseball field that is very bland and could be a huge interference problem.
#9 finishes up with a nice long anhyzer along the edge of the woods on the right and baseball on the left. It does not flow well though and you must cross #4, walk up #3 fairway and past hole 1 and 2 to get back to hole 1.


To me, there are obvious signs of inexperience in this design. The tee pads are WAY to short! I would have like to play it before the pads went in. They may be about 5' wide, but are barely 8' long. Plus they were not installed completely flush so there is an edge you can roll an ankle on. A HUGE flaw is that most of the tee signs are at the front right edge of the pad. i.e. handsmacking signs and poles for any RHBH player getting too close to the front right edge (a few were less than a foot from the edge). That tee sign placement is horribly unacceptable! I would redesign holes 7 thru 9. The 600'+ #7 is no challenge because it's wide open, and no thrill because it's flat. #8 has too much opportunity for recreational players to interfere with the softball field. I'd suggest shortening #7 to just a 400' shot or so and place the basket near the trees by the road. Then move the tee for #8 up on top of the small hill and throw a long shot down to a basket near where the #8 tee is currently. I would then lengthen #9 by moving the tee back (or addin that second tee). #9 could be made a bit more challenging, or redesigned altogether to offer flow back to the parking lot. Installing a second set of tee pads here and alternate pins would truly introduce some design elements to make this a REALLY challenging course. There is plenty room for second pads for HUGE distance and additional skill/challenge. Additionally I saw some locations for alternate pins that had me thristing for some risky greens here!

There is no water hazard.

Other Thoughts:

I rated a 2.5 because it is only 9 holes and as a traveling player, I want something worth the drive. It is also only as high as a 2.5 because it has the potential to be better. I think it's really only a 2 because of all the cons I mention, but they can be compensated for. Fixing the tee sign location, installing longer pads, redesigning to make it flow a bit better, getting more risky green with alternate pins, and offering more challenge with second tees would all improve the rating. Installing 9 more holes in addition to all this, with more holes in the woods (like by the practice basket and across the park road) and better utilizing the hill/ridge, would probably yield a 3.5-4.
Contact me, I'd be more than happy to help with the design of what could be an AWESOME course! My brother-in-law lives a few blocks away and I'd be more than happy to help get something great installed there.
I continually think about how a redesign of the layout would yield such a great course. If the pines across the street could hold 9 more holes, this would be a NICE 18!!!!!!
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 36.3 years 936 played 137 reviews
3.00 star(s)

nice nine; quite challenging 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2009 Played the course:once


Quality shots needed most holes. Some elevation. I will second a number of above notes: #4 nice low ceiling tunnel shot....all shots require shot making skills and most some length as well, beautiful park, well maintained. Signs now installed and done well. Tees cement....a little short on the length; but nice otherwise. No signs of over crowding. Must avoid baseball diamond on dog leg #8; may be a con for lefties; but an interesting obstacle all the same. #9 tough anheiser for righties.


Walk from nine to one. This may be turned into a pro. Local (who happened to ace #2 today), plays a number of holes from basket to basket on the way back to make a 12 hole course.

Other Thoughts:

This is one of the better nine hole courses around.
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3 2
Experience: 15.6 years 8 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

a nice find. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2009 Played the course:once


-a good mix of long and short holes
-the trees and hilly landscape add fun and challenging variation to the course.
-not very crouded at all(i was the only person playing when i went)
-the baskets were new,and the park seemed to be very well kept up in general.


-the sickest hole of the course(hole 4's tunnel shot)is right by a swampy area making it a perfect breeding ground for masquitos.so make sure you bring some bug sparay!!!
-the par numbers seemed more for beginers.(i was easily under par every hole and im not even that great of a player)
-maybe needs a diferent set of pars for more advanced players.

Other Thoughts:

concrete tee pads and basket signs are now up!!!
this course was a great course, it has a nice mix of short technical holes,short easy holes,and longer harder shots.this makes it the perfect course for people of all skill levels to play at.i gaurentee everyone who plays here, whether its an experienced discer or a first time player, will have a good time.
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5 0
Experience: 16.5 years 2 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 15, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


A challenging course that weaves through the forest and utilizes the hills.

Hole 1 is a challenging shot through the trees where you need to hit your line.

Hole 2 is a shot that is on a hill where a water tower used to be. It is a deceiving hole.

Hole 4 is a beautiful and long tunnel shot. This hole will eat beginners up.

Hole 5 is a sharp left dog leg, but has a thumber line over the trees for righties.

Hole 6 is over some small hills and is out of view from the tee box.

Hole 7 is a 615 ft shot down hill and across a field that is maintained. The walk here can become wet as it is a bog-like area.

Hole 8 is a big hyzer for a righty and a perfect thumber for a lefty - easy hole for advanced players but adds a twist for beginners.

Hole 9- from the tee pad there is a solid tree-line to your right and open to the left, interesting hole.


Tee boxes NEED to be concrete. They were supposed to be crushed limestone but realistically it is big white garden rocks.

Signs need to be put up.

Hole three is a 100 some odd foot shot that could be better if basket is slightly moved.

Other Thoughts:

This course was brought to the city council in June and put up in August. The tee pads and signs should be put up next summer, especially since the money is allocated for it.

The course will be kept up in winter and snow shoes will be up for rent from the city if people wanted to use them.

Alternate tee pads could be implemented next summer to make it an 18 hole course.

Course is free and still maintained.

If you play here in the summer, make sure you play hole 4 when the sun sets. The orange "glow" at the end of the beautiful tunnel is breath-taking.
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2 3
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

challenging course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 15, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Good mix of technical and long holes
Hole 4 is a great 400+ tunnel shot
Make shot selection a big factor


Maybe a rhbh favored course
Rock teepads could be concrete.
Hard to navigate needs signs.

Other Thoughts:

With Tee pads and signs would be one of the best 9 hole courses in the state
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