Layout - This is a very unique course that is squeezed in between the outside of a traffic circle inside a square grid with incoming roads dividing each area where holes are placed. The landscape is a park style area with sparse trees, bushes and... shrubbery.
Each hole has two tees which are usually put as far left and right back as possible considering the landscaping. So in essence because you're going counter-clockwise around the circle the right back tee is longer, especially when going to the left front basket. The two baskets were cleverly chosen so that you can easily distinguish which is which. One set of baskets are discatchers with the yelllow top, the other set is Mach.. somethings.. I forgot.. doesn't matter.
Enough of that let's describe how it plays. So basically to play the "18" hole course you have to go around the circle playing one set of tees then around the circle again playing the other set of tees... but what if you go around the circle twice the first time playing all discatchers then go around the circle twice more playing all the... SHUT UP! IT"S ONLY 18 HOLES READ THE COURSE PAGE.
Sorry... this is the pros right. Okay so if you're playing the left tees you are pretty much always looking at a hyzer line to the left basket or a straightish shot to the right basket. When you're on the right tees you're looking at a straightish shot the left basket and a anny/fh to the right basket... (yes i'm rhbh deal with it)
I do really like how they used the shrubbery to create interesting lines and some blind shots where you're trying to tuck the disc in to pockets of shrubbery. They also create some vertical gaps where you're going under tree limbs or sometimes over shrubbery and under a tree limb. In that respect they used the shrubbery nicely.
Again if you didn't read that good the baskets are sometimes tucked in to tricky areas to create some challenge. You also have to contend with OB (the roads) and shrubbery.
There is some balance in hole length by playing each different combination, the right tees give you an opportunity to throw a driver often; and it's often necessary to hit the low ceiling shots which pop up.
The flow is not confusing just go counter clockwise and look for tees. If you go clockwise you can probably actually still play it but the holes will be super short.. wait.. 72 hole layout? SHUT UP.
Equipment - Concrete pads with signs at both tees and two creatively unique baskets on each hole. There's also a big course map at #1 for those unfamiliar with circles.
Atmosphere - The shrubbery is pretty.
Layout - The first time I went around the circle and played the 9 long, throwing two discs to each basket I was like yeah this is kinda cool and interesting and neat and fun for most of the holes and then I was like wait I just keep throwing annys. Then the second time I went around and played the short pads I was like yeah this is now dumb and boring and I can't wait to go play Trophy Lakes.
It may seem like I'm trashing this course but I do think it's decent. It's actually probably the best course you can put outside a traffic circle inside a square with roads running in between it. They did create some interesting lines with shrubbery. It's just that the nature of what it is makes it repetitive, kinda like you're just going in... circles.
Also this is a 9 hole course pretending to be 18 if you didn't get any of that from the stuff I wrote up there. Yes I get it, I see what you did with the baskets, cool, great, nice, but it's still just a 9 hole course with multiple layouts.
Also on several occasions I just about threw my TL in to the road and I can definitely see that happening on the holes asking you to throw 350+ with the possibility of fading out, turning over in to the many roads in which cars can come from all directions.
Equipment - Some of the tee signs are broken.
Atmosphere - You may feel stuck in a loop.
Other Thoughts:
Honestly I think this is a neat course. Definitely different and definitely a good place to work on throwing hyzers/straight through gaps/annys. You can let some drivers fly in to cars if you want. It has a fun factor so I'd honestly recommend it if you're from out of town. I'm sure the locals appreciate it for what it is.