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Augusta, GA

Pendleton King Park

3.575(based on 68 reviews)
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Pendleton King Park reviews

2 32
Experience: 13 played 13 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 6, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Dedicated maintenance in beautiful setting - gardens , arboretum and dog park . Half of holes through woods , mostly open shots though . Usually plays to 54 with 3 or 4 alt pins can go to 57 , no stress fun to play course great for beginners .


Gated park opens at 8 AM closes around dark . Tons of pedestrian traffic - but aware of the course and etiquette towards golfers .

Other Thoughts:

Another must play in Augusta - ace runs and birdies are plentiful .
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7 19
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good and Improving 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 16, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


- Reasonable level of difficulty. Newer players can get to par with a reasonable amount of practice and veterans can start hunting birdies all around the course.
- Good mix of open and tightly wooded holes.
- Improvements are always underway and the course is maintained by hard-working individuals.
- Vegetation is kept at a great level. Not hard at all to keep track of your discs throughout most of the court if they go astray or fade too hard.


- One or two of the holes labelled as par 4's really ought to be par 3's. This is great encouragement for beginners but it doesn't seem right.
- There are no very very long holes. I'm not very good at these anyway but including at least just one would be a good addition if it could have been fit into the layout.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoy the course and the fact that it is not extremely difficult to par the course. The difficulty and variation of hole styles provides for some stiff competition with whoever you bring along or a good time if you stop by on your own for a round. Go give it a try!
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4 28
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

vongripper 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 23, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Very fair course.You do not have to be able to throw 300-400 feet to shoot par.Very nicely maintained.Sometimes you will hear dogs barking in yards that border the park,but that is okay as this is not a library.Improvements/beautification is constant and ongoing.


It is located in a public park and sometimes(not often) people walk on the course on a couple of the holes.

Other Thoughts:

Played today and it was beautiful.Very clean and friendly course.
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3 21
Experience: 23 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Underrated Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 22, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


-Rounds are typically under an hour
-Benches are new and trash cans are abundant
-Next tee signs point one in the right direction
-Birdies are available on 2/3 of the holes
-The course is fairly wooded to make it interesting but fairways are easily defined


-There is not a ton of elevation change

Other Thoughts:

Especially if you are a beginner this course is the best course in the area. Although more experienced players will still have fun with the course, beginners will be able to obtain success that is difficult to find on other area courses.
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10 7
Experience: 49.3 years 47 played 18 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice Urban Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 24, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


*Fairly easy to find navigate your way through the course, with one exception.
*Good mix of left and right curves
*Lots of trees, but there is always a defined and open fairway on even the most densely wooded holes.
*Once you get into the woods, you might not see anyone else in the park, and can easily forget you're in the middle of the city.
*Benches on almost every hole, which helps in the humid Georgia summer.


*Can be hard to find your way on a few holes. I'm thinking especially where you need to walk through the little flower grotto, and 18.
*Many holes are about the same distance, the only variation is the curve of the fairway or the location of the trees.
*Water on the course but it doesn't really come into play.

Other Thoughts:

My son lives in Augusta, and this is a course I have played a lot when we visit. I like it better than any of the other courses we have played in Augusta without leaving the state (I haven't played Killer B yet).
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2 18
Experience: 11 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great short course, semi technicall 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 18, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


tee boxes are kept up with, they just put new dirt down in front and behind them.

fun course for all skill levels due to shorter distances


baskets are old and do not have the yellow top, which can make them harder to see
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23 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.6 years 495 played 493 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Bland but not as bad as the rating would lead you to believe 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 10, 2012 Played the course:once


Pendleton King has the reputation as the worst course in Augusta but it's not actually too bad. There is a good mix of fairways curving left and right with the woods on the side of the fairways so if you go off course the rough can eat you up which I have categorized as a good thing because I like rough that challenges you since that is its job. Not a whole lot of elevation changes, just a couple on the course the throw slightly uphill or downhill; just enough to mess with your ability to judge distance because of the change. Most of the course plays on solid dirt so you have to judge your skips well and avoid rolling your upshots. No signs and we didn't follow the map but the course is fairly obvious and I'm surprised at previous reviewers complaining of navigational issues. Baskets are aging but still in decent shape as are the tee pads.


I liked this course but nothing stood out as something amazing or unique or interesting; I've seen everything here before. The course is a bit bland and runs together in my mind with the exception of a couple of holes in the front nine. The back nine looks almost exactly the same with the exception of the last two holes. There is a part where you play back and forth throwing almost the exact same throws as before so it's a bit boring. I wish there was a better mix of hole distances here as everything feels about the same distance whether it moves 50 feet or not.

Other Thoughts:

This course isn't bad but there just isn't anything amazing here to go back to, that saying it's still a decent option as a new course to check out if you're in the area. There was one little pass I remember towards the back I think where you go through some sprinklers on your walking path which feel great in the heat, especially since I was in town for a week and not used to the heat being a Seattlite.
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17 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The worst in Augusta . . .isn't so bad at all!!!!! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 15, 2012 Played the course:once


1) Nice signs with Hole #, Par, and distance. The holes are all named too . . . something I am seeing more of and something I greatly appreciate, it just adds to the feel (assuming the holes actually need to be named . . . a course with 9 150' wide open holes will not need to be named).

2) This course is pretty beginner friendly . . .the distance is not overwhelming and the shule/rough areas are not so difficult that you will lose a lot of discs or struggle to recover. Generally you can recover pretty easily from 1 errant shot.

3) Nice large concrete tees available here.

4) Some benches and garbage
cans around the course. They are not on every hole but there are a few. I am sure the benches are appreciated on a 110 degree Georgia day.

5) There is an arboretum on site and you can tell they take care of this old park. There are some really nice plantings and some unique concrete and brick structures on the property. I have said it a bunch, but I love it when these old parks keep the historic stuff and work the disc golf around it. I think it makes for such a unique feeling.

6) #17 is a great hole because of a design feature that I cannot say I have seen regularly. The basket is tucked into a lane between a row of trees and a fenced off area. The row of trees gets increasingly closer and closer to the basket as the basket can be moved further down the alley. I saw three pin positions and the longer the hole goes the tighter the lane. I thought this was unique and an excellent idea increasing the need for accuracy and length making the shot progressively harder at each position.

7) This is a really diverse property ranging from the moderately open park-like holes to some more densely wooded tunnels.

8) Elevation change was used effectively in the design to create some interesting and challenging shots. There are times you will have to adjust your shot because of the elevation.

9) The disc golf shots on this course are pretty good. You need to work the disc both directions and you also need to throw a couple of unique shots like on #3 and #4 and #17. Those are shots that you don't get on every course.


1) No maps on the teesigns which is a real negative for the travelling disc golfer.

2) You throw over a road on #3, around a tennis court and across a field where I am sure picnickers will be hanging around on a nice day, you throw along a path a couple of times where walkers might get in your way, and then you throw awfully near the entrance road. All in all I would prefer if these interactions were minimized but here they seem to feel like the norm.

3) The course suffers all too much from the compaction/erosion issue. I know it is an old park and it has seen a lot of use over time, but there are many bare spots, both around the baskets and tees and also in some other areas. The tighter the woods the less turf they have (which is natural) and just points to the need for mulch or some sort of groundcover.

4) The course was confusing in a few spots because the routing didn't seem intuitive. Directionals in 3 or 4 spots would have made it all just fine, but we spent a couple minutes looking around a few times.

5) The distance variation is a little lacking. There are mostly a couple of different lengths that just get repeated so multiple holes have duplicates.

Other Thoughts:

If this is the worst that Augusta has to offer I am jealous. This course was way more fun than the 2.68 average rating. I honestly feel like I had more fun here than I did at Lake Olmstead which was rated well over 3.00 discs. Sure the course isn't the most well maintained but I would argue it is more attractive as a course and park than Lake Olmstead mostly because of the variety.
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12 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 775 played 417 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Tight Open and Open Wooded 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 25, 2011 Played the course:once


Even mixture of holes in the open and holes in woods.

Multiple pin positions on about half the holes.

Concrete tees.

Online map made navigation simple.


Most holes play somewhat near walking paths and other areas used by other park users.

Lots of barking dogs to distract (cheer you on?) as holes 1-2 run alongside the back of many private properties.

Tired baskets.

Other Thoughts:

Course is set along the edge of treelines and within the woods that form the border of a multi-activity park. The landscape is relatively flat, with very gentle changes in elevation. Grass was low, and the park seemed fairly clean.

About half the holes (1-5, 8, 16-18) play in the "open", i.e. you mostly have air between you and the basket, but the well-placed scattered trees, bushes, and elevation changes add to the challenge.

About half the holes (6-7, 9-15) play in the "woods", i.e. the fairways are surrounded by woods on both sides, but are very broad, mostly straight, typically requiring a bit of turn or fade as the disc nears the basket. Most of these holes are also similar in length, mid-200's to lower 300's.

Overall, a decent course, worth playing. Avoids the extremes, providing some challenge but also the opportunity to score well.
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7 1
Experience: 13.1 years 74 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A rookie review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 24, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


I am a rookie, so keep that in mind while reading any further. This course has plenty of holes that were very technical for me. I not only had to get my technique down, but had to figure out what disc did what in a hurry. Wrong choice means a hunting trip.


Mostly a good course, but if you go on the weekend there is potential for kids to be really nice and throw your discs back to you. Also you play near a few of the picnic area on the first few holes. After five though you are mostly in the trees until the last few. No choices for more or less challenging tee shots.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this is a great course for a rookie like me. It is has enough to it that you should be able to have fun at any level though.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Decent 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2011 Played the course:once


The course plays through a nice city park, some major improvements must have been made since some of the earlier reviews. The grass was mowed and there wasn't much trash or vandalism around. The concrete tees were in decent shape, and the signage was basic but present. The baskets were older, but still caught ok.

Many holes play through mature trees in grassy areas of the park that are pretty free of underbrush. These holes offer a few longer shots and many have multiple options of routes to take. The rest of the course plays through thick woods with lots of nice punishing rough. The fairways make you shape some nice tight lines, but are fair and well defined. There is a pretty good mix of left and right turning holes, the course plays pretty balanced.


There are some spots where navigation is a little tricky, and the flow of the course isn't obvious. Several holes play near roads, sidewalks, and playgrounds, definitely some safety issues. There are also some holes that bring pavilions and picnic areas into play, another possible safety issue.

The signs only have hole distance, not the layout of the hole. Many holes have multiple pin positions, so not only do you have to walk up the fairway to see where the pin is, you have to guess which distance is correct.

Other Thoughts:

This isn't the best course in the area, but it's still a fun round. The neighborhood and park didn't seem to be all that bad during the day, we felt totally comfortable while we were there. Beginners will find the course a little punishing on the wooded holes, but overall it's an ok beginner course. More experienced players will find some tricky lines to hit and some nice challenges, it's not too tough but there's enough variety to make it interesting.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 553 played 429 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Super King 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 16, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Pendleton King park is a very good disc golf course in a pretty cool city park. Each hole has concrete tee pads and signs noting distance. The layout is fairly easy to follow and mixes up shot shapes and distances fairly well. Moderate elevation changes will come into play on several holes. Seven of the holes have multiple pin positions. Well defined fairways give even novice players an enjoyable round, and good players will be offered a challenge while still being able to post a good scoring round. There are two public restrooms that are in very close proximity to the course. Other amenities include playground, dog park, duck pond, covered picnic areas, large covered pavilion, secluded quite areas with beautiful gardens and fountains, walking trails, tennis courts, and don't forget the tank.


The signs don't show maps, the distances are not always accurate, and are not representative of both pin positions on holes that have multiples. Playground is sort of close to hole 2, but not usually a problem. Staff will usually start running out park goers well in advance of actual closing time. Some of the holes in the new layout are a bit cheesy in my opinion, and many good holes were removed after reconfiguring. Course is popular and large groups are common on nice days. Pace of play can be slow.

Other Thoughts:

PK is one of the parks I play most frequently and I consider it very enjoyable. Augusta has many great courses, and this one should not be ignored. Uses the terrain nicely on almost every hole. It can beat you up, but is not unfair. Definitely worth a try.
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10 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.3 years 25 played 25 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The True Agusta Experience 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 2, 2011 Played the course:once


Pendleton King is what I was hoping to find in my trip to Augusta. The park itself is one of the most beautiful old structures I saw in the city. The dog park, multiple gardens, and mature trees add so much aesthetic pleasure to playing this course. The first tee is extremely easy to find and from the first hole the rest are fairly easy to navigate. There are multiple trash cans throughout the course and decent signage on each hole indicating the hole distance of both pin positions. The tee pads are solid concrete and decent size.
The makeup of this course is very traditional for disc golf purists. Most of the holes are open with mature often surrounding the pins. The distances are not extreme, but there is a decent mix of short and long holes. Not many reaching 400 feet though. There aren't too many elevation changes to speak of either, although you do shoot uphill and downhill a few times from the tee. Although I mentioned that most of the fairways are clear with mature trees accenting the pins, the middle half of the course plays through the wooded section of the park. I've played a decent amount of courses though, and I wouldn't call the fairways in the woods tight by any means.
For all of these reasons I would highly recommend taking amateurs or even first timers to this park. However, I seriously doubt that advanced players would be disappointed with this experience.


The signs at this park show the distances, but they don't signify the actual fairways. I was lucky to have multiple guides with me, but I still walked up the fairways a few times to check out the shots. This is simply something that could be improved upon. This park does tend to get crowded as well with large groups of amateurs, so arriving early would be to a serious disc golfer's advantage. The last thing worth mentioning about the park is that there are lots of secluded areas in the woods where I wouldn't want to be alone. I'm not saying that the area isn't safe, but I would rather play with a group than by myself. The locals I played with told me that the park used to be a pretty rough area, but that recent renovations have improved the social environment.

Other Thoughts:

To be honest, I could see where most people might view this course as a run-of-the-mill experience when compared to some of the other courses in Augusta. The holes are shorter and less complex than Wildwood or Riverview. Despite all this though, I found myself falling in love with this course over the course of our round. The scenery is simply beautiful all around you. You get a sense that Augusta is an old town steeped in tradition, and the P&R department in town really does well to convey this with all of the gardens that run through the park. If I were playing in Augusta again I would of course check out Wildwood, but I would not leave town without playing this one again.
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10 1
Disc Dog
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 109 played 48 reviews
4.00 star(s)

I liked this course. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 21, 2010 Played the course:once


This is a course anyone could enjoy. It is not the toughest course in this area, but it does offer enough that any level player could enjoy it. Particularly a group of players of mixed player levels or noobs.

The number of improvements are dramatic and very well done. Most of the course has been lengthened and new fariways cleared out. The fairways are well defined and clear of brush and it has a very nice flow.

It starts out very flat but technical. Getting through the trees is tricky. Especially when 2 is in the long position. Elevation is not as wicked here as in many of the other courses in the area. They do use what is here very well.

I like the mixture of straight fairways and left and right doglegs. A left or right dominant person would not have an advantage here. A balanced game is a must. There are many blind drives. So expect the first couple of rounds to be higher scoring.

Because the course has had so much renovation recently the shule can be very rough. But patience and placement will make a big difference.

The teedpads are concrete and most are in good shape.

Many amenities exist here. There are plenty of trashcans and some benches to sit on. Playgrounds, tennis courts, clean public restrooms, a dog park, plenty of good parking, picnic areas, and several small gardens each with a differnet theme.


Even with GPS the park is not easy to find.

A couple of the new teepads were cracking and unlevel. I have done enough concrete work to know that the ground was not properly prepared. They will have to be redone.

Even with the map a couple of tees were a bit difficult to find. Six was the toughest.

The out of bounds on basket 4 is a childrens playground area. Please be careful. It is a right to left throw and if you do not curve your throw right it will head straight for it.

Three is thrown across the entrance road to the park so watch out for cars and bike riders.

Other Thoughts:

This is the course I like the most in the area, of the 6 that I have played.

It has a high fun factor, great scenery, and is an above average park for rec and intermediate players.

If you want to spend a day with guys throwing plastic, take your family out to a nice park, or have a place to take a romantic walk in one of its nice flower gardens this is the palce.
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4 1
Experience: 15.1 years 7 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Best of Augusta... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 18, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


First off let me say that I rate all the courses I've played by the surrounding courses available. So that being said, IMHO I believe that this is the top of line course in the area not including the IDGC courses. The fun factor of this course is great, there is a nice mix of wooded and open holes, and the shot diversity is also nice. The mulch thrown down from the tree clearing on the wooded holes adds a nice dry fairway material for when it gets wet out. Trash receptacles are throughout the park there are 2 restroom locations on the course. Benches have been put up at most of the Tees. Tees and baskets are in very nice condition.


Some of the tee pads are near sandy ground and some of the sand gets on the pads from time to time, brooms near some of these holes would be a nice touch. On hole #2 play is to the right of some playground equipment and this poses some dangers during busy hours.

Other Thoughts:

I am in the process of planning a tourney here sometime next year.
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3 7
Experience: 16.4 years 45 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

low rating is old and pre-update 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 9, 2010 Played the course:once


really fun course. reminded me of redan in dekalb county. the low disc score doesn't reflect the redo they did this past year.


it was a little hard to find the next tee on a couple of holes.

Other Thoughts:

check it out. don't let the 2 disc review deter. if you'll notice all reviews since the redesign have been great.
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7 1
Experience: 14.5 years 4 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Redesign must've worked 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 25, 2010 Played the course:once


Great course, after reading reviews from pre-redesign, I can tell that they did a great job with this course. Great scenic playing, does not interfere much with park goers. Nice easy pace. The next tee signs are plentiful and perfectly placed.


Scorecard and course map on both this site and ADGA are now obsolete and need updating. Also, on some holes it was hard to determine which par we were playing. (some holes were Par 3/4, with perhaps a 30 foot difference)

Other Thoughts:

Great course in Augusta, did not fit the stereotypes heard about the area at all.
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6 4
Experience: 15.3 years 17 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 16, 2010 Played the course:once


New layout that makes this a very fun course. Not too long but plenty of challenges. There is a 3' x 3' course map over at one of the kiosks.
Beautiful park in the center of Augusta. You'd almost think you were out in the country.



Other Thoughts:

Even though it was raining the entire time we played there was no mud because of plenty of mulch.
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6 6
Experience: 15.3 years 23 played 13 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Course remodeled. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 11, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Not to long, still great for beginners. Course has been redone. If you haven't been there in the last few months, you havent been there. New tee boxes, new pin placements, holes through the woods have mulch put down. Alot of work has been put into this and it is much appreciated.


none really, nice solid course since the remodel.

Other Thoughts:

Like i said, if you havent played it recently, go play it. Its not the same course it used to be. Water hole has been removed.
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5 22
Experience: 35.2 years 55 played 5 reviews
0.00 star(s)

just drive buy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 21, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


the course was moved to the woods and round the park so you are not going to hit anyone and you can just play around with no wait


not a well design course all turn over shot or side arm and some more blind shots in augusta ..

Other Thoughts:

Well you should just drive lake o or river view or the idgc...it is a waste of time to play i well not play it again and i live here
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