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Plainview, TX

Running Water Draw Park

Permanent course
3.865(based on 7 reviews)
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Chained Evil Chained Evil's Round

Score: 57 +57
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
-- -- -- 863
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:1
T. Bogies:14
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 260 -- 3 -- --
2 270 -- 3 -- --
3 360 -- 3 -- --
4 290 -- 3 -- --
5 350 -- 3 -- --
6 300 -- 5 -- --
7 250 -- 2 -- --
8 300 -- 3 -- --
9 250 -- 3 -- --
10 280 -- 3 -- --
11 290 -- 3 -- --
12 380 -- 3 -- --
13 320 -- 3 -- --
14 260 -- 3 -- --
15 450 -- 4 -- --
16 270 -- 4 -- --
17 300 -- 3 -- --
18 380 -- 3 -- --
Totals: 5560 -- 57 -- --

T try122583's Round

Score: 58 +2
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
80°F Sunny Moderate 943
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:1
Round notes:Long tees are tough on this course. Had a rough stretch early, but just kind of parred out the rest of the way to keep it respectable.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 320 3 3 -- --
2 380 3 4 -- --
3 570 4 5 -- 1
4 340 3 3 -- --
5 490 3 4 -- --
6 420 3 2 -- --
7 330 3 3 -- --
8 500 3 3 -- --
9 300 3 3 -- --
10 370 3 3 -- --
11 400 3 3 -- --
12 470 3 3 -- --
13 430 3 3 -- --
14 380 3 3 -- --
15 560 4 4 -- --
16 330 3 3 -- --
17 390 3 3 -- --
18 440 3 3 -- --
Totals: 7420 56 58 -- 1

T try122583's Round

Score: 55 Even
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
76°F Sunny Calm 972
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Perfect day to play, and played well! This course has a lot of long par 3's and there aren't a lot of holes where you can get an easy two. Shooting a 55 from the long tees is very acceptable.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 320 3 3 -- --
2 380 3 3 -- --
3 570 3 4 -- --
This coule maybe be a par 4 with it's length, but I think I can three it if my drive didn't suck.
4 340 3 3 -- --
5 490 3 4 -- --
This is just a difficult hole with the trees and needing to bend the disc back left. Thank goodness the pin was in the short spot!
6 420 3 3 -- --
7 330 3 2 -- --
Drilled one from about 45-50 for my first bird of the day!
8 500 3 3 -- --
9 300 3 3 -- --
10 370 3 3 -- --
11 400 3 3 -- --
12 470 3 3 -- --
Killer drive on this on that was pin high! Had a shot at a birdie but faded right.
13 430 3 3 -- --
14 380 3 3 -- --
15 560 4 4 -- --
16 330 3 3 -- --
17 390 3 3 -- --
18 440 3 2 -- --
Great Ape high hyzer that landed within feet.
Totals: 7420 55 55 -- --

R reanthon's Round

Score: 60 +2
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
90°F Sunny Calm 924
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 320 3 3 1 --
2 380 3 3 1 --
3 570 4 3 1 --
4 340 3 3 1 --
5 490 4 4 1 --
6 420 3 3 1 --
7 330 3 3 1 --
8 500 4 4 1 --
9 300 3 3 2 --
10 370 3 4 1 --
11 400 3 4 1 --
12 470 3 4 2 --
13 430 3 3 1 --
14 380 3 3 1 --
15 560 4 4 1 --
16 330 3 3 1 --
17 390 3 2 1 --
18 440 3 4 1 --
Totals: 7420 58 60 20 --

V vanderflugen's Round

Score: 68 +68
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
-- -- -- n/a
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 260 -- 3 -- --
2 270 -- 3 -- --
3 360 -- 5 -- --
4 290 -- 4 -- --
5 350 -- 3 -- --
6 300 -- 4 -- --
7 250 -- 4 -- --
8 300 -- 4 -- --
9 250 -- 3 -- --
10 280 -- 4 -- --
11 290 -- 4 -- --
12 380 -- 4 -- --
13 320 -- 3 -- --
14 260 -- 4 -- --
15 450 -- 5 -- --
16 270 -- 3 -- --
17 300 -- 4 -- --
18 380 -- 4 -- --
Totals: 5560 -- 68 -- --

T try122583's Round

Score: 56 -3
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
82°F Sunny Moderate 962
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Went with a friend down to Plainview. Drive was a bit of an issue, but fortunately my putting and upshots were strong enough to make up for it and keep me around par for most of the round. Not an easy course from the pro tees.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 320 3 3 -- --
Just missed the opening with the Wasp, but still a chance for two. Hit rim.
2 380 3 3 -- --
Here is where the drive became an issue. Got a lucky bounce, but just didn't feel comfortable, and that would be the theme. Great upshot saved par.
3 570 4 4 -- --
Another iffy drive and an average upshot. Putt was a bit right.
4 340 3 3 -- --
Terrible drive, just terrible. Straight in the ground.
5 490 4 4 -- --
Another piss poor drive. Second shot was worse. But third shot was easily the shot of the day to safe par.
6 420 3 3 -- --
7 330 3 3 -- --
8 500 4 3 -- --
9 300 3 2 -- --
Finally a 2! Great Ape drive up the hill. Landed within 5 feet.
10 370 3 3 -- --
11 400 3 4 -- --
12 470 4 3 -- --
By far the best drive of the day. Putt from 40 feet just missed. A good birdie.
13 430 3 3 -- --
14 380 3 3 -- --
Almost cost myself a par with a god awful second shot, but was able to straddle putt for par.
15 560 4 3 -- --
Second best drive of the day through a tight alley. Good upshot with Rhino and straddle putt for the bird.
16 330 3 3 -- --
17 390 3 3 -- --
18 440 3 3 -- --
Totals: 7420 59 56 -- --

T try122583's Round

Score: 58 -1
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
66°F Sunny Calm 943
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Hit up Plainview on the way home. Had to take advantage of the perfect weather. I think both of us shot well here, considering we played from the long tees. Not an easy course from the longs. I shot 58, Nick shot 71
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 320 3 3 -- --
2 380 3 3 -- --
3 570 4 4 -- --
4 340 3 2 -- --
Boss landed by the basket.
5 490 4 5 -- --
Just a tough hole for a lefty. Poor shots on this one.
6 420 3 4 -- --
Hitting trees....
7 330 3 4 -- --
Like it's my job...
8 500 4 3 -- --
Then I crushed the Cannon. Got to erase some of these bogies!
9 300 3 3 -- --
10 370 3 3 -- --
11 400 3 3 -- --
12 470 4 3 -- --
Probably my best drive of the day. Boss had to go abour 400 ft, leaving me with a short uphill layup shot.
13 430 3 3 -- --
14 380 3 3 -- --
15 560 4 3 -- --
Played this hole like a pro. S'd around the trees with the Boss, and had a solid upshot, followed by a solid put. Very impressed with a three here.
16 330 3 3 -- --
17 390 3 3 -- --
18 440 3 3 -- --
Both finished on a good note. Had a great time golfing with Nick again. Soon I'll be making my way in his direction to check out some courses in AZ.
Totals: 7420 59 58 -- --

T try122583's Round

Score: 55 +1
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
80°F Sunny Moderate 972
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:Went down to play in Plainview for only the second time since moving to Texas. It's a fun course, when I'm not worried about the 5 or 6 kites flying around overhead. Played well. This is a tough course. Don't know what par is, but I'm guessing a 55 is a solid score.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 320 3 3 -- --
Solid drive against the wind with the Ape downhill, just a bit long. Comeback putt was on target, just short.
2 380 3 2 -- --
Great Boss drive within 15 feet. Made he putt.
3 570 3 3 -- --
Probably a par 4, so I'm happy with a three after a great drive and approach
4 340 3 3 -- --
Wasp against the wind was good, within 40 feet.
5 490 3 4 -- --
Also probably a par 4. Great Nuke drive, but second shot was a bit off.
6 420 3 3 -- --
Also a solid drive with the Nuke, had a chance at a two but a bit short
7 330 3 2 -- --
Great Nuke drive, but couldn't find my disc right away. Turns out it was about 15 feet away. Works for me.
8 500 3 3 -- --
Almost lost my Nuke again in the tall grass, but was able to find it about 100 feet away. Approach was good to get a three.
9 300 3 2 -- --
Uphill shot with the Ape was perfect, easy two. Good front nine.
10 370 3 4 -- --
Just a tough hole today, with it being against the wind. Drive was okay, but hit a tree. Second shot hit the next tree. I guess a three wasn't meant to be.
11 400 3 3 -- --
This uphill hole is a great three. Came close to a long deuce with the long uphill putt.
12 470 3 3 -- --
Great drive on this hole had me within 70 feet. Hit side basket on the putt.
13 430 3 3 -- --
Up and down for par.
14 380 3 4 -- --
Probably the worst drive of the day. Left me with a tough second shot that I executed poorly.
15 560 3 4 -- --
This is probably a par 4 too. Just a tough hole where a perfect drive is needed to have a chance at a three. I didn't have that drive.
16 330 3 3 -- --
Tough tee off with a tree pretty much in the way, but the drive was good on this one. Pin high about 40 feet to the right.
17 390 3 3 -- --
Another low solid drive needed, and I executed. Came up just short on the 35 foot putt.
18 440 3 3 -- --
Great drive against the wind landed in line with the basket about 60 feet short. Good putt also a bit short, but a good ending to what I consider to be a pretty good round.
Totals: 7420 54 55 -- --

T try122583's Round

Score: 58 +4
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18
56°F Sunny Calm 851
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round notes:I guess the wind will be the biggest factor in the Texas Panhandle, but on this day I was able to get a good day to play. I guess the recent drought led to the moving of some baskets, making them a bit difficult to find since I was using the signs to try and find the baskets. Was able to figure out my way around and had a good time. Most of the hole changes seem to be longer now, making this course difficult for birdies.
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 260 3 3 -- --
2 270 3 3 -- --
3 360 3 3 -- --
4 290 3 3 -- --
5 350 3 4 -- --
6 300 3 3 -- --
7 250 3 3 -- --
8 300 3 4 -- --
9 250 3 2 -- --
10 280 3 3 -- --
11 290 3 4 -- --
12 380 3 3 -- --
13 320 3 3 -- --
14 260 3 4 -- --
15 450 3 3 -- --
16 270 3 4 -- --
17 300 3 3 -- --
18 380 3 3 -- --
Totals: 5560 54 58 -- --

R rooroo678's Round

Score: 73 +73
Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
18 / 18 -- 90°F Sunny Calm n/a
D. Eagles:0
D. Bogies:0
T. Bogies:0
Discs Lost:0
Round details
Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
1 -- -- 0 -- --
2 -- -- 0 -- --
3 -- -- 0 -- --
4 -- -- 0 -- --
5 -- -- 0 -- --
6 -- -- 0 -- --
7 -- -- 0 -- --
8 -- -- 0 -- --
9 -- -- 0 -- --
10 -- -- 0 -- --
11 -- -- 0 -- --
12 -- -- 0 -- --
13 -- -- 0 -- --
14 -- -- 0 -- --
15 -- -- 0 -- --
16 -- -- 0 -- --
17 -- -- 0 -- --
18 -- -- 0 -- --
Totals: -- -- 73 -- --

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