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Joliet (Lockport), IL

Trinity Links

3.25(based on 30 reviews)
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 18.2 years 221 played 73 reviews
3.50 star(s)

You know what they say about first impressions… 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 23, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Trinity Links doesn't exactly give the best first impression upon arriving, but things turn around quickly. The course is either on the property of, or accessed from, some sort of sober living/rehab facility. Ok, I'm not exactly sure which group this place is a home for, but you will often run into residents wandering around the parking lot acting a little off. Yes, you're in the right place, this is actually the parking lot for the course. Once you get to the bulletin board and first tee area, your impression should already be changing. The first hole requires a fairly short, right to left, water carry from the A and B tees with a few trees to keep you honest. The shot from the C tee is an open rhbh hyzer that takes the water out of play unless you skip too far left. The second hole also brings the pond into play from 2 of the 3 tees, but also adds more trees to force you to hit your line. The basket is suspended by chains from a large, horizontal, hardwood limb. Not at all what one would expect upon pulling into the parking lot.

The course continues with a nice mix of open and wooded holes. Some of the open holes provide an opportunity to really crush distance drivers, while the wooded holes force you to shape lines with little margin for error. There isn't much water in play after the first two holes, with the exception of a small, dirty pond short and left of 15's basket and a very narrow creek running through a few holes that is not much of an obstacle. There are a couple of true multi-shot holes and a few that are challenging par 3s for long throwers and two shot holes for the sub 300' crowd. I really enjoyed the par 4 hole 7. It has three different tees which change up the first shot. The first shot is very open from all of the tees, but you need to be in the right area to access the green with your second.

Many holes feature three tees and almost all have at least two. The A and B tees are generally similar shots, with B being longer and often slightly off line to restrict shot selection. The C tees offer a completely different look from the other two tees. All tees are grippy concrete with plenty of length. Baskets are older Mach 3s with extra inner chains added. I can't really offer an opinion on their catching ability, my (frequent) misses were almost all airballs. Signs are only at the A tees, but they show distances and locations for all tees on a basic map. In addition to the hanging basket on 2, there are a few elevated baskets and some well protected greens.


There isn't much elevation change to this property. That limits the potential shot variety. As alluded above, there are a few holes out here that will be tweeners for many players. Very few players will have the distance to reach the green from the tee; most will be left with an open, sub-150' approach. Either shortening, lengthening, or adding obstacles to these would make for more interesting golf.

Navigation can be a bit tricky in places, and with signs only at the A tees you have to do even more walking if playing Bs or Cs. Most signs have an arrow pointing to the next tee area, but you have to remember to look for it before heading down the fairway. I was the most unsure of where to go after playing 4. To find 5, walk back past the hole 1 tee area and the tees are slightly to the left near the fence. Long tees for holes 4 and 10 are the same tee, you just tee in opposite directions. There are some overlapping fairways, and some baskets and tees are closer together than is ideal for safety and pace of play. The layout also results in some backtracking to get to the next tee in a few places.

Other Thoughts:

I recently played Trinity Links for the first time in probably a decade, the course was a lot nicer than I remembered. Not that it was a lousy course in the past, I just don't remember there being so many tees and I don't think they were all concrete. There is a nice little pavilion with a picnic table and there are plenty of benches to rest your legs. Although the course is a bit rough around the edges, you can tell that the locals have been putting in a lot of work to maintain and improve. I'm giving this course a 3.5, but it is really close to a 4. This course would be a 3.75 on my scale if we could use quarter point increments. While I definitely prefer both the nearby Canyons and Highland Park courses, Trinity Links is a solid course in its own right. On a nice day, when the Canyons is inevitably packed, Trinity should have significantly less traffic. Lots of great golf in the Joliet area, but traveling players shouldn't skip this one.

While I've never personally felt unsafe out here, I can understand how the residents/guests could spook some people. I'm not trying to pass judgement and don't know what type of issues this residence serves, but players new to the course should know what to expect. There's a good chance there will be strange dudes wandering aimlessly around the parking area. I don't know if the guy who is always looking to bum cigarettes is still around, but in my experience most of the other residents mostly keep their distance. All the same, I think most players tend to get from their cars to the first tee quicker than they would at a different course.
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5 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.1 years 222 played 100 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 13, 2017 Played the course:once


- Nice long concrete teepads. Some of the best that I have thrown off of in a while.
- Multiple tees on every hole
- Decent signage on the short pads
- Fun and simple layout with its fair share of challenges
- For as as small as the course is I was pleasantly surprised with how many different discs I needed to use and how many different shots I needed to throw
- They did a good job incorporating the water that is on the property and the shots that use the water are definitely a mental challenge for pretty straight forward shots


- No teesigns on the alt teepads but you can easily just look at the teesigns on the regular pads and then walk to the alt pads and play them
- Baskets were nothing to write home about and some were difficult to spot in the woods. New baskets would easily add to the appeal of the course.
- Signage for the course entrance would also help. I drove by the course without knowing it because there was no signage and then I felt a bit odd parking in the parking lot because it seems like its used for the special needs home that its next to

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed playing this course. I only played from the short tees but I thought it had a perfect mix of holes. I cant for the life of me figure out why it isnt rated any higher than it is because to me it is a well done course. You can tell that it has been around a while with how beat down a lot of the paths are and this leads to an easy flow of play for a first timer on the course.

Overall I liked this course a lot and would suggest that if you go play the Canyons then you should 100% check out this course that is less than a mile away from there.
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4 3
Experience: 13 played 6 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Never Again 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2016 Played the course:once


Disclaimer: This is a short review on purpose, I'm not a course local / I genuinely had a bad time at the course.

The actual mechanical structure and challenge of the course is good. Well designed. But not anything revolutionary.

A few wooded holes stick out in my mind as quality.

18 has a fun elevated basket, well guarded by tree's and a low ceiling.


The water was foul smelling, with a scum pond. During the heat of summer the bugs were unbearable.

Poison ivy was everywhere.

When wet, the mud is pretty bad.

Easy to lose discs.

Hole 1, if you slightly grip lock your shot you slam into a huge shed. My shot actually smacked the very edge of the roof and took a massive redirection bounce into the heart of the scum pond.

Signage was a little misleading.

Random plywood cutout of the Chicago skyline as an obstacle on one hole? Emphasis on random.

Other Thoughts:

Other reviews seem to have a positive outlook on this course. However myself and the 3 others I played with had a miserable time. Would not recommend as a destination course. If you're local, why not give it a go? But your time would be infinitely better spent at the 5 star courses just up the road.
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 150 played 83 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good, Not Quite Great 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 1, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


- Variety of hole types: open, tightly wooded, water carry etc.
- Multiple nice, large, concrete teepads at each hole
- Benches and garbage cans present
- Effort clearly put in to continually try and improve the course


- Occasionally confusing layout with fairways and baskets coming close together
- Signage is frequently missing, destroyed, or wrong as several holes have been updated
- Runs a bit on the short side, with a handful of long, open holes contributing to much of the distance
- Lack of clearly defined lines on a handful of the wooded holes

Other Thoughts:

The first time I played Trinity Links, about a year ago, I walked away glad I played the course, but not sure when I would be going back. As it turns out, it would be a little over a year before I made a second visit, and then only to take a couple of friends who were interested in playing a new course. The biggest problem Trinity Links faces is its close proximity to a number of high quality courses. For those living outside the immediate Joliet area there are usually better options, even as close as 5 minutes away. That said, there are still plenty of good things about Trinity, and I don't want to disparage the work that has clearly gone into the course. However, with the new, pristine, well routed and fun Canyons course practically across the street, it is little wonder I played Trinity once in a year I played about 35 rounds at other Joliet area courses.

This course has a good variety of holes, even if few of them are very exciting. You will be throwing to the left and right in open fields and tight wooded fairways and occasionally across water or to rollaway greens. Hole length is decently varied as well, though a much larger percentage of shots are of the shorter, tightly wooded variety, with the longer holes being mostly open. A couple of the shorter holes don't really have clearly defined fairways, which can be frustrating. The risk-reward aspect of water holes is usually a plus for a course, and it still is here, but the disgusting stagnant water in the small ponds adds a bit more risk to your shots. These ponds also lead to a higher than normal amount of bugs, even at the end of October there were still a lot of gnats.

Despite the work clearly done to the course, it still feels a bit rough around the edges. A good deal of the messy feel is simply due to the less than stellar neighborhood the course exists in. A number of holes border unkempt yards, and trash is common despite the many cans. Navigation is occasionally confusing, and the tee signs are broken, missing, or incorrect as often as not. While the baskets aren't the best they are certainly serviceable, the pads, however, are some of the best I've played on.

This review may read as overly critical, and I will continue to play other courses in the area with higher frequency, but a round here is still fun, and there is a lot to like about Trinity Links. If you are traveling to play courses in the area, The Canyons and Highland Park are my top recomendations, but if you have time in your day or weekend for three (or more) rounds, Trinity is not a bad option. The Joliet area really has an overabundance of good courses, and Trinity Links is certainly one of them.
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1 1
Experience: 10.1 years 22 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not a bad little course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 12, 2015 Played the course:once


- paved tees
- a hanging basket, that's cool
- private, you can tell someone put in some work on this course
- variety of open and wooded shots
- the pond with the island is a nice view


- water!!! this might not be a con for everyone, but a couple shots were over the pond. It was fortunately frozen solid when I went, but I don't think I'd like this course in summer. (because I'm a noob)
- some tee signs have been damaged or busted out and are unreadable or completely gone.

Other Thoughts:

kinda hard to find, you'll see two business-looking buildings as some of the other reviews said. Just park in that lot, I guess.
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5 0
Experience: 19.3 years 201 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Come Play Trinity 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 4, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


This course was a solid 3 to 3 1/2 stars when I first played it in 2008. I am bumping it up to 4 stars because the boys have done such a good job making improvements on an already cool course The addition of paved long tees is a real plus. The course offers a nice amount of variety. What little elevation there is out there is brought into play. A few baskets are up on mounds, creating a chance for roll-aways. The first two holes now have tees that play over water. They are risk- reward options. The risk is losing a disc if you are not accurate enough off the tee. The reward is an easier line to the basket. Hole 7 was already a bomber hole. They have pushed it back, making it about a 600ft. hole, and added a little more challenge getting it to the hole by tucking it between a row of trees. Some holes favor a hyzer for right handers, while some favor antihyzers or forearm shots. I really like holes 15 and 16 in the woods. They are short holes that can easily be deuced if you avoid the trees. However, a 4 can easily be recorded if your tee shot hits one of the many trees and rolls behind another tree creating a tough lie.The changes on 17 made it go from a routine par 3 to a very challenging three for most folks who cannot throw it much over 300 feet. The basket now sits atop a mound and is well guarded by trees. An aggressive approach could lead to a roll-away disc getting wet in the pond behind the hole.
This course is definitely worth a stop for any level player. Beginners will find out what hitting your line is all about. Even more advanced players will find some challenge out here.


I like holes 15 and 16, but the fairways do overlap a little. It could be an issue on crowded days, but I guess it is not that much of a con. I am OK with the water on hole 15 near the basket. It adds to the challenge, but like another reviewer said, it is a bit nasty. There is no way I would want to wade in there to fish out a disc, and getting wet on this hole is a real possibility. A bounce the wrong way off a tree means wet disc in nasty stuff. There is nothing the boys who have worked so hard on this course can do about elevation, but this course does not have the elevation variety of a West Park, Highland Park, or even Lewis U. That is the only factor really lacking on this course as far as I am concerned. If it had the elevation of those courses, I would seriously consider making this a 4 1/2 star course. I still appreciate the way they used the little bit there is. There is a group of teens who live in the neighborhood around the course who like to hang out here. I think they are responsible for a good part of the trash you find on the course. They are probably the ones who upset the garbage cans and vandalized a few of the signs as well. PUNKS!

Other Thoughts:

A big thumbs up and 5 stars for the effort put into making this such a fun course to play! I hope all the disc golfers who play here appreciate the effort put into this place and go out of their way to pick up after themselves. Do not be like the local punks who trash the place. One more thing. Make sure you wave to los rancheros you see riding their caballos (horses) on Oak and Briggs.
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6 0
Experience: 20.3 years 207 played 16 reviews
4.00 star(s)

the good stuff 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 22, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


along with highland blues, trinity long tees is my favorite layout in the area. (this review is mostly referring to the long layout)

this course keeps growing due to the extensive maintenance by thor and the boys.. thank you and keep it up! that being said, currently the length along with other general course info is a bit off on the course homepage

-trinity is very technical and quite lengthy
-it is well balanced with a mix of technical midrange holes and open bombs- equally challenging
-multiple tees on every hole, most have 3 tees
-many signature holes: hole 2 is awesome- tees over the foot of the pond thru a gap cornering right and straitening back left to a hanging basket on a well protected green.
-hole 7 long tee offers an initial tight gap opening into a 700 ft plus bomb finishing back in the woods with OB immediate in front of the basket, par 3
-hole 17 is interesting and tough: mando forcing hyzer to the right off the tee and a choice of 2 gaps- basket is on a hill leading to water behind the hole. danger danger
-this course forces an all around game to do well- versatility is key
-trinity is private which hinders overall traffic-hoodlems and buttholes included as it is not in the best area
-practice basket in the field near 1
-benches and garbage cans throughout


-hole 4's long pad shares a long pad the opposite direction with no. 10 (was changed after the fact to enhance no. 4, which i'm all about, however, makes for a sloppy mix with traffic flow)
-the walk after 15 has you backtrack thru the length of fairway and partially thru 16's fairway. could be dangerous and makes for bad flow.
-signs are damaged if not inaccurate due to updates- no big deal
-mach II news are spittin shat everywhere. chain left, chain thru bounce off the damn pole...what can ya do???
-dammit dale i dont smoke cigarettes!!! please remember this!!

Other Thoughts:

there is a highly dedicated group of individuals responsible for turning this into the beautiful course it is today.

i would like to extend my thanks to thor and the crew.
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.4 years 115 played 19 reviews
4.00 star(s)

One of my new favorites 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 21, 2012 Played the course:once


-Awesome mix of shots here
-Concrete pads for both the "short" pad and the "pro" pad.
-Water. Need I say more? Who doesn't like a nice risk/reward shot?
-Punishing rough makes you make sure those throws are going where you want them to.
-Couple "bomber" holes.
-Lots of holes that demand well shaped shots.
-Nice new wooden benches on a couple of holes,
-Plenty of garbage cans, which is great but there are beer cans everywhere in the woods. This is a private course that is "open" to the public so show some respect people.
-Excellent use of available property, Almost no fairway overlap, which is impressive because there is not a ton of room here,


-There are a couple boring holes,but every course has one or two, right?
-There was an extremely creepy bum following people around asking for smokes. He was blatantly in the way of a group of people waiting to tee off and they asked him a dozen times to move before he did.
-It isn't closer to my house.

Other Thoughts:

I played here today for the first time and I loved it. This is seriously one of the best courses I've played. I had a good time and so did my buddies. I liked the challenging holes but welcomed the easier ones for a quick and easy deuce. I really couldn't come up with anything real for the "cons" as I really digged this course.

I was unaware that this course had been recently re-designed, Which makes me wonder if the older ratings and reviews are doing this course some injustice in it's current state... 3.13 overall rating seems awfully low for this course. I've played much worse park district courses with higher ratings than that.

Maybe the good time I had here was just the result of a fun trip down to the J town to hit this course up... We stopped at aces and chains to thumb through their stuff and trade some stuff in then went to white castle to shake my hangover. Next thing I knew we were driving up briggs and there are mexican cowboys riding horses along the sides of the roads and all over near the course. Wish I would have seen these goats I've heard about.

Sweet course, Cant wait to get back.
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3 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 170 played 24 reviews
4.00 star(s)

trinity in lockport 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 21, 2012 Played the course:once


- i would like to start by saying thanks to the owners of this course. it is a private course but is open to the public.
-the basic stuff nice private park. good cement pads pro pads on every hole make for some really fun shots
-hole 2 is a nice fun shot with part of the pond being right in front of the tee nice benches on many holes. and the basket is hainging up in a tree what i thought made it a diffrent shot
-almost all the holes have some sort of tree cover.(at my local courses there are a lot of open holes) i think there were only two holes that could use some trees
-i forgot the what holes but lots of nice wooded shots that force a good mid game some of these can be a choice depending if u throw from the normal pad or the pro pad
-16 is an awesome hole with heavy woods and the tee raised on a small hill( and looks like a creek that was dried up at the time
-hole 17 is a little confusing the sign shows it hooking hard to the right but the basket was moved i guess to be straight ahead on a small hill in the woods with the lake on the other side. but i imagine this made the hole a lot more fun(first time playing it was today)


-it seems that lots of people like to throw trash all over the place. this actually kinda pisses me off the owners of this course do not have to keep it open to the public so please clean up after your selves
-the creepy old homeless dude was weird kept asking people for smokes. and just walked up to me stood about 10 feet away and just stared at me for like 2 min before saying anything. i was almost expecting him to like stab me but i think he is

Other Thoughts:

-was a little hard to find but was able to find after a few min.
-i had a blast at this course why do all the better courses have to be so far away the only 18 around the wheaton area that even compares to the courses down by 80 is cress creek. at least as far as average + players
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3 0
Experience: 16.2 years 54 played 16 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The LOVE Shows 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2012 Played the course:once


**You can tell that someone loves this course by the care and little touches that have been put into it.
**Blue plastic garbage cans on every hole.
**Brand new, professionally done Concrete tee pads on the short tees.
**Nice new wooden benches in several locations.
**Basic signage was good enough to get us throwing in the right direction.
**Love the funny little OB pit and drop zone painted in front of hole #7.
**Mostly tight and technical, I love this kind of course since I don't have a big arm.


Treat the water in the pond to get rid of the mosquitoes, algae Etc. It would look a lot better, plus, give you a chance to pull out an errant disc.

Other Thoughts:

A little hard to find...
My GPS said it was on the wrong side of the road, we drove by it twice. I just happened to spot the #4 basket on the berm as we went by for a third time. It looks like two businesses to me with a parking lot behind/in between them.

Some pretty severe storms with down-burst winds had just rolled through the area right before we were there. Every course we played had "A Bunch" of downed limbs.
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8 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

trinity links 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 20, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This course has under gone a ton of change. the new tee pads are amazing ( cement) and the new lay out makes this course a lot more challenging. Hole 1 and 2 shoot over the water which is an awesome way to start your round. hold four was moved to make it a tough shot that is elevated. hole five has a new pro tee pad that is challenging. 7,8,9,19,12 all have new pro tee pads and 9 and 12 regular tee pads have been changed. 15 is a risk reward shot shooting over a small pond that can cause trouble. 17 and 18 are new lay outs that make the course finish with a bang. the new layout does have some walking but it is worth it to play the shots you get to play.


the water on the course is a problem. I have noticed a lot of people working out there digging trenches ( these guys do it by hand and the trenches are 3 feet deep and about 100 yards long.) the two ponds have duck weed on them and make it look like artificial grass, seriously. other then that the bugs like every course suck but they have been spraying the course and last summer the bugs did not pose an issue.

Other Thoughts:

this course has had a face lift and looks and plays great. the course is really clean. Just be prepared to be asked for a cigarette from one of the local residents. A lot of am players struggle on this course because you need to have a consistent accurate throw and then be able to throw so bombs. ( 4,7,9,10,13) over all I would say come play the course. It is private and I know for a fact if you are caught messing around you will be kicked out if not have the police called on you. serious golfers only
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1 7
Experience: 38.4 years 139 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

as of June 1, 2011 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 30, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


18 Updated 6-5-11 >>> Tee not permanent short basket tucked into woods on hill with h20 behind basket
17 added length > basket on hill with water behind it
15 basket on island position
some longer tees being worked on

course spot less
some drainage dug out (thanks guys !!!)


short tees wet but there was rain night before, longs looked in better shape
gnats > carry the bug spray

Other Thoughts:

big fan of this course > good mix of shots needed > good one to play when in the area > there is water so bring "water disc"

aceandchains disc golf store in area ( west park area )
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4 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 36 played 31 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 16, 2011 Played the course:once


This course really had a lot of great features, some of which were wooded holes, open holes and WATER. Most of the tees were very easy to find as a first time player. The baskets looked newer and were in very good condition. Some things that I really like about the design of the course was the use of Hyzer, Anhyzer and straight shots. On several holes there was a risk reward shot and then there was the safe play shot. Most holes had a Pro and Am tee, which is always nice to see. Holes 1, 2 and 15 played around a small pond, which could come into play if you make a poor shot. The course does not seem to get crowded with tons of players, which will allow you to play at your own pace and you won't have to worry about getting stuck behind a large group of players


Unfortunately, this course did struggle where I see a lot of courses; the tees. They used crushed limestone tees which by itself would not normally be terrible, but the issue here is with the poor drainage of the land they tend to get more muddy than anything else. Some other plaguing issues I saw here was the flow of the course. Several time you walked up fairways that you just played or in very close proximity to another fairway, errant shots could become potentially hazardous. As I mentioned this course seems to drain very poorly, a lot of it seems to be perpetuated by the pond (yes it is actually a real pond). There are a few holes where the pro tees are really enclosed by tight trees. As they mature there will be little to no shot; I think some of it is right now that they were just put in a few of those pro tees.

Other Thoughts:

While this was a fairly simple course it definitely did have a certain "fun" factor. If the tees were repaired or made concrete I could see this course being a lot easier to play and get better ratings. It looks as though there were some small attempts to fix the drainage on the course, but if they actually put in drainage creeks and mare then OB it would help with water and add some difficulty to the course. If you are in the area, it is a course to consider only if it has been dry the past few days.
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10 0
Three Putt
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Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 29.7 years 157 played 128 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Goats Head Soup 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 27, 2010 Played the course:once


Lockport is a pretty good short par 3 course. A lot of the course flows through some woods and there are a couple of water carries. The course is flat, but a few things have been added (# 4 runs along a berm with a drop-off on either side, there is a big mound on # 17 that the basket sits on and one pro tee is up on a mound) to add a bit of elevation to it. There are two sets of tees, and some add quite a different look to the shots. The shots are generally short and technical, but #7 is a nice "bomb's away" hole. It's not long enough to be a pro-challenging course, but there is enough trouble there to keep Intermediate players challenged.


I wasn't blown away by the design. #6 shoots across an open field, then you turn around and walk back where you came from to get to the tee for # 7. The baskets for # 6 and # 18 are pretty close together, and in a couple of other places baskets and tees are easily reached by an errant throw from another hole. If the course was busy, I could see a lot of conflicts and back-ups caused by the design. A couple of the wooded holes were pretty much poke and pray, including one shot on the back (I think it was # 15) that went over water. When I'm shooting over water, I'd like a defined route.

The course does have some water hazards, but the water appears to be from the property not draining well. It's basically a couple of large, stagnant, stinking cesspools that contribute greatly to the nasty bug problem this course has in warm weather. It's also not the kind of water you want to go after a disc in.

The tees are crushed limestone and not all that great. There are tee signs at each hole, and each one seemed to be vandalized in some way. There was a lot of trash around (the tee for # 8 was surrounded by garbage from the neighboring property) and a lot of broken glass on a couple of fairways. Add to that the stinking stagnant water hazards and bugs, and the overall effect is a less than aesthetically pleasing course.

Other Thoughts:

There were goats in the fairway on # 4, which seemed to come from the neighbors property. That was a new one for me.

Lockport is not the kind of course you would want to go out of the way to play, but it is right down the road from Highland, and Highland is a course you would want to go out of your way to play. Once you make it to Highland, Lockport is a good enough course to add to your courses played list.
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9 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 38 played 25 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Oh! Oh!... No! Not the water!...crap. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 28, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


-This course has an immense variety of shots, not just for the area it has, but for any course in the area. Hole 3 in particular almost forces you to throw a spike anhyzer (if you can imagine that). The amount of diversity here is wonder.
-This course has 4 true water hazards, for which it is the only course in the area. While Community Park has water, it takes a really poor or unlucky shot to end up there, and overall just isn't as intimidating. What makes it even better is the best 2, are on the first and second holes! Its just such an intense way to begin the round. The other two less outstanding hazards are on holes 15, just before the basket, and on hole 17, just behind the new pin placement on a hill, making for scary roll aways.
-The pro tees from this course offer great new feels for the course. A few holes have recently had new pro tees installed for the upcoming Joliet Championships, and these are also extremely well thought out.
-This courses baskets are in great shape, and the signs are as well. Some of the signs are now slightly off in distance, but that's due to new pro tees and pin placements and are in the process of being remedied. Overall a very easy course to navigate.
-This is also an excellent course for glow rounds. I've only played here twice and not had a glow round.


-The tee pads here do need some work. While the guys hosting the tournament are in the process of fixing up these pads, currently the fresh crushed gravel is still loose. Hopefully the recent rains have helped compact it some.
-This course does have some tough schule, but that shouldn't be a problem if you stay in the fairway. ;) if only it were that easy, right?

Other Thoughts:

The tees are the only outstanding flaw to this course. Once these are in better shape you'll see the ratings of this course skyrocket. This course makes up for this with its great variety of lines, from tight wooded fairways, to open bombs. Also, this course is so close to Highland Park, which is a must play in the Joliet area. With it being less than 5 minutes away, I can't see why you shouldn't play this along with Highland, unless you are completely strapped for time.
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0 9
Experience: 25 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


great variety of open and wooded shots.sistance range is good


poison ivy,oakand sumac.
coarse can swallow up a disc

Other Thoughts:

the coarse has been cleaned up great looks very good best ive seen it.
hole 17 basket has been moved and is really a cool hole
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10 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 316 played 268 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Father, Son, and HOLY *$#@ is that a Goat? 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 16, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


- Trinity DGC sits on a mostly flat piece of land that weaves in and out of woods, over small ponds, and through grassy fields. All sorts of shots are needed on this course, which ranges from wide open grassy fields to the tightest of corridors through trees forcing an anhyzer. The course makes the most of both water hazards and the little elevation with which the designer had available. Balance between short and long hole lengths keep things fresh for everyone.
- Pro tees add length and difficulty, often changing the entire feel of the hole.
- The first two holes incorporate short water carries, and get the round off to a fun start.
- #17's basket sits atop a small slope that unexpectedly drops off about four feet behind the basket, revealing a small disc-hungry pond, waiting deviously for uncautious putters.
- Several protected pin placements: bushes, mature trees, and smaller trees all help keep the baskets a challenge to reach.
- Glow rounds!


- The teepads consist of lumpy, rutted gravel/crushed rock. They are in poor shape and detract greatly from this otherwise fine course.
- Some of the holes have overlapping fairways, making spraying another fairway with wayward discs a definite possibility.

Other Thoughts:

- If better tees were installed or the current ones restored to decent shape I would definitely rate this course higher, but as it stands the tees are brutal.
- Watch out for bands of roving goats (apparently originating from one of the neighbor's yards?)
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 571 played 284 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Intermediate/Expert 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 25, 2010 Played the course:once


- Course makes good use of a larger forest and other sparse forested areas to provide a wide range of shots.
- Lots of very tight lines throughout the dense forest, in many ways. Tight windows off the teepad, very skinny fairways, and well protected baskets are a common theme. Many different shots are necessary, from way left to way right. Tons of variety, to the point where having a solid forehand and some overhand can be a huge advantage, left or right handed.
- Other holes bordering the forest still have some tricky lines, with a bit more room to navigate. Some well protected baskets add real challenge in a few places, like #14, which is surrounded by trees and brush on 3 sides.
- A few bomber holes mixed in here and there to break things up. These are more or less wide open, and require good distance over anything else.
- Very slight elevation changes, there was a great elevated green on #17 that was tough to get up on approach. Otherwise basically flat. Some water was in play on a few holes, and was quite reachable. Definitely a major hazard that can gobble errant shots.
- Great signs and baskets, decent teepads. Some signs to point the way in a few spots as well. Navigation overall is not too tough.


- While there is a great mix of hole lengths, there are many on the short side. Some of the longer holes are very bland as well, with little to no obstacles. Both of these are very typical features and don't make the holes stand out too much.
- Some holes have fairways that are kind of close to each other, especially in parts of the back meadow. Really not an issue.

Other Thoughts:

- This is a very solid course that demands some really tricky shots. I can see how some people could be very frustrated with the course, especially those who rely heavily on a RHBH toss. An anhyzer just won't cut it on some of these sharp doglegs.
- The tough rough and crazy lines make this a good course for a seasoned player. It will really test anybody's line-shaping ability.
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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 72 played 45 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Trinity Links is a pretty good course with a good amount of challenge and plenty of shot variety.

The first thing you'll notice about this course is its seclusion. This place is on private property in the middle of nowhere, and I've rarely seen more than two other groups here. If you're looking for a peaceful place where you can take your time for 18 holes, this is the best course in the area.

There's a great variety of shots... some open bombs, wooded shots, baskets protected by trees, and some cool dogleg shots. Many of these will really test your accuracy. The course will favor players who prefer open distance shots, but there is also a good amount of accuracy required.

Other stuff... baskets are in good shape, I've never seen issues with garbage or anything on the course, and a few holes have dual tees (although they are somewhat hard to find). There's a message board by the first tee where you can usually find info on local tourneys and whatnot.


This is not a beginner-friendly course at all.
The OB is saddistic and this place eats discs like crazy. On some holes the OB is just dangerous. A few spots have old barbed wire hidden amongs the foliage, that you have to watch out for (namely #11). Others play close to fenced off private property, and the bog is an all-time nasty water hazard. This is not the "fun" type of punishment for bad shots, just unenjoyable.

This course plays through a low lying area and does not drain well at all. The tee boxes are crushed rock and do not drain well either, so this course is not enjoyable after significant rainfall.

Navigation can get confusing the first time playing, and a couple spots could use 'next tee' signs.

Other Thoughts:

How much you enjoy this course has a lot to do with when you play it. I've played it every time of year except the dead of winter, and I'd definitely recommend hitting it during the fall or spring to avoid the bug and posion ivy problem many other reviewers have mentioned. This summer the mosquitoes have been absolutely insane on the holes that play near the bog, but during the cooler months they're not a problem.
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5 0
Experience: 16.6 years 29 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 24, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Nice secluded course. Fairly easy to navigate except a couple of holes you might have to look for. There are a couple nice mandos that make shots tougher then they look.
Great variety of shots. Will test your skill with all shots. Hyzers, straight and plenty of anhyzer shots. Very well maintained since this a private course. Multiple sets of tees that add uniqueness to shots and not just added pro tees for distance like some courses. Some shots that make you think twice about going for it or ending up in some swampy lake. I for one love the way the water takes its effect on this course. Especially pro tee on hole 2 shooting over a pond and pond running along hole 15 with basket located on hill next to water.


Crushed rock tees are not bad but would be a great course if concrete tees were added. Like others said water does not drain at all on this course but i have seen worse drainage problems at channahon. Used to be bad poison oak and ivy problems but have not been problems at all recently. Some mean little dogs barking at hole four past two times playing but not an issue just annoying.

Other Thoughts:

This could be a even better course if they add concrete tees in the future. Also can be a little hard to find if this is your first time playing there. Id love to see how this course keeps improving in the future with the great maintence crew they have. In my opinion this is not a course to just skip in the joliet area. But is also not for beginners. Will test your skill greatly like others have said with some holes and accuracy with many holes. And if you find a soft magnet at the bottom of the pond on 15 enjoy cus i did!
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