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St. Louis (Fenton), MO

Unger Park - Old Layout

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Unger Park - Old Layout reviews

3 0
Three Putt
Staff member
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 29.7 years 157 played 128 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Is it great or terrible...I don't know, flip a coin! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 23, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Shot for shot this is a pro-caliber challenge. It's a tough, tough layout. There is the lake to contend with on several shots, the wooded holes have thick underbrush to punish you and the more open holes are long. If you like a lot of challenge, this course has it.


The lake in Unger Park floods. Regularly. When it floods there is no stream or any way for the water to escape, so it sits until it evaporates. The course makes aggressive use of the lake with several holes utilizing water hazards, and these holes are flooded often and for long periods of time.
The area of the course is not very well maintained. The underbrush grows up and the course has a very overgrown feel to it. When the water is down and the course is playable, the combination of the holes near the lake and the thick underbrush makes this course a lost disc nightmare.
The tees have not been finished, and tee signs and directional signs are not up. The course basically has not been finished even though it has been open for over a year.

Other Thoughts:

I don't like to knock a course for being too tough. If this course was used for tournaments, I'd say it would be a nice piece to the St. Louis disc golf puzzle as it would provide a great challenge to Open PDGA players. However, the course cannot be used for events due to the frequent flooding. You can't depend on it being playable on any given weekend. So it is a Pro challenging design that will never be used to challenge Pros. That to me makes little sense. As it is the course is unplayable for such long periods of time that it really does not seem to be serving any purpose.
So really, I don't know how to rate this course. The design is tough, so for that I'd rate it very highly. However the design is not taking into account the reality of the situation the lake flooding creates, so for that it has to be rated poorly. In the end I just gave it a 2.5 because it is in the middle. That seemed like a better option than flipping a coin.
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1 2
Experience: 22.2 years 11 played 11 reviews
1.00 star(s)

nightmare from start to finish 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 8, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


long challenging ,woods, big water hazard, titans


well were to begin no signs, no pads, no clue where to begin or end, woods and water eat discs like candy , better get a guide or you might not find but 1 or 2 baskets , needs finished

Other Thoughts:

once it is finished it will be one of the better courses in the area but alot of work is needed first a LOT
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5 1
Experience: 18.2 years 1 played 1 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Under Construction 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


It's a very large course and a nice challenge. There are hardly any courses in the St. Louis area that have holes with the risk of a water hazzard.


The course is not complete. This is also the park with the highest risk of getting your disc lost. It is heavily wooded and there is a lot of thick brush. I lost my favorite disk but ended finding someone elses in the process. If you live in the area like me then you'll know that the river in fenton floods a lot making it impossible to play sometimes. Other times it is muddy. Losing a disk is a common thing at this course so if you're broke like me try Watson or Schroeder.

Other Thoughts:

I think the park has potential to be a blast but its still underwork. From what I understand, it is supposed be expanded into a 36 hole course which to me is unheard of. Also, they will hold tournaments at this park.
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5 1
Experience: 18.6 years 7 played 2 reviews
0.50 star(s)

This course sucks 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 11, 2009 Played the course:once


This is a good course for pros. If you look you can find discs that have been lost. I found 3 of them.


I lost my two best discs. The course is heavily wooded and it was semi flooded. There are no signs to speak of, no numbers on the goals, and you have to guess where the tee pad is. The holes are hard to find and there is no directions of where to go or what par each hole is.

Other Thoughts:

The park is nice and the course is pretty. If you are a pro you will have no problems navigating the course.
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2 2
Experience: 19.3 years 17 played 7 reviews
1.50 star(s)

I'm Lost 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 13, 2009 Played the course:once


Disc golf rocks. It is a good course for the holes that you can find and see the basket. Me and my partner found 3 discs each


No signs. Only some of the tees were marked by flags. Didn't know where to go. Very easy to lose a disc.

Other Thoughts:

Wait until it is older and maybe better marked because it isn't now and I only played like 7 holes that I could find.
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6 0
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Experts only 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2009 Played the course:once


It is a great course for experts. It is a very tight and difficult course. No one was at the course.


The holes are not marked and most of the course was flooded. It was very confusing not being able to see the basket or have any indications where the basket maybe at. After finishing a hole it was hard to find the next tees because of the lack of markings.

Other Thoughts:

The group I was with played wacky golf because of the confusion and flooding. It was suggested to me (by a member of the St. Louis Disc golf Association) a couple of weeks after playing this course that the fall and winter time is the best time to play this course.
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6 0
Experience: 16.2 years 6 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Neat layout 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 6, 2009 Played the course:once


The holes are clearly marked by arrows that are carved into stumps near the baskets (I thought it was a neat idea anyway). There was a lot of tough shots that were fun to figure out. It's pretty challenging and there isn't a lot of walking distance between holes.


There is no disc golf information available at the park and until you figure out how the boxes are marked, its hard to figure out where to begin. It has a good potential to flood being right next to a sizable river. The tee boxes are marked by small flags. Its easy to lose a disc with the narrow holes that line up with the water.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed playing. Kind of a lame park other than the course though.
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5 1
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
1.00 star(s)

No Ticks! What a Miracle! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2009 Played the course:once


several open holes with nice fairway.
Great location right I-44 and I-270.


This course was difficult to navigate. There were no signs anywhere showing which way to go. The tee boxes were hardly marked by by small orange flags with the numbers written in sharpie. Almost every hole was unmarked and it was difficult to tell where the next hole was.

The vegetation was very thick and every throw made me fear I was going to lose a disc. I would suggest having a spotter go halfway down each fairway to spot where your disc lands. No signage on the holes to tell you what is par.

My legs are itchy and it looks like the course floods often and the beavers have made damns all around hole 5. If you plan on playing this course I would suggest waiting until winter when the weeds have died. I would also suggest bringing the bug spray and wearing pants and a good pair of hiking boots. Actually on second thought I would pick a different course to play.

Other Thoughts:

I was really disappointed with this course because it is so close to my house. I hope that they make some improvements to the course and then it would make it a better course. Some better signage and maybe a weed wacker.
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10 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 53 played 35 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good Lord! TOUGH!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 22, 2009 Played the course:once


New course in St. Louis!

The toughest course in the St. Louis area by a large margin. Not inordinate length just for the sake of being long (like Creve Coeur), and not wooded for the sake of fubar'ing your shot (like some holes at Watson Trails or White Birch), but just enough of a blend of both to challenge and frustrate both the accurate shooters and the bombers.

You've got to be dead-on-balls accurate (or extraordinarily lucky) to make par on the front 9, and both accurate and long (and very brave) to make par on the back 9. (Holes 11-14 in particular will test your discticular fortitude).

Fantastic flow to the course. Well laid out trails, beaten-in paths, trees spray-painted with directional arrows, plus random tree stumps etched with arrows pointing you in the right direction make the place far easier to navigate than you would expect for a course with no tee signs and no course map.

Because it's so new and relatively off the 'beaten path' for St. Louis DG'ers, golfer traffic is sparse at best. Pedestrian traffic is an even smaller problem as the course rarely crosses paths with the walking/biking trails.


New course, so there are no: tee signs, tee pads, sparse benches, sparse trash cans, no info kiosk with scorecards, and no signage to get to the DG parking lot or the first tee.

The course is situated around a lake that floods on occasion. This means lots of dead wood in the middle of fairways, debris in the middle of fairways, and some muddy paths to the left or right of the ideal line.

Biggest Gripe: the course was cut out through the trees around the lake. Cool surroundings, but there are ungodly amounts of 1-4'' tall unmarked stumps that will either bust your toes or send you ass-over-elbows unless you have radar for your feet.

Half of the 'pads' were marked off by small pink flags, but the other half had no markings whatsoever; confusing in its own right, but moreso on top of the lack of tee signs.

An anhyzer bias, but that's a nice departure from most of the other St. Louis courses.

Update 10/25: Stump marking (by way of orange spray paint) is getting better, but there's still work to do.

Other Thoughts:

Tee pads, tee signs, benches, more trash/recycle cans, a porta-john or two, and an info kiosk with score cards will elevate this course to a solid 4.5, if not 5.

Fantastic course, but moderate grooming will make it spectacular.

If you're coming to St. Louis and you want to get your ass kicked, this IS the place.

1. Open fairway that tapers down to maybe a 10-foot wide entrance into the trees 3/5 of the way along, then relatively open the rest of the way to the pin.

2. Tough anhyzer/forehand shot. Either be dead-on accurate going around or bomb it over with a tommy/thumber and get lucky on the landing.

3. Easiest hole on the course. Relatively short and straight, but enough trees/bushes left and right to require an accurate hyzer or anhyzer, plus a bush or two protecting the pin.

4. Another wicked anhyzer/forehand like hole 2, except a sharper angle, and no option of going over the flora like there is on 2. Be very happy if you manage par here.

5. Straight, but lake on the left and trees middle and right that are just waiting to bounce your disc(s) into said lake.

6. Simple hyzer, but a wayward shot will land you in 4 or 5 territory very quickly

7. Dead ahead and relatively short, but yet another narrow tunnel shot.

8. Short-ish mild anhyzer. Perhaps an ace opportunity if you can get through the trees protecting the pin.

9. The first par 4. Either go straight, then right, or try your luck and go over all the trees. A safe 3 or 4 the former way, a possible but risky deuce the latter.

10. The first really open shot; a looong mild hyzer with the pin tucked into the trees to the left.

11. This is where you will make or break your game. Either be VERY brave and try to bomb it 350/400-ish straight over the lake or play safe and anhyzer around to the right.

12. Third lake hole. Another anhyzer, but a bad bounce; either off the trees or what remains of an apparent boat dock, will shoot you into the lake post-haste.

13. Fourth lake hole, and another anhyzer/forehand shot. Longer than 12, and the pin is much closer to the lake too.

14. Last of the lake shots. Yet another anhyzer/forehand, but much longer than either 12 or 13, and another dangerous pin placement. If you still have all the discs you started with by the end of this hole, you're in great shape.

15.Short (relative to Unger) and straight, but yet again, trees guard a straight shot to the pin.

16. Another very narrow tunnel shot, and another anhyzer. Again, accuracy will pay dividends over brute force distance.

17. The first par 5, and the hole earns that honor. Your first shot is likely to land on the OB road about 2/5 of the way up (if you get around the trees). Your next drive/approach must be accurate enough to get uphill into the narrowing tunnel of trees. A lucky and long 2 through all of that garbage with leave you a righteous eagle opportunity.

18. Like 10, another open bomber shot, and the second par 5. At 808 feet and slightly uphill, you long arms will get your workout. Enough trees around the teepad to fubar those who grip-lock their first drive.
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