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  • DGCR Number
    Real name
    Dec 20, 1972 (Age: 51)
    Years Playing
    21.2 Years
    DGCR Player Rating
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    100 / 2.96 star(s)
    Voting Record
    1467 717
    Updated Course Conditions
    Postal Worker


    Dear pre-tournament day insomnia. You suck. Go away. That is all.
    DGCR #3145, PDGA #34187. Kansas Disc Golf Association .


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    I should be standing on the 1st tee at McLaughlin sunday morning waiting for the sun to come up. :D

    I'll hit a couple 9 holers and work towards Oak in the morning, but I'll be there when you are.

    9:00 works great for me, maybe Herman hill afterward.

    I'll be planning a shorter day since its 3 hours back to Norman and class on monday. 5:00am comes awful early after too hard a day of DG.

    Bring your Travel Tag for trade too.

    Looking forward to it.

    We can do that. Even 9:30-10ish will be fine if you'd like to get a round in at another course (say Wellington or HH) beforehand. I'll call you when I get off work and see where you're at. We can maybe hit McLaughlin or Riverlawn after Oak.

    Actually with it being Sunday Riverlawn might not be a good idea, at least until afternoon.
    I'll arrange my schedule to fit you. If you want to meet at 9 at Oak park, then I'll be at Oak at 9. I'm flexible.

    Want to make that a plan? Just call me when you're on the way.
    Sunday will work. In fact, it will actually work better since I know I'll be getting off at 8:00 sharp. Do you know what order of courses you're planning to play? I can probably meet you around 9:00.
    Saturday is begining to look like a bad day for discing. Wet from friday night rains and 28 mph winds most of the day. Not that I haven't played in worse, but how is sunday for you? The forcasts predict sunday to be a beautiful DG day.
    Sound like a plan. I'm sending you a PM now with my cell number.

    I'm in class here from 7:00 am to about 3-3:30. Give me a call anytime this week between 3 and 8pm and we can work out some details.

    Look forward to meeting you

    If I get off at 8, I can probably drive straight to Wichita from work. I'm on the overtime list, so when I'm getting off can be a bit iffy. I would advise hitting Oak before noon because it does get crowded in the afternoons although the cool weather will probably keep some of the locals away. If you want to maximize # of courses played, I would advise at either Oak or Herman to play the short tees. These will be marked with blue number on the odd holes and a red number on the even ones. If you decide to play Stone Creek, you might want to avoid Hole 17. The pictures will show why.

    I was thinking that Riverlawn was overgrown, but it appears by recent pictures that its okay, albeit boring looking. I've never actually been there, but have never heard anything great.

    If you want to exchange cell phone #'s, send me a PM and I can contact you that morning.
    I'm planning on leaving NCED around 4 am and heading that way with a breakfast stop somewhere along the way. I'll be on the first course by 7-7:30 am. I'm road tripping just to add more courses to my total, so I'm more interested in quantity than quality, but I'm very interested in playing Oak Park. If you'd like to meet me there for a round, you tell me what time and I'll be there. I have a 3 hour trip back so the earlier the better but It will be much easier for me to adjust to your schedule than to guess mine.
    I'm determined to get at least 6 new courses in on that trip, other than that, I'm open to whatever works best for you.

    Hi Heathen. As a fellow postal worker, welcome to flyover country. They were going to send me down to NCED about a decade or so ago for something, but I can't remember what.

    What time are you planning on being in ICT (Wichita)? I work both Sat and Sun Midnight-8AM and its about a one hour trip, so mid to late afternoon works best for me. I may have time for one round, maybe two if we throw in a nine holer. The weather will have an impact too.

    As for courses in the area...

    Must hits: Oak, Herman Hill
    Decent: Mulvane (Alan John), Derby (Stone Creek), Camp Hawk, Woods
    Okay, but nothing special: Valley Center (McLaughlin), Cherry Street,
    Only worth your time for statistics: Riverlawn, Love Box
    Don't really Know: Pecan Grove

    I'd also recommend the two courses in Ponca City, OK (War Memorial & Lake Ponca) if you're going that way.
    Hello Scarpfish,

    I'm a postal worker from FL. An MPE, and I'm is school at NCED in Norman OK right now. I'm planning a road trip up to Wichita this saturday (3 / 5). Was wanting to know if you may be free and interested in playing a round or two and swapping travel tags. I'm planning on hitting McLaughlin, Riverlawn, Love Box, and Oak Park in wichita before heading back south to catch Alan John, cherry street, pecan grove and woods park on the way back to Norman. Doing a little course baggin'. Will break 100 on this trip.

    I still got consistant updates from players like Doug Borton, Jack Mace, Dale Bare, David McMahon & Kathy & Randy Mattingly as to how things were progressing. I am VERY glad to hear that it is still being used as much as it is, despite the wind and stickers. Those conditions never bothered me or kept me &/or Doug from going out and playing a round or two almost every single day, we were diehard golfers man. lol. I started the league there (Salt-City DG Club) along with Jack Mace and Randy Mattingly back when we still had the course on Buffalo Hill. It was still only 9 holes at that point. Anyways, I'm not sure who you are, but it sounds like you are a keen, diligent, ambassador to the sport and you are keeping it alive and well there in Hutch, & all over the area as far as that goes. I truely appreciate your efforts man. Hopefully, I'll be talking to you soon & maybe we can play a round next time I make it down to Hutch.
    Later man,
    I had them throw down some railroad ties for tee-markers too. It was basic and simple, but it worked just fine. We had the course there for over two years before I started hearing about the city's plans to put in a water park on Buffalo Hill. I went before the city councel in 1999 with over 200 signatures from people that backed up my idea to keep the course on Buffalo Hill & build the water park somewhere else, but to no avail. They did however, here me out and ended up awarding our club/parks dept. approx. $8,500 for irrigation, land development, new trees, tee pads, signage, + 9 additional baskets. The only catch was that it was being moved BACK to the corner of the loop/pond. We made it work though and with the city behind us, we were finally able to create an 18 hole course for that area. Unfortunately, I ended up moving away to Kansas City at the very end of 1999, so I was not able to stick around and see the vision become a reality.
    Hey Scarpfish,
    My name is Justin Hanson and I helped design and get the current course (Hutchinson, Carey Park) approved back in 1999 & installed in 2000. 9 baskets actually existed in that same area (pond/corner loop) LONG before 2000 (1995 or before). It was, unmarked, short, stickery, and EXTREEEEMLY boring before I went to the parks & recreation department and convinced them to move the original 9 baskets over to Buffalo Hill in 1996. I called up Harvey Barger from Wichita & asked him to come down and help me design the course on the hill, which he did. Shortly after Harvey put his final thoughts into the layout, I went out and helped park personnel dig the holes and set the baskets. It took about a week or so of ass-busting work, but it was SO worth it when it was done.
    I can go about anywhere I need to. I will send you my phone number if you want to meet up. I arrive KC on the 24th.
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