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  • Disc, Beer, Rock Band, Kayaking, Backpacking
    DGCR Number
    Real name
    Jim McClain
    Nov 17, 1977 (Age: 46)
    Years Playing
    21.3 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    DGCR Player Rating
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    16 / 2.97 star(s)
    Voting Record
    91 21
    Updated Course Conditions




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    Thanks for meeting up for a round at Bidwell. Always great to meet fellow DGCR's. Also, the tour at Sierra Nevada is worth it, walk around the brewery a bit and then taste a bunch of beer. (Plus it's free!)
    Dude, I want that Voodoo Karma bad soooo bad! New with tax and shipping you are looking at $144. That's a lot for a bag, but I want it so bad. Dammit. You think it's worth it?
    Thanks for the invite. Sounds like fun. School has been keeping me real busy lately though. Hopefully I will have the time to join you one of these Tuesdays.
    As long if its flat, No problem. I need to go play Oroville/Lava Lake and or Stafford Lake before it gets to wet. Interested in a road trip in a couple weeks?

    If you shoot me the tag and what you want on it ill get that done for ya.

    Let me know and ill get you an address.

    Hey Joe, it was my pleasure to have flied your friendly skies at Peligrine Point with you and Gary the other day. Hope you had as much fun as I did. I tore up Sherwood Forrest. I just played all 3 Horning's hidout today and highly recomend any serious DGer to go up there and play. they have camping and a 5,000 seat amplitheater in which they have bands that play there. I know I'll be back and hopefully a stop in Chico to throw another round with you. Red Bluff was a good course. I killed that course. let me know if you ever head out my way. danhyzer
    playing p point tomoorow b4 noon if you'd like to join me my cell # is 330-685-0654 best,danhyzer
    I'm going to SF for Claire's b-day tomorrow, I believe I will be at Golden Gate Park. We need to throw soon.
    Thanks man, I havnt been entering my scores in a while so I thought I would catch up. All the pins are in there shortest position right now. First time in a long time they have all been in the shortest position. Ive been bragging about my 6 under but I only get the "Ya , But there all short" Response. Are you going to play in the Gold Pan or Shadys Anniversary Tourney?
    Hey Jimbo, Thx for the good times at Toney's and finding Joey's Destroyer. hang on to it we will come up and play Lava or Chico with you soon and get it then.
    Hey Jim, Are your 5 frames all the same size and style. Thinking Doubles Champs, Low overall round (singles)1 st place 2nd place and third place. Can you send pics of frames and I can cut mats and have plates made. Is the round image on your social page going to be the image. If not I can maybe work something up. Also I have that green Buzzz ss that I dyed, Maybe Ace prize or raffle it off.

    Later dude, Curtis.....................
    Sorry I havnt got back to you Jimbo, Ive had jury duty for the last 2 weeks and its been crazy at work, Anyway, Let me put some stuff together and ill shoot you some pictures. That disc I did could a prize to. Maybe a ace prize. Talk to ya soon, Later............Curtis
    alright sounds good, i gotta work in the morning but im goin in early so ill probably be done around the time you hit town. are you playing in the bangin chains for charity in orland next weekend? buncha guys from ukiah are going up, should be fun again this year
    im liking the lake more right now, little more shade and not quite as hot. the gap is fun too tho. im down to play. friday? gimme a call 707-472-1660


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