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Central Scrutinizer
  • First played a basket course in 1989
    DGCR Number
    Kalamazoo, MI
    Mar 17, 1973 (Age: 51)
    Years Playing
    35.3 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    17 / 3.35 star(s)
    Voting Record
    43 9
    Updated Course Conditions

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    First basket course was Oxbow Park in Goshen, IN when it was installed in '89. Played lots of object Frisbee golf before that as a kid. Got somewhat serious in the late '90s so I could qualify as an Am for the 2000 Ann Arbor worlds. Just resurrected my playing career after 14 years off from sanctioned events. I'm an old guy playing Am Masters, but recently my 12-year-old son got good and to me this is all about him. I'm no slouch and he's beaten me six times so far in 2021!


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    I do remember sending some APX's your way but never remember having any other Leopards besides the two I can think of, and I have Rain Man type memory when it comes to my Golf Discs.

    Was it a special plastic Leopard? Is that why you're asking? I can't imagine a normal DX Leopard ever being worth collector prices. I did have a cherry red SE Leopard about 11 years ago that I eventually lost at Meyer Broadway. I remember purchasing it in order to have an anhyzer driver in my bag (not that I could throw an anhyzer RHBH back then, and I need a Roadrunner to do that now...)
    do you still have the gold leopard that i gave you a few years back? im kind of wondering how much that you be worth now?
    >>actually bought a couple "collectors"<<

    I recently discovered that I hold a bit of a gold mine myself. I used to putt with SE Soft Rhynos when they first came out about 12 years ago. They're highly sought after now. I have a stack of 9, and some of the Rhyno collectors here on this website say they're worth about $50 apiece even in their used up condition!
    i cant believe that he's already 3.5 yrs old. I havent touched a disc in months. i really miss playing and at least holding a disc in my hand. i have actually bought a couple "collectors" off ebay. i got a Discraft Z Banger GT, and a 11x KC pro Teebird
    how is the family? I hope that the new course in vicksburg is everything that larry can do and will remind anyone that it's his
    Glad to see you on the site. You might want to post some of your discs here to find out what they are worth. They will know a lot more then I do.


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