Is that Will Schusterick?
lol, exactly what i thought at first. but i doubt it
Is that Will Schusterick?
Hope he brought a towel.
All those guys that justify driving on others before they've cleared the hole, or who joke around about it, need to experience this for themselves. In that Clearwater/Bicycling thread, some of those same guys should try getting hit by a car or watching a friend or loved one suffer or die because of it. Maybe then everyone will get a clue.
Ouch dude...hope it heals up soon.
Hope he brought a towel.
When somebody yells "fore" don't look in their direction.
I was at a tourney earlier this year on a small course and you could hear "fore" being yelled at 3 or 4 holes around you. I made it a point to just cover my head when I heard it.