Dear Course Designer:
While I greatly admire your resolve, hard work and tenacity, I have to question your sanity?
You may be like a pioneer settler in the 1800's who was given the absolute worst piece of land imaginable, scrub desert, no water, nothing but sand and scorpions and tried to plant crops on it only to starve after a couple of years of back breaking work.
That's the situation here. This pile of ankle busting volcanic rocks is undoubtedly the worst location for a disc golf course ever.
Having the cool, refreshing waters of the river so close probably makes the matter worse. Makes people want to leave the volcanic ruins here for the refreshing river.
No baskets, just Tone Poles and they're not even the real "Tone Poles". They are some homemade plastic ones that don't even make a nice ringing noise when struck. Just a dull "THUNK".
The holes are too long for this environment.
Navigation was a nightmare.
The signs are already getting vandalized.
Using tile for the tee signs seemed liked a good idea but they're too tempting and too easily broken by the teens.
Other Thoughts:
Like I said, I give your max props for effort but this is just the worst terrain ever. There's got to be a better piece of property somewhere down here on which to build a course. Three months and this course will be history.