DGCR SSE stands for Scratch Scoring Estimate. This is what DGCourseReview estimates a scratch player (PDGA Player Rating of 1000) is estimated to typically score on this course (as it is currently set up in DGCR). For those unfamiliar with round ratings, another way of putting it is it's our guess as to what a pro might score on that course.
The SSE is calculated using course data from DGCR only. It calculates the SSE by assuming that a scratch player will throw on average 355' on lightly wooded holes, 285' on moderately wooded holes, and 235' on heavily wooded holes. It also assumes that it takes an average 1-2/3 throws to finish up the hole (putts and short range approaches).
There are so many varied configurations of individual holes and courses that it is impossible to have a simple method that is consistently accurate. That's why SSE is an estimate. While some courses are several strokes off, it is amazing how closely these SSEs match the PDGA's SSAs (Averages) that are calculated based on actual players' scores (who have known Player Ratings).
If you feel that an SSE is significantly off from the actual SSA for a course, please let us know as we may be able to adjust it.