Recent content by B1rdie

  1. B

    B1rdie's bag

    Yeah, I dropped the Beast and RR for the S-TD, and it seems like the TD is versatile enough. Actually I'm thinking to drop th FD also, haven't had any situation (at least at my home course) where I couldn't use my lighter Teebird or mids instead of it. After a short break I'm bringing the...
  2. B

    B1rdie's bag

    Vitals: Years playing/experience: 12 months Right/left-handed/ambidextrous: right-handed Throwing Style: mostly RHBH Golf Distance (avg/max) for putter/mid/driver: P2: 220/250'; MD2: 280/300'; PD: 330/360' Age: 24 Sex: M Injuries/handicaps?: Bad lower back Other sport proficiencies?: Nothing...