Recent content by OverthrowJosh

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    Tech disc test driven development

    Dang it. Going on the list! lol
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    Tech disc test driven development

    I haven’t yet. I’ve got a book I’m reading now and then I need to go through one more. I’ll probably add it to the list after those.
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    Tech disc test driven development

    I just finished The Sports Gene and it was my introduction into David’s work. It was reaaaaaalllly good. A little brainy for me but interesting nonetheless.
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    Tech disc test driven development

    The 10,000 rule was created by Ericsson and he hates what it has become. I’d recommend the entirety of this article in the very least but will leave an excerpt below: Full Article Think back to the "Danger of Delegating" letter. Ericsson's own criticism of the "10,000-hours rule" explains...
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    Tech disc test driven development

    Start at the 45mph. Then once you can get that nose down(-2 to -4°) about 80% of the time increase to around 50mph until you can do the same there. Theoretically you’d throw farther slightly nose up at 60mph than 45mph nose down. But that’s not what you’re competing against. You want to throw...
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    Tech disc test driven development

    I think it is going to be tough to time no matter what. But this is not new to sports. We pronate and internally rotate on a tennis serve and likewise with the club face in golf. They are relatively large moves that the body learns to time through repetition and focus with incredible accuracy. I...
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    Tech disc test driven development

    Hey Nick, I thought I’d go through and give my perspective on your concerns. I’ll preface by saying I know you have no malice in your comments and this isn’t a defensive, but informative, response. Agree that this could have started from a standstill. I only had 30 minutes to work with Ryan...
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    Highest Spin in the UNIVERSE | Zach Nash I’d like to start a thread here as I know you all have opinions and big brains so let’s hear your theories and postulations!
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    Repository of Cool Images

    Aaaaaaaaand this is why I left the first time. No sense in trying to reason when you think you have all the answers, Peace ✌️
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    Repository of Cool Images

    Language is important to you until it isn’t. I have obviously been keeping to myself more after my initial DGCR interactions, but man you make it difficult. Your post could have just been: But you just had to add in the (obviously erroneous) criticism at the end. It’s okay to just be...
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    Repository of Cool Images

    “noun the action of showing film or playing back video more slowly than it was made or recorded, so that the action appears slower than in real life.”
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    Are we just making things up with nose angle stuff now?

    Welcome to another episode of “Sheep and Straw Men” Let's examine his statements: Of course. Nobody is arguing otherwise. Of course. Nobody is arguing otherwise. The whole video is about how to grip the disc better and save people grief. This is what is being argued: Like what? What is...
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    Are we just making things up with nose angle stuff now?

    correct. It was a bit tongue in cheek because if it is based on trajectory, and if you can’t assume trajectory from this picture, then you logically wouldn’t be able to say it was nose up OR nose down. But if we’re playing the one picture game my vote is it is nose up on a more or less level...
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    Are we just making things up with nose angle stuff now?

    Just circling back around here and noticed something pretty interesting… it’s nose up.