Recent content by StupendousMan

  1. S

    Thoughts on this new SSDG video?

    I had no idea you got banned, I remembered you showing up for a few days then you were gone. I tend to mostly just talk lifting in there these days lol. It's a ton of fun lol. Just a little side gig, but between doing that and actually still coaching track, it's like an extra 10k tax free each...
  2. S

    Thoughts on this new SSDG video?

    In the past year and a half or so I became a learning facilitator/coach developer for Athletics in our province, i.e. I teach the certification courses and evaluate coaching portfolios of other coaches. It's been a learning experience and very different from coaching, but so far there has been a...
  3. S

    Thoughts on this new SSDG video?

    I barely understand it myself lol. But it basically does function exactly like a forum, just faster to use really. Still has different subsections like any forum but it functions like each subsection is just one large thread instead of a bunch of different threads. Easier to link videos and...
  4. S

    Thoughts on this new SSDG video?

    No no, the one Neil from this site is in now that Sheep used to be in. Disc Golf Nation. (I had to look up the name lol).
  5. S

    Thoughts on this new SSDG video?

    I think I just got stupider having watched that. That was awful. The comments section is what you'd expect. People correcting him and then his couple of deranged followers losing their marbles. I'm in that discord, maybe it was that way before I joined, but nobody even mentions "coach" T in...
  6. S

    The Method Docuseries is Live!

    I think somewhere on this site my skepticism with the method is well documented, and I even essentially told Brian as much that I was coming at it from a very skeptical perspective when I first connected with him. But, I did spend a few hours over zoom, etc working with Brian this past season...
  7. S

    The Method Docuseries is Live!

    To be fair to Brian, having talked with him a bit, when I did he was not a fan of the tech disc at all and is very skeptical of it. Maybe that's changed in the past six months or so, but last I knew he did not like it.
  8. S

    Can anyone throw 500'?

    YouTube altis mj rudiment series Dan Pfaff. That'll be the one. Obviously plenty of variations you can spin off from this video. Jump squats I use with light dumbbells with all the track crew day out from track meets as a nice lil potentiation thing. I don't love them with barbells though...
  9. S

    Can anyone throw 500'?

    I am not a fan of CrossFit for the average athlete. I love Olympic lifting, powerlifting, calisthenics, plyometrics, etc. many elements that appear in crossfit. CrossFit has absolutely gotten better over the years in the way it programs, but as a whole it's still quite flawed. The top level...
  10. S

    Tech disc test driven development

    Haha me too, I still usually just say y'all though.
  11. S

    Tech disc test driven development

    Yes, this is absolutely correct. I love my tech disc, but I use it in conjunction with video recordings AND a coach, emphasis on the coach part. I dunno if you meant "you all" this way, but it sounds patronizing as fuck when I read it. I hope you didn't mean for it to come out that way and I...
  12. S

    Can anyone throw 500'?

    I've been camp minimal footwear for about 17 years now. Outside of winter boots, disc golf, and olympic lifting, everything I wear is insanely minimal. I exclusively treadmill run in my plain old KSO five fingers. Personally I'm not even remotely worried about barefoot shoes on a cement pad...
  13. S

    Can anyone throw 500'?

    I wanna learn those Dragon ones and that like circular mobility type one from the first vid. The rest are all things I can do already. Almost no one I know can deep pistol squat including all the kids I coach (like 60 this year) it's like me and maybe 3 of the kids that can actually do it lol...
  14. S

    Can anyone throw 500'?

    I generally agree with everything written there. I had to chuckle at the a.i. comment on injury prevention specifically mentioning it being particularly effective with female athletes. By the nature of tracks' popularity here, I coach like 85% female athletes. Just funny, that's all. Maybe...
  15. S

    Can anyone throw 500'?

    Lol plyo is one of my most utilized injury prevention tools.