Recent content by teamsplashdown

  1. teamsplashdown

    [Innova] Halo Star Aviar Driver?

    Is there a halo star Aviar Driver? I don't mean Nexus or regular Star. Halo Star Aviar driver(big bead). Point me in the right direction? All the best, oink oink,
  2. teamsplashdown

    [Innova] Innova Stud: New PnA

    Stud Stud
  3. teamsplashdown

    [noob question] Are ratings rated equally?

    I would be willing to bet, even money, that distance of the pins moving back into a less accessible area account for more strokes than pressure. But then again pressure only has negative affects right? :doh:
  4. teamsplashdown

    [noob question] Are ratings rated equally?

    I can attest to it being significantly harder in gold, in relation to Mattalica's post. I believe the event he speaks of is the only one ever played in the newest/hardest layout that was rated.