Lat64 Pearl, or possibly Diamond.
Not quite sure on the feet to meters.. but if I'm reading the distances correctly, I'd say definitely Pearl over diamond.
When I started throwing, I was throwing pearl and diamond, but pearl was going further than the diamond (~50m vs 40m (that's what, 150' & 120' -ish? ) ) since I couldn't get the diamond up to speed and it faded too much. Pearl doesn't require lot of speed (4) and it has great glide (6), and when arm speed improves and it starts to turn over too much, you can start learning hyzerflips with the thing
or get a diamond at that point and start throwing that flat.
Despite being the two first discs I bought, both Pearl and Diamond are still in the bag, though pearl has dropped to a bit of a utility disc these days, for when I need something that will get me out of trouble.. even as a noodle arm kneeling on the ground and working with a 1 meter ceiling underneath some tree branches.
Actually just bought a new pearly-white Pearl since my original blue pearl was starting to get a bit too worn out.