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[Wanted] CALLING ALL MY WIZARD BOIS - ISO Wizards, and some others..


Birdie Member
Jun 5, 2016
Ruthton, MN
Hey guys! Haven't been on DGCR for a while, good to be back. I'm looking to re-up on some discs, I can pay reasonably well and have some stuff to trade.

I am in need of some Wizard throwers.
I am looking for G9i (pleeassee), old Medium flex, white Fossil, and any decently firm Wizards from the Nikko signature runs (with the chains around the Gateway logo, absolutely money putters. They are made from an old early 2000's Wizard mold, IIRC.). Intersted in any condition.

Those runs are money, it's a shame they don't make Wizards like G9i anymore (I know, I know.. they're "Illegal" and all that haha)

Also always looking for:
San Marino Q Sentinels
Flat white KC Pro Rocs (you know, the good ones)
Old Orion LF's
Got a few


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