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  • Disc Golf
    DGCR Number
    Years Playing
    21.6 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    DGCR Player Rating
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    57 / 3.20 star(s)
    Voting Record
    428 137
    Updated Course Conditions


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    let me know what campsite #'s you are going to reserve and i will reserve one nearby- if the wife is with me, then we'll want a site to ourselves. thanks! looking forward to it!
    not sure how many people- 1-3??? maybe just me...
    $ is tight, so minimal is best for me as far as player packs.
    the only thing i have to contribute right now is an x nuke i got in the misprint deal- thrown a couple times in a field, sparkly blue, multiple stamps. if you want it...
    Had a great trip, thanks for asking! Hit Oshtemo (solid course), Meyers Broadway (south is intense, north is friendlier), Rogers Lakewood (simply great), Grey Fox (very good) and played Summit (outrageously wooded fairways) with GoodDriveBadPutt, his wife and a friend of theirs. Had a great time and got to see a beautiful sunset on Lake Michigan.

    Will let you know as soon as I find out if I can make the Ohio meet.
    I highly doubt I will be able to make that, but thanks for the invite. Hope you guys have fun.
    I am in for all three days! No way I would miss this! I will buy what ever pack is available. Looking forward to playing with the Buckeye bretheren.
    I like the Ohio DGCR meet up that your planning. I dont want to committ just yet but I resally would like to be there! I have a better when it gets closer.
    Hey, getting back to you about the Ohio meet. Count me in with one stipulation: I may have to work that weekend depending on if my bid goes through for a painting job. Thanks for organizing this!
    Thanks for the offer but i will not be able to make it.....i am actually going to be in town the third week in august...but i will tell my little sister to try to come out....she made a page on here now she is wood pecker.....thanks for your time
    K,J,&G: Crossed some off my Wish List and had a blast meeting and playing with you. When's that Ohio meet supposed to happen? I might wanna drive down. Think I'm tripping to play Oshtemo this weekend and return that Champ Sidewinder we found at Rolling Hills.
    yeah, keep it on my radar. Ordering discs would be really cool but... I don't know if we could afford that sort of thing. Shirts though could be cool. Once the date is set let me know and I'll run a few one colors up. If we want 2 colors or more it will cost a bit more.


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