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Can't play and it's awful


Par Member
Oct 26, 2009
Well I'm new here, first time poster, but have been lurking and using this site since I started playing. On May 2nd I ruptured (full tear) my Achilles Tendon. Ended up not having surgery till the 4th of this month.

Needless to say I haven't played DG is quite some time, and I probably won't end up making it back out until next year. It's pretty damn depressing sometimes, I must say. I have a cast from the knee down, have reached 5 digit debt (hospital bills and school loans/just graduated this semester), can't work, and can't play disc golf. (Which is my main stress relief)

So, have any of you been injured and what did you do to cope? lol I'll be going to the pro worlds at lemon lake to get some video, but I haven't been outside for more than 40 minutes this entire summer and it's starting to look gloomy. :wall:

I've started my own little disc golf website just to pass the time. I'm running out of options. lol

Anyways, take care everyone, will be around a lot I'm sure. :p
Well I'm new here, first time poster, but have been lurking and using this site since I started playing. On May 2nd I ruptured (full tear) my Achilles Tendon. Ended up not having surgery till the 4th of this month.

Needless to say I haven't played DG is quite some time, and I probably won't end up making it back out until next year. It's pretty damn depressing sometimes, I must say. I have a cast from the knee down, have reached 5 digit debt (hospital bills and school loans/just graduated this semester), can't work, and can't play disc golf. (Which is my main stress relief)

So, have any of you been injured and what did you do to cope? lol I'll be going to the pro worlds at lemon lake to get some video, but I haven't been outside for more than 40 minutes this entire summer and it's starting to look gloomy. :wall:

I've started my own little disc golf website just to pass the time. I'm running out of options. lol

Anyways, take care everyone, will be around a lot I'm sure. :p

grab one of those mini disc baskets, set it up in your den and play disc golf from the sofa :thmbup:
I once endured this. Torn labrum, out most of a year. Add to that, I work with two brothers who are disc golfers and were constantly off to tournaments and back with stories.

I was very lucky---during this time one of my brothers and I bought some land and started building a private course. Which was also an act of faith in my surgeon.

When you return, you may find that playing poorly doesn't bother you quite as much. Once you've been unable to play at all, bad play doesn't seem quite so bad.
I was out of commission for three month with complete knee construction surgery. I spent the time watching every technique video possible as well as on here reading the pages upon pages of opinions and verbal banter between the regulars.

I had a practice basket in the garage that I could hobble to and throw one legged to that gave my some respite from the lack of being out to enjoy the game we love and at times take for granted.

When given the green light to walk again I started by walking and putting only with the crew and then three holes then nine and now almost a year later I am at 85% of my pre injury strength in the bad knee.

It sucks I know, but do what you can to stay mentally and physically fit, listen to to the Dr. orders and son you will be out hucking again. Keep a stiff upper lip and such...

Sounds like you are already doing some positive things in frequenting DG websites and even making your own. This is really all you can do. You are working with limited resources so you have to find creative, inexpensive ways to keep your mind and body active. Something that has helped me through my recent challenges was to focus on strengthening those parts of my body that I could. Since my R leg was pretty much out of comission, I worked on my upper body, core and grip strength. Nothing crazy, just basic resistance moves like bench press, pull downs, straight leg raises, etc. Keep yourself occupied and try to get as much physical activity as your condition will allow. Hang in there man.
Keep your head up and this site will help you pass time. Race one of the guys to 10000 posts. I agree with mini basket idea to help pass the time if ya could.
I cracked my ribs this last memorial day weekend while showing off my non existent jetski prowess. I hadn't played since til yesterday. Then I got about 3 holes in and had to stop for fear of hurting myself. Now I am not sure how long it'll take to heal. It sucks.

I just come on here and my club's website to get my disc golf dosage. Not as good as playing but it tides me over.
I play "Disc Golf - The Home Edition" board game.

*rolls dice* Sweet, I landed on Flip City!

*reads course card* Crap, I got 12 bogeys and some locals saw my review of their course and beat the crap out of me, got to go back 5 spaces.
me too! I work from 8-430 in my basement writing on the internet when I get a chance ... not much different from last year when I came on here while substitute teaching during the days..

although I feel like some of these guys are actually on here more than an actual course, I love that there is constantly people on here that want to talk disc!

I am a bit of a Troll and love to admit it, I'm on another board that specializes in such a thing n getting under peoples skin so never take anything I say seriously
Take your wheelchair out and play disc golf anyway. You can still forehand flick it...
When you're not out at the course, practice your putting in the house. I like to practice throwing over my wife when she's on the love seat and onto the couch. Pick targets and putt away. This way when you recover you'll be money from 30' and in.
I haven't played since May 25th. I have been busy with some other projects that I have been putting off for a long time. I also am spending more time with my wife, and riding my motorcycle more. I have been to the practice field a couple of times, and I enjoy talking about it here, but we have had days of 96-100 degrees for the past 3 weeks, and I just haven't felt like getting out there and dying in this heat.

I honestly don't know when I am going to play again. I played almost every weekend for 3 years. On my vacation, I really over did it, and played twice a day for 4 days straight, and I got dehydrated, and got very sick. I was sick for almost a month. That really changed me. I don't look at disc golf the same anymore. It really scared me, because I have never been that ill in my life, and I am not getting any younger.

I have decided not to play in any tournaments till next year. I need to loose about 60lbs by next April when I have my next physical, so I am going to concentrate on my health. I am still going to play, and I still love this sport, but not like I used to. After my illness, I am a changed man. I like disc golf, but its not my life anymore.
put a rollerskate on the bad heel and sliiiiiiiiiiide off of the pad (once the disc has left your hand of course) :D
I highly recommend digging out your old Lego stash and playing Lego Disc Golf. It really helps. Really. :D

I did that for the six weeks I was going to PT and rehabbing my shoulder injury. I made stop motion animation films with the legos to keep from going crazy and get my disc golf fix.

To MB: Man, that's heavy. Are you sure you didn't fry your circuitry or something? :\
WOW,thats a long time to wait and have the surgery. I ruptured my achilles
last april(had surgery the next day)mine snapped in half, and the top part
coiled up under my calf.I never had a cast on, just a big black boot.Once I got the go ahead from doc to use crutches and get a little more mobile,Iwas out at the course throwing with no runup or step.this taught me to improve my form,which improved my game greatly.

This is a tough injury to deal with,mentaly,and physicaly.I did as much as I could as soon as I could.I was on my mountain bike fairly soon after the injury
trying to ward off the atrophy that inevitably will set in.With all the work I put in my left calf is still smaller than my right(left was injured).
Wow such a nice helpful load of responses. Great to see I am not the only one. (Not glad that other people are injured/get injured, but ya know) I too have friends that play almost everyday after work to blow off stress, so I haven't even really been able to see my friends very much. I've had to keep my leg elevated most of the time, putting it down tends to have it swell up pretty quickly.

There is a "knee crutch" where you can put your leg at a 90 degree angle and then "walk" on the crutch. I am looking into this although it's about $329. I don't have a wheelchair, am on crutches.

To the person that had achilles surgery as well, indeed it was a super long time that I waited to get surgery. I have no insurance, so it came to the choice of being able to walk again, or being massively in debt with no way to pay for it. I ended up choosing the latter. You never think it could happen to you, then it does. I have

Maybe I will look into the whamo basket just to toss little discs even. Next week on Tuesday I will be getting my first cast removed and replaced with another one, moving my foot to a more 90 degree angle. Sometimes I really want to rip the thing off, I absolutely hate not having any access to it. After that cast I will have the big boot on. I've broken my ankle before (feel the bone that sticks out on the inside of your ankle, I broke that off completely) so I am expecting my leg to be the size of a twig when I get back to being able to use it.

Sad that my basketball days are probably over. (I am a DG'er, but the bball court is where I dominated.)

So far my buddies have went to a couple of tournaments and what not, and I've had them take video so I can watch lol. Just kind of sucks when the days start running together, and time really stops mattering.

Thanks for the replies everyone, made me feel a lot better. Someone asked what the website was, but I don't know if the administrators really want people just signing up and posting links to their websites, so I will refrain. It is about a day away from being up and ready for use, so if people can confirm that admins won't be mad, I will post the address when it is ready to be used.

I can't wait to go watch the pro worlds.

Take care everyone.
Look to Jose Contreas for inspiration. He blew out his Achilles and was back pitching in the majors after something like six months, after the doctors told him he'd probably never play baseball again. He didn't pitch well, but that is another matter entirely.

The moral is: work hard at your rehab and do everything you can to get back sooner rather than later, and you'll most likely be out there and having fun again before you know it.
Hey Juke, you are right. (Although big time sports players somehow get back into it twice as fast as regular folks lol)

I live pretty close to you. Munster, IN