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Disc Golf + Wordle = Frolfle


Par Member
Dec 28, 2015
I've been playing Wordle since it came out, and thought it would fun if there was a disc golf version of it, where you try to guess discs using the flight numbers as hints. It took me almost a year of learning and programming and testing, but I'm ready to release http://frolfle.com to the public now.

Every day, the site picks a disc and then lets you pick other discs from the same brand to try and guess what that disc is. There are 3 difficulty levels, that show all, some or none of the flight numbers in the picker.

There are also 3 different hinting modes. The default is to show arrows that tell you if any particular flight number is higher or lower than the same flight number on today's disc. There's also a hinting mode like Wordle, where if you guess the right flight number in the wrong place it will turn yellow. The last hinting mode is proximity mode, where the flight numbers turn yellow if you're less than 1 away from the right flight number.

After you've played today's disc, there's a practice mode where you can try to guess a random disc, or pick another disc from the same brand as the last disc.

I hope y'all have fun playing it!
Thanks! Fun way to pass time while icing my legs after physical therapy!
Took me to the third out of four today.

I haven't played a Worldly-like game in months and months, but I'll do this for a while... neat. Thank you!
No, no, no. I have a large family that plays wordle that sends their scores by text every day. So now i will have to come here and see more people post their wordle scores? No thanks!
Shouldn't you be off playing golfle? :p

Sadly, there's 2-4 times more discs now than the last time I looked at a flight chart. I wouldn't stand a chance. :(
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Shouldn't you be off playing golfle? :p

Sadly, there's 2-4 times more discs now than the last time I looked at a flight chart. I wouldn't stand a chance. :(

Try playing the game in easy mode (the default), where all the flight numbers are listed. That will give you a chance to learn the new discs as you play.
Yup its just a numbers game in easy mode.

Just to help fine tune it, I just noticed the Giant is shown in Dynamic Discs lineup.
Also just had the Escape show up as a 4 speed while playing on hard mode...

Enjoying the game, scratches the disc nerd itch. On hard mode, MVP I started with volt, got speed and glide right but needed more OS turn/fade. Thought duh terra, I will get a 2 in hard mode cool. No not terra, same numbers as a terra but between 2 and 3 fade.... Why is there a disc in that slot? Took a while to decide it must be the shock and was right but definitely a brain teaser. Maybe we can predict the shock going oop now.
Also just had the Escape show up as a 4 speed while playing on hard mode...

Enjoying the game, scratches the disc nerd itch. On hard mode, MVP I started with volt, got speed and glide right but needed more OS turn/fade. Thought duh terra, I will get a 2 in hard mode cool. No not terra, same numbers as a terra but between 2 and 3 fade.... Why is there a disc in that slot? Took a while to decide it must be the shock and was right but definitely a brain teaser. Maybe we can predict the shock going oop now.

I'm glad you like the game! I've had reports from other sites about the Escape (and other discs) with typos. With 422 discs, if I got 5 wrong that I had to type in by hand I'm not feeling too badly, but I'll get the flight numbers and brands fixed tonight.
The info says there's a practice mode available after you play the days round. How do I access that? I can't seem to get it to work.

Edit: NVM. I figured it out.
Wednesday night update:

My son double checked about 300 of the discs, and give me a list of several to fix, and several that I'd missed, particulary from Innova.

Also out today is the ability to pick the brand of the next disc to try in practice mode.

I'll be working on a way to share your daily disc pick result via social media, so you can brag/challenge friends.

Thanks for playing Frolfle!
Time for a Frolfle update!

All the rest of the discs flight numbers and manufacturers have been double checked and fixed. Kastaplast and Clash discs have been added as brands, bringing it up 12 brands and 471 discs total. I'm working on Lone Star and Prodigy next, but it's been really hard getting the Prodigy flight numbers. I even called their factory and they didn't have a list either.

There's also a new button that will copy a version of your board for pasting into text messages, Facebook, Twitter and other social media, so you can share how you played today.
Time for a fall 2024 Frolfle update. Frolfle is up to 13 brands with 503 discs, although I'm thinking about changing the list so that only discs that are currently in production will be in the list instead of every disc in the known history of the manufacturers. I may also give manufacturers who make discs with duplicate flight numbers (I'm looking at you, DGA!) an extra guess.

Prodigy has finally decided to publish a disc roster. I tried contracting their marketing department last year to get such a list and they didn't have one. Mint discs has enough to be added to the roster as well; look for those changes later this year. Also, if you have manufacturers that you'd like to see added to the game, they need to have at least 10 discs available and a list somewhere on their site so that I can find flight numbers.

A few months ago, a Frolfle competitor came out, Discdle. Very similar to Frolfle in that you're guessing discs but distinct in that instead of guessing the discs in 1 manufacturer each day, you're trying to guess from the entire set of discs from this online company across 6 manufacturers. They also have a very cool leaderboard showing the number of days that people have been playing, country of origin, etc.

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