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[Innova] Eagle Enthusiasm

Sorry, just saw "champ". Only one of those links has champ X's.
Where are you all buying these champ 150 class Xs? I'm in Okinawa and can't exactly go to a store to inspect the difference between the L and X.

Can if you go to the Okinawa Open in February. Hero set up shop at the event last year, they had plenty to finger through. Rumor is that it might actually be on base this year instead of on the northwest side of the island.
If you need 150 class you are lucky because a lot of these didn't sell well and are from older runs (pat# ect...). Infinite has some 150 class in stock but they don't list x or l, you would have to call them up to find out.

I used to have a 150 star eagle that was REALLY flat and was from a pat# run. It was light blue and very beefy for its weight, no turn at 300ish ft and still had a reliable fade. Not quite as beefy as most of my beefy champs at higher weight but it was easily more stable than a lot of my star x's. Star X's seem to be more variable in stability than in champ.
Can if you go to the Okinawa Open in February. Hero set up shop at the event last year, they had plenty to finger through. Rumor is that it might actually be on base this year instead of on the northwest side of the island.

I'm already registered and stoked to play. It'll be at Nakijin still. We are running handicaps on base though, so at least there's a little competition weekly.
Nice. Fun Fact: Kadena's course is probably Japan's longest perminant course. Bring or buy something overstable, it gets pretty windy over there at Nakijin
I'd believe our course is long for Japan. Nakijin will be a totally different style of play. OS discs coming with me: destroyer, firebird, champ eagle x (in the mail), and a gator. I registered pro because I want to throw from the cliff. I'll probably take DFL but who cares?
Hello Eagle people. A couple weeks ago I started a thread saying I throw up to 300' and wanted a fairway that could quickly beat into doing some various s-shots on hyzer and flat release, and that I was thinking 165ish DX Eagle-X. Got some confirmations that that was a sound plan and so went ahead and ordered one. I've only played two rounds with it so far, but while I actually really dig it, it doesn't have the hard fade I expected at all. I mean at low flat 250-280' shots it is pretty much the straightest disc I've ever thrown. Lasers that even usually skip straight forward instead of left. Beautiful long anhyzers that flatten out every time but never come back left at all unless the nose is up.

So did I get a freak and maybe should try again? It's definitely an X mold. Hopefully it's not just the lighter weight since I don't really like throwing heavier drivers.

Maybe try GStar? Do they start with more LSS than DX and keep it while the HSS seasons out of them?
Hello Eagle people. A couple weeks ago I started a thread saying I throw up to 300' and wanted a fairway that could quickly beat into doing some various s-shots on hyzer and flat release, and that I was thinking 165ish DX Eagle-X. Got some confirmations that that was a sound plan and so went ahead and ordered one. I've only played two rounds with it so far, but while I actually really dig it, it doesn't have the hard fade I expected at all. I mean at low flat 250-280' shots it is pretty much the straightest disc I've ever thrown. Lasers that even usually skip straight forward instead of left. Beautiful long anhyzers that flatten out every time but never come back left at all unless the nose is up.

So did I get a freak and maybe should try again? It's definitely an X mold. Hopefully it's not just the lighter weight since I don't really like throwing heavier drivers.

Maybe try GStar? Do they start with more LSS than DX and keep it while the HSS seasons out of them?
I wouldn't have recommended a DX Eagle to you, for your overstable fairway driver. Since you like lighter weights get a Star or Champion Eagle. They will definitely have the fade your looking for. Plus they'll stay that way for along time. I wouldn't recommend GStar. GStar discs tend to be more understable than Star & Champion discs of the same mold.
I wouldn't have recommended a DX Eagle to you, for your overstable fairway driver. Since you like lighter weights get a Star or Champion Eagle. They will definitely have the fade your looking for. Plus they'll stay that way for along time. I wouldn't recommend GStar. GStar discs tend to be more understable than Star & Champion discs of the same mold.

Thanks, but just to be clear, I'm not exactly look for OS. I use a Resistor for that and love it. What I'm wanting is something that has both a good bit of turn and also a good bit of fade. I was hoping/expecting a DX Eagle X would start out with no turn and lots of fade, and then lose HSS as I beat it in, while retaining the fade.
Thanks, but just to be clear, I'm not exactly look for OS. I use a Resistor for that and love it. What I'm wanting is something that has both a good bit of turn and also a good bit of fade. I was hoping/expecting a DX Eagle X would start out with no turn and lots of fade, and then lose HSS as I beat it in, while retaining the fade.
As the Eagle beats in it doesn't lose much fade at all. It just gains turn. The newer runs of Champion Eagles tend to br pretty beefy. Champion Eagles will take a long time to gain more turn. I'd get a light Star Eagle. It will beat it up like you want.
As the Eagle beats in it doesn't lose much fade at all. It just gains turn. The newer runs of Champion Eagles tend to br pretty beefy. Champion Eagles will take a long time to gain more turn. I'd get a light Star Eagle. It will beat it up like you want.

Aren't those all L's, though? Maybe that's fine if so, I've never thrown one. I just was under the impression that they had less fade.
Well, you did get a pretty light eagle...that may be part of it, certainly not all of it. Perhaps snag a star. I haven't thrown gstar, but I bet that would do the same as a star except beat in faster.

You are NOT looking for a champ eagle. Those tend to be beefy lately.
Thanks guys. Just saw that Marshall Street actually lists their L's and X's separately, so I grabbed a 165 Star X to try out. I feel like it will probably pair really well with my DX.
Star eagles are available in production run but only in heavy weights. If you want lighter you could always try a champ L.