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Let Me Tell You About the Scariest Throw of My Life

There was a hole at Watson Trail Park in St. Louis that is gone now, old hole three. It was a blind hyzer shot down a walking path. I never really thought about the fact that somebody might walk UP that path until the day I let loose a Whippet, only to notice the old blue-haired lady walking right into my shot right after I released it. I was too surprised to even yell. It zipped right in front of her. A couple more ft on that throw and I'd have hit her right in the neck. I apologized up one side and down the other to her, but she seemed to think it was no big deal.

I was playing object in a park here a few years ago. The trails are really bike trails, so you have to look around and make sure nobody is around before you throw. I checked, saw and heard no one, and threw an Ontario Roc that was about to land when it was snatched out of the sky by dog that appeared out of nowhere, grabbed my discs and ran off. I never saw or heard anybody around that day...damn dog came from nowhere and stole my disc. I never saw the dog or the disc again.

We went to the Holiday Bowl one year (Mizzou VS Colorado State, if you want to pinpoint the year) and to save money we drove from St. Louis to Kansas City for a flight with a layover in Chicago to LA, where we rented a car and drove to San Diego. Somehow it saved us all 300 bucks a person to do it that way. Anyway, my old college buddies don't play but I convinced them to go to La Mirada and play a round. So they are throwing my discs and have no idea what they are doing. There was some hole that ran parallel to a road on the left, and some dude was washing his Nova SS in the street. My buddy threw a Cyclone badly and hyzered it across the street directly into the dudes driver side door. Like I said, the guy was washing the car. He picked up the Cyclone and started walking toward us. I'm thinking we are gonna have a fight on our hands, but as he got to us my buddy apologized for hitting the car and the guy said "I live across the street from a disc golf course. I know better than to park in the street" and handed us the disc and walked off.
ok this one happened to my brother but we played at west park in Joliet, IL.
That course is filled with trees on some holes but anyways....
one of the holes was up a hill and to the right with trees to the laft and right of the hill. My Bro whips one high side arm that looked like a good shot untill this kid (maybe 9) popped out of the trees at the top. The disc nearly choped his head off, it was like half inch above his head (no joke). I kid was just exploring the woods or something. But the yell and face my brother made was hillarious?

I have a few too but ill post those later.
At my home course, there's one part of the park that's pretty heavily used by non-discers, with a field that comes into play on a couple holes. One day, there was a mother with two kids playing in the field. On this particular hole, the teepad is elevated, the field is to the right and is OB, the mom & kids were about 100' or so from the tee. I called out to them and told them heads up, and the mom just kind of gave me that "yeah, yeah, whatever" kind of wave. Now, I don't pretend to be the greatest golfer on the course, but anybody with a minimal amount of control should have had no problem avoiding the people. Well, the stars aligned, and I mis-stepped in my runup, griplocked, and rolled my wrist, and sent my disc screaming down towards the mom & kids. As soon as it left my hand I knew it was trouble and started shouting "heads up!" Neither the mom or kids even seemed to notice. The kids were sword fighting with sticks, and the disc went right between them, about head high. THEN they noticed. The kids just kind of looked around like "whoa, what was that?" and the mom then moved them to another place to play. I apologized profusely, and was somewhat surprised I didn't need a fresh pair of underwear.

Another time, in a "soooo glad that didn't happen to me" episode, at my old home course in Santa Barbara, there was a field that my buddy and I would throw a couple drives in before the round to try to warm up. There was a road parallel to the field, and my buddy threw a shot that turned over in the wind, and headed straight for the road. Right as a Mercedes was coming down it. The disc sailed straight and true, hit the Benz right in the windshield and skipped over the roof. The guy got out grabbed the disc and got back in his car and just sat there. My friend walked over, chagrined, and apologized. The dude was understandably pissed, and was going to keep the disc, but his wife made him give it back.

and another "so glad it didn't happen to me" episode, in video!
Here's one: One time I was in the lake searching for discs. The lake is to the right of this hole and runs the whole length (350'). I was about 25' offshore when I hear "fore". I look up and see a driver speeding right at my head. I caught it one handed right before it hit me in the forehead. Saved some guys orion LS. If he hadn't said anything it would have clocked me good though.
a couple funnies...

i joined up with a group on the campus course, just to watch one of them skip off the hood of my car on the next hole. big commuter lot.. hundreds of cars.. and he hit mine. easy mistake, i wasn't pissed. good karma i guess?

only time i've thrown toward people on purpose, i was walking up to join buddies already in progress. they didn't see me walking down the fairway so i touched a beat MOLS toward the tee, like a putter layup, but that sucker caught wind and flew smooth and went head-level between the 4 of them, including a girlfriend. really lucky nobody got hit. that was a nice WTFZ welcome.

hardest DG injury i ever saw was during a post-round flashflight session. the thrower tossed a big hyzer, peaced out towards his car, and the lady catcher ran for the snag and plowed blindside into a steel-frame tee sign mounted on a 4x4... very solid and heavy, sharp corners at head level. she was cut up and for like half an hour talked sheer nonsense to me. it was funny cuz 2 of the 4 in the circle had just split and were driving off while she was laid out.
A friend told me about a time when he was throwing on a hole at my home course that passes right over a walkway and he nailed a kid in the forehead. He was bleeding a bunch but luckily some of the guys had some cold water to put on it, rushed him to the hospital, and he wound up fine. We have a lot of close calls on that hole (Moraga hole 4 if anyone knows it) because it's hard to see if people are coming or not.

Another time I was playing with my brother, and he cranks his sidearm way off to the left, and all we can see is his disc heading straight towards the street until our vision is obscured by a big patch of trees. We sit and listen for a second and then hear a big "SMACK." We figure he hit a car, but it turns out that he nailed the fence on the other side of the road.
Ive had three scary shots:

1) I threw my beast on a hyzer line, it flipped and carried right for about 150 feet before fading. I didnt see the little kid walking across the field to his baseball game. He stopped and bent over to tie his shoe and it hit him in the back of his foot. I thought he was going to be hurt but he jumped about five feet in the air and then walked away fine.

2) At Mt.Airy in Cincinnati there is a hole with a road to the right of it, maybe a 250 foot hole straight ahead. I was throwing a gentle hyzer with a leopard but put too much into it. It flipped and managed to dive towards a new mustang with its top down, going about 25mph. Somehow, and im still baffled by it, the disc skidded under the car without touching it.

3) I was playing at my local course in Kettering and there is a parking lot to the left of one of the holes and a road connecting it to another parking lot that runs through the middle of the fairway. For whatever reason, a cop decided to park on that road and sit there. So I decided to throw anyway. The teepad is elevated about 12 feet from where the rest of the fairway is and it appeared id be fine. But I threw a low line drive and drilled the side of the cop car. it bounced off into the parking lot on the left. I quickly ran and grabbed my disc, finished the whole and moved on. He drove away ten minutes later.
I got a comet out on a frozen pond yesterday and I went about 6-7 feet on the pond to get it. I was scared as hell. That doesn't happen in Oklahoma
My friend's drive last year almost nailed a kid on a moped. I yelled "fore" like an idiot, because I doubt the kid could hear through his helmet.
i've hed several experiences with cars. mostly people i'm playing with, but i've also thrown into the back of a pick up. never saw that disc again.

the last time i saw someone hit a car, it was a similar experience as the one someone else here was talking about where it saved an OB. i hear the car coming along right beside us to the left, as the hole runs parallel with the road, although far enough away that it usually isn't a problem. the guy throwing is FH dominant. he flips over a FH really badly and it's cruisin' along at about the same speed as this car. right be beside it. finally it makes it over there to hit the rear passenger door and gets knocked back in-bounds. The weird thing is that there's a tree line that is really hard to get through at about 350ft or so. i've seen discs make it through, including mine that day, but i've never seen anyone go around because the trees stretch out all the way to the road and they're pretty far away. it's like... stupid to try to go around, but it worked that day. car knocked it back in safe and just around the tree line so he had a clear look at the basket. really fun to watch and it got a good laugh.

oh, the car didn't stop either. i have no idea why... maybe they thought it was something in the road.
I got two stories but i wan't the thrower in either one.

Me, my lil bro, and a few of my cousins were playing a private course around here. Hole 17 is a wide open 330ish hole with a pond starting 200 ft from the tee and ending about 35 ft short of the pin. My lil bro didn't want to risk losing one of his discs so i let him throw my water disc which was a 150 dx teebird. He griplocked it 180 deg and threw it entirely backwards missing my cousin and i by about a foot (it was zipper height too).

I was playing leauges at my home course (goldenrod in davison MI) on hole 9 the parking lot is to the right of the fairway which doesn't come into play unless you griplock it. One guy on my card griplocked a valk over to the parking lot, it was heading towards a aztec's drivers window. It hit at the top of the window and went inside of the car and landed in the drivers seat. The window was open less than 1 inch! After a few laughs and trying to figure out what to do we diecided to check and see if it was unlocked and it wasn't. He dropped a note in the car asking if the driver could put it in his car, and they did!
daytondiscer said:
2) At Mt.Airy in Cincinnati there is a hole with a road to the right of it, maybe a 250 foot hole straight ahead. I was throwing a gentle hyzer with a leopard but put too much into it. It flipped and managed to dive towards a new mustang with its top down, going about 25mph. Somehow, and im still baffled by it, the disc skidded under the car without touching it.

Ah, you must mean hole 13

Yeah, short downhill hole, often a headwind to help your disc glide toward the road.
I need to develop a shot I can consistantly park the hole with.
Putters usually get turned over by the wind, rocs have a tendancy to go too far and hit cars in the parking lot below. A low tommy might be the ticket.

Hey, has anyone ever broke a car window with a disc?
Hmm so many, where to start...

1) My home course ( grand woods) is often used for cross country by the local schools. Half of these people I don't think even know what disc golf is, or much less care. Anyways, hole 18 is a blind downhill shot approx 300 ft. We yelled to see if it was clear...no answer. I wasn't feeling the putter that day so I threw a Roc instead. Toss it out there on a hyzer line, guy with me is like dude that's too far, I'm thinking nah it's ok. Out of no where we hear this loud "thud" we both look at each other like huh, there is no way that had enough power to hit the parking lot. Get down there and parked 5ft behind the basket is the ass end of a school bus. The bus driver and a couple of other people were standing there waiting for us holding my disc. They proceed to give us
this long lecture about how we could have hit someone, blah blah.

2) Hole #6, Grand Woods. It's a water hole, basket is on a peninsula. Local pain in the ass is out in the pond trying to find discs to sell for beer money(Drunk Dave if anyone is familiar with grand woods). I step on the pad and tell him four, since when it isn't frozen over I throw a skip shot off the water. He proceeds to do his normal complaining and yelling, saying I won't make it that far blah blah. I let a nice low sidearm Orc go and proceed to skip it off the water a couple of feet behind his head. He ducks under the water and comes up swearing up a storm. I...um swear....I umm..wasn't aiming for him...honest.

3) Hole #1 at MSU, pretty straight shot, maybe 300ish or so. Road on the right side and behind the basket. Me and a friend are getting ready to tee off and two people on bikes park behind the basket to watch us throw. We yelled four, they waved us on to go ahead. We yelled up that they were in a really bad area, still nothing. Buddy tees off first and drops it a couple of feet behind the basket, semi close to them. They didn't move. I step up and yell four, still nothing so I let a Roc fly.

Before I continue...Roc lovers please look away..this might be painfull.

Anyways I let it go..it's a nice hyzer line, it's headed for the basket..or so I thought. My beautiful, seasoned 9x KC Roc smacks the guys front bike wheel..directly in the spokes. Guy gets off his bike, we run up there he starts bitching to us about it. We both apologized but he didn't want to hear it. His yelling got the cop's attention that was sitting in the parking lot. We explained what happened, and with the cop there we worked everything out. Total damage? Three spokes were broke and two more were bent...the Roc on the other hand...four large chunks taken out on the rim, and a deep gouge on the flight plate from what we guessed was a broke spoke.
Scariest throw for me:

I had just bought my Scion TC, still in the babying stage. I took it to Glen Hilton Park in Hickory NC and parked in the closest spot near the teepad of hole one. After throwing a bunch of practice shots on the first hole, my buddy and I decided to throw from way behind the basket and back at the teepad, not for distance, just for accuracy, the closest to the pad wins. My friend really rips one and catches the perfect windstream and we watch the disc sail and sail, headed right for my new car. It hits the ground about 4 feet in front of the car and skips over the hood, completely missing my car. I run to my car, to make sure it is ok and another disc golfer is standing there shaking his head, tells me he couldn't see any space between the car and the disc...

Needless to say, when I park there I don't throw back towards the teepad anymore!
27 at De La. Threw a putter that caught a bunch of updrafts, heads straight for the parking lot. Yell "Fore Parking Lot!" like a madman. I get down to the pin to see a pickup truck pulling out of the lot, my putter lodged between the bumper and the tailgate at a 45 degree angle.... Driver nicely stops and lets me pry my putter out of his truck... No damage to either the truck or the putter =)
Beetard said:
Hey, has anyone ever broke a car window with a disc?

Signs point to yes:

Being a lefty, I've almost hit a few cars on hole #14 at La Mirada. If I don't put enough hyzer or there's too much of a headwind (and I'm throwing my Starfire instead of my Firebird) it ends up turning over and ends up in the street.

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