Muskegon, MI

Boom Park

2.45(based on 5 reviews)
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Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 316 played 268 reviews
0.50 star(s)

That Time Jukeshoe Stumbled into the 10th Circle of Hell 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2022 Played the course:once


- 10 baskets, 10 pads, 10 signs telling you the deal. Why 10? I dunno, cram 'em in 'til ya run outta space, I guess...
- This course plays in a circle around a circular road that comprises the park. The outer bounds is a marshy waterway, pond? River? The tall reeds make it difficult to tell exactly. I didn't want to get too close and give 'er a look, to be honest.


- Well for starters there was the guy outside his car fondling himself near hole #1. He didn't seem at all put out by my appearance. In fact, not sure he even saw me.
- There's no god damn parking for this course...what the hell?
The trick is to exit the park, cross over the bridge and hit Ottawa St (1st right, IIRC). Then, park as close to Boom as you can, it's still a bit of walk.
- Repetitive. Large chance of losing discs if playing "honest"... otherwise it's just a bunch of super lame putter layups to manage the course, and avoid creepy dudes oblivious to their surroundings.

Other Thoughts:

- Good Heavens, why did someone decide the Hell that is Boom Park would make a Paradise on Earth?
- Probably not the safest neighborhood to be abandoning your car and walking toward creepy peeps.
- Made me pine for the halcyon days of Rocket 3....
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