Dayton, WY

Scott Bicentennial Park

Permanent course
2.255(based on 2 reviews)
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Scott Bicentennial Park reviews

5 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.7 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Small Town Course Is Interesting And Fun, Too! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 9, 2021 Played the course:once


The small town of Dayton, Wyoming is just about six miles off the interstate 90. Scott Park is a great little small town park which has much to offer. There's a fire watch bell tower, skate park, ball fields, a dog park, tennis courts, a great little walking path and more. There's a beer keg suspended between two poles where the volunteer fire department squirts water in competition with another department and tries to push the keg with their hoses.

At the start is a nice course map which is worth taking a picture of. The tee pads are these tiny tear shaped concrete which are just over five long. They actually work here. The signs are basic and have a sponsor. Discatcher baskets with the yellow band and a number on top are fine.

The course starts by the parking lot, plays by the tennis court and then past the dog mark, into the woods before coming out on hole 7. It's a total rec course with a couple of interesting shots thrown in. There's a couple shorter holes under 200' and only one over 300'. I thought # 4 at 348' was different as the fairway splits about halfway. # 5 is a little shortie which requires kind of a blind tomahawk over a thicket of small trees and bushes. # 7 is a tight technical 278' throw through the woods but over a fallen tree.


The cons aren't major but many are common on most nine hole recreational courses.

Rec distances and challenges.

Tiny little weird tee pads.

Most players won't need their driver.

Only nine holes.

Other Thoughts:

On this simple little course, I managed to get totally off track when I reached # 5, I spot this basket on the other side of the dog pen requiring an annie. I thought! "Looks like a cool hole." The problem was this is the hole where you throw over the thicket and I threw over the dog pen in the opposite direction. It took me a few minutes to figure out my error here.

For a simple small town course, this makes a fun little layover on your flight down Interstate 90. It you do make the stop in Dayton, you'll probably want to skip the Connor Battlefield that's in Dayton. It's not worth a look. Save your US Calvary versus the Plains Indian battlefields for General George Armstrong Custer's famous Battle at the Little Bighorn site about 60 miles farther west on I-90.
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11 0
Jah Plastifari
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 41.7 years 253 played 35 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Fairly Challenging 9-Hole 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 7, 2021 Played the course:once


Good use of the land available

Trees and high brush for obstacles

Two cool framed tee shots - 7 and 9

Good mix of shot shapes for tee shots

Decent level of challenge for a 9-hole course

Concrete triangle shape tees around 4' per side with the front side perpendicular to the line of play

Tee signs with distance and a graphic of the hole

Map of the course at the starting area

Course loops back to parking lot


Holes 2 & 3 play fairly tight with fences on both sides of the fairway with the potential for a stray shot to leave the property

Some tree and brush trimming would help the course play better

Fairly short

Mostly flat

Other Thoughts:

This is a decent 9-hole course with some challenging tee shots. It is more geared towards intermediate to advanced in challenge than beginners.

It is a course that I would stop and play again the next time I'm passing by if time permits.
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