Recent content by 1-UP

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    Michigan New Course Updates

    Kiwanis Outdoor Center in Battle Creek put in signs for all holes and pads for the short layout this year. Looking at doing longs next year but I am a bit skeptical we will get all 18 in - that was a pretty intense job!
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    New shallow mids from Prodiscus

    Oh dang! This is unexpected but pleasant news! Love me some Prodiscus and love me some shallow discs!
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    Michigan New Course Updates

    He is definitely an amazing guy! The area is sooo much better for having him. I really appreciate how he has been a constant over the years - helps like crazy to establish things.
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    Michigan New Course Updates

    It is possible Kzoo has some bench left for volunteers - I may have spoken out of turn there. I just know Larry has been busy enough that he triages a bit. Battle Creek is definitely stretched. Volunteers show up, but we could use two-three times attendance rates. Lots of guys say they will...
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    Michigan New Course Updates

    Sort of in limbo I think. Volunteer core has been pretty stretched in the area. Leagues getting chased out sort of deprioritized things I think. That said, the park does sound like they want to improve/maintain the park. As usual, just need more folks to step up. Seems like everything is...
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    Michigan New Course Updates

    Kiwanis Outdoor Center in Battle Creek is officially open! Would post more but I am BUSHED. Long day celebrating the opening!
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    Michigan New Course Updates

    Kiwanis Outdoor Center in Battle Creek will have its Grand Opening Sept 30th. Working on pads for it still as well as clearing out a few areas prior to the event. Won't have concrete for all of it but...
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    Michigan New Course Updates

    Oof, I feel this comment in my bones! Almost done putting in a course into semi-raw forest (there are trails at least) and the amount of work required is incredible. The frustrating thing is I could kind of sort of get volunteers initially for a few hours in the beginning. Thing is it takes...
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    Michigan New Course Updates

    South is more interesting than North imo. Of course, you could get a cart and play both....
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    Basket Security - Best tips n tricks?

    Vibrates like hell. Things that vibrate don't cut easy - it moves instead of tears. Also noisy.
  11. 1

    Michigan New Course Updates

    Kiwanis Outdoor Center in Battle Creek received its baskets this week! 5 holes left to clear and concrete pads to be laid still. Debating on installing the baskets asap and opening the course possibly as early as late July/Early August or waiting until we lay pads and refine things a bit and...
  12. 1

    Michigan New Course Updates

    Sneak Peak event at Kiwanis Outdoor Center in Battle Creek. Got the first 12 holes cut in and playable, long and short! Saturday the 27th from 9-5. If you don't make it out tomorrow the course should be open late summer/early fall. Rumor is baskets are in country so hopefully can start...
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    Michigan New Course Updates

    Kiwanis Outdoor Center in Battle Creek has the front 9 cut in. Back 9 work will commence shortly. If we keep pace, course should be up and running by July. We will be hosting a preview event May 27th with temp baskets for the first 9 long and putter layouts. Can't really complain with how...
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    Michigan New Course Updates

    The Battle Creek Kiwanis have approved the installation of an 18 hole course at their outdoor education center. It will be just south of 94 near exit 97, 10 minutes or so east of Coldbrook. It's a beautiful piece of property that is rife with mature woods, Minges Creek, moderate elevation...
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    Michigan New Course Updates

    Of course it does! That said, I can't think of an area that couldn't use more courses as a rule. The more the better! :D