elevated plastic Apr 25, 2012 Right on. I'm always lookin for star xd's not darts. What part of nor cal are you?
jimbosprint Apr 22, 2012 Bring that lake rake next time you make it out here. I gotta see that thing work.
Huk Finn Apr 6, 2012 I'm signed up for Masters Cup at Dela. Probably Frying Pan (stockton) Waiting to see when the Safari is. I gotta new baby coming soon and I'm going to Africa in August. I'm trying to get 3 tourneys in.
I'm signed up for Masters Cup at Dela. Probably Frying Pan (stockton) Waiting to see when the Safari is. I gotta new baby coming soon and I'm going to Africa in August. I'm trying to get 3 tourneys in.
Connor Jones Sep 11, 2011 Oh....:| Well the sim is going to be baller so it's all good. And yeah,I know my SB is so close,within two weeks I would imagine,I can hardly stand it at this point,I might explode with joy!
Oh....:| Well the sim is going to be baller so it's all good. And yeah,I know my SB is so close,within two weeks I would imagine,I can hardly stand it at this point,I might explode with joy!
Connor Jones Sep 11, 2011 WE WILL RECEIVE OUR SILVERBACKS SOOOON,and we can be happy once again in this miserable world.
jimbosprint May 13, 2011 Looks like we are getting an early start, leaving Chico a little after 7am. I'll call you after I pass Clearlake.
Looks like we are getting an early start, leaving Chico a little after 7am. I'll call you after I pass Clearlake.
jimbosprint May 12, 2011 I'm headed to Boonville tomorrow for the Beerfest, and I think I want to play Lake Mendo or Low Gap on the way. Suggestions? Want to play?
I'm headed to Boonville tomorrow for the Beerfest, and I think I want to play Lake Mendo or Low Gap on the way. Suggestions? Want to play?