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I have sent many messages to this site but no reply. Anyone with any real help on here?


Course Owner at the Black Widow
Premium Member
Aug 6, 2021
I have sent many messages but no reply from this site for months now - How does someone get site help - I run a course and can't get reviews threw - over 4 players now have told me their review wasn't allowed threw. Saying server error. What is the fix?
With the site refresh that's been happening over the last year or so, they've had their hands full. They're still working through the list of things the premium and longtime users have been asking for. I agree that it would be nice if they were more responsive, but to some degree you get what you pay for.

It seems like I see a new review or two for your course every week or so. Without checking, I'd say your course has gotten more reviews on here than any other course since the hubub a few months back.
So your saying they respond if I'm a paying member? $30 - Why don't they just say it's $30 for any site help. Just trying to understand how this site works. Do they answer your question?
So your saying they respond if I'm a paying member? $30 - Why don't they just say it's $30 for any site help. Just trying to understand how this site works. Do they answer your question?
I don't think Count speaks for this site or the ownership. I agree that long time users and paying members likely give more frequent feedback and make more personal requests. I don't believe they are provided special treatment or priority. [Probably what he was trying to say]

I would wait for a response here. Maybe start a new thread with your specific issue stated in the thread title and a very detailed description of the issue in a post.
Can someone join and start submitting reviews right away? I thought there was a minimum time or something.

Pretty sure there used to be a FAQ for that sort of thing . . . 😉
I don't think Count speaks for this site or the ownership. I agree that long time users and paying members likely give more frequent feedback and make more personal requests. I don't believe they are provided special treatment or priority. [Probably what he was trying to say]

I would wait for a response here. Maybe start a new thread with your specific issue stated in the thread title and a very detailed description of the issue in a post.
Exactly, just my (uninformed) opinion. I'm saying that since it's taken a while to get some of those (we think) very important things fixed, they'll get to it when they get to it seems to be the way of things. Hopefully that changes once they get over the hump.

I'm not saying that paying members should be prioritized necessarily, but a few of us have been stating openly that we won't renew premium until the site is back to functioning like it should and listed which items we were most concerned with. The hope was that a (small) financial incentive would get the ball rolling. Most of the features that were important to me have actually been getting fixed over the last week or so and it's about time to follow through on my end.
I have sent many messages but no reply from this site for months now - How does someone get site help - I run a course and can't get reviews threw - over 4 players now have told me their review wasn't allowed threw. Saying server error. What is the fix?
I would also consider encouraging golfer to write some reviews with a bit of substance. Thoughtful descriptions of their round at your place. What is available, what they enjoyed, what is missing...... This is, after all, Disc Golf Course REVIEW. Not Disc Golf Course RATING.
I'm so unfamiliar with the mod side of courses and reviews unfortunately I'm currently unable to assist the backlog for the time being.

We're aware thank you for being patient.
Last edited:
I usually just send @greens a message or tag him like I just did. He can't be everywhere and see every post, this seems to be the best way to get his attention. I've found Greens to be very responsive.
Hi @smileygrigg

First, no one has to pay anything to get support. Do I wish more folks were supporters? Without a doubt, I'm not too fond of ads.

Let's chat for a few seconds about your course. It's great that you have a course. Undoubtedly, you've put a lot of effort into building your course. I wouldn't expect less from someone who has already given so much to this country. Thank you again for your service.

You've had folks sign up and simply leave you a 5-star rating with basic reviews. They are flagged as spam. As far as server errors, the site is up, so without the exact error I can't diagnose the error. If you can provide it, I will look into it right away.

Hi @smileygrigg

First, no one has to pay anything to get support. Do I wish more folks were supporters? Without a doubt, I'm not too fond of ads.

Let's chat for a few seconds about your course. It's great that you have a course. Undoubtedly, you've put a lot of effort into building your course. I wouldn't expect less from someone who has already given so much to this country. Thank you again for your service.

You've had folks sign up and simply leave you a 5-star rating with basic reviews. They are flagged as spam. As far as server errors, the site is up, so without the exact error I can't diagnose the error. If you can provide it, I will look into it right away.



  • errordgcr.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 2
What time and date did this occur? I can't tell from the screenshotS
Not sure 100% but evening hours in the last 10 days, I can double check with the person leaving review if needed.
Please, I can't track this error down without it.
Thank you for this info and patience. This has been corrected.
That review doesn't meet the requirements of this site. Ignoring two of the three sections means the review won't go through.
That review doesn't meet the requirements of this site. Ignoring two of the three sections means the review won't go through.

I guess I don't know all the rules for submitting reviews. Is that weird having written over 500 myself? All three sections were technically "filled out" though. Barely, but filled out. Didn't even mention how amazing the owner is and there's a Tiki course onsite. That's usually the "Other thoughts"

Vibing Red Alert GIF by Vibeheads
I'm so unfamiliar with the mod side of courses and reviews unfortunately I'm currently unable to assist the backlog for the time being.

We're aware thank you for being patient.
Oooo. I want in on that!

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