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Illianasconsinigan Members (Part III)

*B.G. is extinct and not to be mentioned*

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I was at Rollin' Ridge a most of the weekend. Followed top pro card more than half of the round yesterday. Ridge ate up even the pros from long to long. Make a road trip...
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*B.G. is extinct and not to be mentioned*

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Nicely done on the Bg angle, Paulie! :hfive: But it's two weeks, not one...check with Mike re: date just to make sure we're all on the same page! ;) :)
Played shady oaks and black bear today didnt get bit by one mosquito all day. All n all it was a good day but I slipped n pulled my groin on an awkward shot in the last round.
lol it was fun tho haha. I won a 50/50 ctp for $52 and then i went to the shorewood liquor store and found 2 4 chain magnets and some other cool stuff. But other than that I suck at discgolfing at highland
Anna Page South will still be a bit, some of the fairways are knee high poison ivy. I recall some talk about a club event to determine final basket positions and the park district forestry mower should be going through again. Offhand I don't remember specifics. Intent was to try and have it playable by the end of summer but there's a bunch of work still out there.

Which part of the park exactly is/will be the third course?
Which part of the park exactly is/will be the third course?

It'll be the south course. Here's an early proposal draft, not sure if it's going to be exactly like this, but I doubt it will be much different.

Anna Page South will still be a bit, some of the fairways are knee high poison ivy. I recall some talk about a club event to determine final basket positions and the park district forestry mower should be going through again. Offhand I don't remember specifics. Intent was to try and have it playable by the end of summer but there's a bunch of work still out there.

Edit: Double post by accident.
if you decide to play Antioch be careful at 17s tee. I was attacked by bees or wasps...not sure. There were swarming all over the back of the tee.
if you decide to play Antioch be careful at 17s tee. I was attacked by bees or wasps...not sure. There were swarming all over the back of the tee.

You have to be careful everywhere on that course. I believe they are hornets - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bald-faced_hornet , at least that is what I have seen out there. Though there are probably wasp nests out there too. There is usually a few on the first hole if you hyzer out early, plus there used to be one 15' from 12's basket.
yup those are it.
Anyone gonna play the doubles tourney at black bear sept 14th? Also I'm starting to sell discs that I bought that I don't like or can't find a spot in my bag for. Let me know if your looking for anything.

Ps my buddy lost my proto F3 in the swamp on hole 11 at black bear sunday