They arent in your face critical, but to me they are both very critical. The one is directly accusing the dude of contradicting himself.
It sounds like there is more to this than meets the eye so I will gracefully step out of this lol. Have a good day.
The issue with what your posting is slingshots comments are a period.
And the guy is asking a question, and the dude isn't answering is all I'm seeing.
But I mean, if you don't want to believe Sidewinder as well backing me up on this statement, then... To each their own.
The level of defense people will put in on coach t's stuff is crazy, but its so easily just knocked down with just disc golf form basics and common sense.
And they will continue to argue with you about how he's right and everyone else is wrong.
And while you could say "how are you to know he's not right?"
Well, disc golf isn't a 5 year old sport, its a 45 year old sport now. This stuff has all been tried before, and its not the standard. If this was the way, all the pro's would throw that way.
So what happens?
People just throw a hissfit about nobody listening to coach T and how right he is and .. they just shut down.
Well yeah, cause you cannot prove your point.
There is nothing overly critical about the poor copy paste you put in.
He left my comment up about squish the bug for a long while and responded to it going full hype train with his cronies until the "squish the bug is bad" video got posted up, then he immediately deleted it.
In your thing, the guy asks a question and says "to me that looks like a power pocket."
And that's really easy to explain away from how coach T talks about things.
Then the guy asks if he's contradicting his power pocket video.
you can just litterally let those hang.
And the replies from SSDG is a "."
Which means he responded and edited it to a period, or just responded with a period.
There is no harm at all to his brand with those questions on his comments section. They are not going against anything he's trying to teach.
It's not doing anything that would screw up what he teaches or outright say he's wrong.
The dude isn't dumb dumb. He knows how to hype. He's a dude bro.
You know, the guy at the gym, that's taking selfies pumping himself up.
Then posting them on IG to help promote his protein powder, or his workout routine. or whatever.
Thats why literally all of his positive comments are meat heads responding like cattle/sheep.