South Bend, IN

Clay Township Park

Permanent course
1.635(based on 4 reviews)
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Clay Township Park reviews

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Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 316 played 268 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 12, 2020 Played the course:once


- Clay Township Park (CTP), a busy multi-use park, is home to a nine hole course that plays through the edge of the woodlands and around a pair of baseball diamonds. A good mix of mostly open (1, 2, 9), open to wooded (#3, 4), wooded to open (#7), and wooded (#5, 6) hole designs exist here, providing a decent amount of variety in a quick nine holes.
- Hole #1 starts by throwing along the ball field, past a massive old sycamore. Next hole shoots across the road. Hole #3 is clearly the best of the bunch: a long open fairway that halfway down transitions to rows of mature trees that have been planted in straight lines, becoming a low canopy of tunnel shots: take your pick as to which route you'll approach the basket from! Hole #4 is a short downhill ace run of about 100'. Holes #5 and 6 play through the woods with fairly tight and punishing woods and undergrowth off the fairways. #7 begins the same, winds around a bit and comes out into the open for the green.
# 8 is open with a patch of low trees to go up and over with a hyzer shot. #9 finishes back at the ball diamonds and parking lot.


-Multiuse park means some conflict with walkers is going to occur. Hole #'s 5 and 6 especially are dangerous, with walking trails cutting perpendicular through the fairways. #2 throws over the path and road as well.
- A few of the tees are very close to the previous hole's basket. These are also the blind basket locations in the woods, so it's important to call back when the hole is cleared and still keep a look out while on the next tee for incoming discs.
- The wooded holes seem a bit "off" or "odd" or "not quite right." #7 especially seems like a poke and a prayer vs. a real disc golf shot with no real discernible fairway. I dunno, maybe it's just me. I do suck at disc golf.
- Uh...the teepads are, like, sideways.....

Other Thoughts:

- Overall, CTP's a reasonable effort with a reasonable piece of land. The walker situation isn't unmanageable, I'd just be very wary of people wandering directly into the line of happened twice during my weekend round.
- I'd be interested to hear about why the tee pads are, um, sideways.
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