I don't really know what they call them (I call them tattoo or pinup art) people on here seem to know and like them though. You could probably get a couple dollars extra for them.
Thanks for the info about Keith's 2m! That 1 stroke ended up costing me $40.
They definitely ran ching aviars. There are plenty of them out there and they usually aren't that expensive. I probably have around 10 of them. They aren't all small beads but a lot of them are. The ones you picked up are still currently run, but not in huge numbers.
I was thinking the same thing about maybe keeping it for a while. I just got 2 more feldy's and 2 more schultz's though so I will probably just sell the Climo and end up keeping one or two of the others since the market is already flooding with those.
I'm trying to wait until Chris' auction is over so I don't ruin his sale by getting on there and being like "you think that is dark? look at this one!" lol.
Yeah, Chris Roberts. His seems to be doing well so far. Feel free to use my pic! I think I'm gonna list mine though so maybe give me a couple days buffer so we don't flood the market? When were you thinking of listing?
That was one that I had and traded to the guy who was staying with me. He realllllly wanted it and I already had a darker one (his is the second from the left in my picture on the #1/200 feldberg thread).
I wouldn't be putting upside down pictures on ebay lol. That is my blue carpet under the discs though...
it wont update before the tourny so i will be based on a 949 come tourny day. im hoping to go pro by this time next year. really been focused on putting and accuracy. i have a problem with 2nd rounds. i play ok rnd 1, bad rnd 2, better rnd 3, and hot final. my final are normally over 960 rated. i like being the 2nd card assassin lmao!
hoping so. we are having issues with the neighbors. no probs in 2 years....this guy moves in and 2 complaints in a month. i feel like kicking his big....nvm yeah....we can fig something out!
Hey,I saw on the Atlanta DG forums you're going to the monty dubs,have you played the course(and if so what is it like),because I think I might try to get a friend to come with me.