Lol forgot all about that. Yeah im down to play, i start work jan 16th so im open until then. As for tourneys, i try to play as many as possible but not sure what others are near me but i plan on hittin quite a few up. I wanna play the memorial, but i hope theres some before that.
hey man nice shootin at marana, i got some cannons to test out as well, i was lookin to go out friday to himmel park or santa cruz if you wanna meet up
Hey man, I had to change up the DGCR West Facebook page. The original creator had too much of his personal info linked to the page so I just deleted it and started from scratch.
Feel free to post on the wall, or if you have an announcement that you want a little more official, send me the info and I'll get it posted.
Like a dream!!! .. thanks again for that, and the Orc. That Orc is quickly becoming my favorite driver. I can really get on that thing, and now that I'm breaking the 300' barrier, it holds a line better out to 350' than almost anything that I have. I just got a new Avenger last night that I'm going to try today, so we'll see how that compares.
welp i knew u were the guy to talk to in this dept. if you tell me that something's worth throwing... .ima throw it.... let me know if there's anything innova you're looking for. and thanks =)
hey... i should really send this in a message cause it's kinda embarassing.. im thinking about throwing some discraft stuff... no reason not to.. gotta try a Buzz at least... hoping to find a crystalZ... do you have one? i could pay for it/trade you something.. also if you have any spare useful discraft discs and wanna loan them to me so i could try a couple out.... let me know ..
hello dgcr friend.... lol.. how ya doin man? i finally decided to start using this site for more than just looking at courses.... since i've had an id for over a year.... anywayz. talk soon