it's pretty long grass, I guess the croydon disc golf crew is petty big so maybe talk to someone. You will want a turn over disc if you throw RHBH. But the course is fun. My girlfriend doesn't like disc golf but she enjoyed coming as it's a nice view.
Disc is masked and ready to dye, should be able to knock it out completely this weekend. Sorry for the delay, you know how it is, life & stuff, I'm just glad someone called me back after I threw it in the sewer.
Yep, I have the disc -- it's #3 in my to-dye stack, and I have some free time this week/end to get some dyes done. I have done all the design work, which looks CHOICE, but I will have to do some color testing -- green shades are the hardest to get right with dyeing, and I want to get the colors right for this.
You would be surprised, sometimes the transplant talent pool can be really good. Maybe not deep, but good for sure. In LA there are a bunch of Canadians and midwestern transplants that are insanely talented.